Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Disestablishment, Disintegration, Disinterest Made in the USA

Unmitigated gall of a lawmaker

Sorry, America! We are just too profitably engaged in servicing private interests to burden ourselves with your constitutionally-promised common defense and general welfare. 

McClatchy News and sources caught up with a U.S. Senator pontificating nonchalantly on a domestic tragedy. 

chool shootings — 

“I don’t think at the federal level there’s much that we can do other than appropriate funds,” U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is quoted telling a group of Danville, Kentucky, community leaders. 

The honorable Senator expands in the manner of aw-shucks, guys, I just work here! And barely that!  

“It’s a darn shame that’s where we are,” his honor is quoted, “but this epidemic is something that’s got all of our attention … (and) the attention of every school superintendent in the country.”


ith all the intelligence capabilities and alphabet agencies, fancy high tech surveillance equipment, and access to a cast of thousands of experts turned consultants plus all those aides and other lackeys at their beck and call, it is hard to believe that a member of the federal government only recently discovered America has a problem or that it takes another mass killing (besides all the daily domestic homicides) somewhere—in a school, a newspaper, a church, a cinema, a child’s birthday party—to finally get the “attention” of a public servant or school executive. 

It is hard to believe that public officials in Washington or in any state house or municipality don’t know that they, themselves, as well as ordinary Americans, have had, for a long time, a human relationship problem, a character and human sensibility problem. Washington cannot or does not relate to the world without killing thousands of people. 

hy would a person in a schoolyard act any differently when he or she doesn’t get her way or what he or she wants? Washington partnering with CNN splattering blood 24/7 all over wide screens in public and private arenas is a great teacher and modeler of violence—everywhere, anywhere, against anyone, anytime, and with impunity.  

 Aw-shucks, y’all, I just don’t know what to do—from an elected official who has been hanging out in Washington for generations—is unacceptable! Yet Kentucky voters have been entrenching him on Capitol Hill for thirty-four years! 

Kentuckians first elected Addison Mitchell (Mitch) McConnell in 1984 and returned him through 2014 with a term ending in 2021.

In the 1960s, before entering the Senate, McConnell was a legislative assistant to Senator Marlow Cook (1968-1970); and in the 1970s Deputy Assistant United States Attorney for Legislative Affairs (1974-1975) and Acting Assistant Attorney General (1975).

entucky and the nation as a whole can do better, much better. And not to dump on one public servant, McConnell is just one of a huge concentration of cross-party/both sides of the aisle entrenched, often corrupt do-nothing know-nothings couched in easy chairs from Capitol Hill to Pennsylvania Avenue to K Street. 

The common defense and general welfare of America sacrificed to make public servants millionaires.


McClatchy “McConnell says there isn't much federal government can do about school shootings” Daniel Desrochers July 03, 2018

Congressional Biographical Directory

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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