Friday, July 20, 2018

UNDONE: America not Russia prevents possibility of “democracy”

Amidst Washington’s Russia-Screaming, Eric London asks and answers “What is ‘our democracy’?”

’m sure he asks the question with tongue–in–cheek or whimsical exaggeration because he knows, as do most people, that the United States of America is not and never has been a democracy.

In London’s headline, I would have placed quote marks around both “our” and “democracy” because I’m never sure who the “our” comprises or what “they” who process “our” (whatever is claimed to be possessed) mean. Nor am I sure about what “they” mean by “democracy.”  

The true face of “our” “democracy”, as captured by London (part of which I’ve excerpted below with minor edits), looks more like plutocracy, oligarchy or kleptocracy than any democracy of any kind, anywhere.

  • KLEPTOCRACY is government by those mainly seeking or are vested in their own status and personal gain at the expense of the govern  
  • PLUTOCRACY is government by the wealthy or a controlling class of the wealthy 
  • OLIGARCHY is government by the few or a government in which a small group exercises control esp. for corrupt and selfish purposes 
  • DEMOCRACY is  government by the people— the common people esp., when constituting the source of political authority and absent hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges. In a democracy or democratic government, supreme power vests in the people and is exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usu. involving periodically held FREE elections.

London points to salient elements of the USA Brand of (non) Democracy

esperate Dichotomy

America’s “poorest 60 % … owns 1 percent of the wealth”; the “richest 5% owns 67 % of the wealth.”

On any American night of the week, “554,000” people suffer homelessness.

The first inhabitants of America, indigenous people, are “the most impoverished and exploited.”

 Debtors’ prisons (21st century) in many US states capture and confine poor people for failure to pay fines or debts.

Ghosts of a dark past: In 17th - 19th centuries England, colonized America and Europe, poor people unable to pay court-ordered judgments were imprisoned in places resembling locked workhouses—institutions that provided employment for paupers and sustenance for the infirm— until they had worked off their debt via labor, or secured outside funds to pay.
Ghosts of a dark past: “Breaking rocks out here on the chain gang/ committed crime… of being hungry and poor/ I heard the judge say five years on chain-gang… five years labor… /Working and working… still got so terribly far to go.” 1966 writer(s): Brown, Adderley, album “Nina Simone with Strings”
orporate/Government Selective Imprisonment, without counsel, Loss of voting rights

6.8 million US adults, 3%, “are either in jail or prison, on parole or probation.”

Immigrants are subjected to sentencing without right of judge, jury or counsel.

A poor person’s life is essentially over once he or she enters a US (public or private contracted) prison system.

wners of Ballot and Outcome

Corporations in 2017 “spent roughly $3,000,000,00 lobbying [members of] the government.

Mainly corporations and the wealthy who, under Supreme Court ruling permitting them unlimited financing of political candidates, spent $6,000,000,000 (six thousand million) “influencing the 2016 election.”

“Third” political parties or any political party other than the tyrannical Democratic and Republican parties (a singular two) are denied unrestricted access to the ballot, denied voice, denied challenge to the domineering two in public debate forums. Even the two have abandoned actual debates.

orporate/Government censor and surveillance   

90 percent of the USA’s media outlets are owned by five media companies

Google/Facebook censor selective websites by manipulating algorithms and downgrading search results to limit the potential audience of dissenting or differing points of view.

Whistleblowers and publishers such as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange are threatened, persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned, demonized, had their reputations ruined because they exposed “details of US war crimes and mass surveillance.”

urder over learning

More than half the US discretionary budget funds force—“10 times more than federal housing spending; nine times more than education spending.”

Since 2001 the US government (on official orders and budget approvals) has spent $6,000,000,000,000 on wars (violent aggression, invasion, interference, provocation, direct and indirect destabilization) in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

London concludes

“The intense political infighting between the factions of the ruling class over ‘Russian interference in our democracy’ confirms that there is no constituency for democratic rights within the ruling class. [There is no democracy]

“Their abandonment of democratic forms of rule poses a great danger to the working class. The only way to defend democratic rights is through a fight against imperialist war, inequality, and capitalism.”

 have proposed cleaning house and insisting upon a substantively changed ethos for the common good, for society, for the public good. 

There’s no point in crafting new slogans or slapping paint on their faces because the diligence, sensibility, care and competence, the substantive stewardship that is required in domestic affairs and foreign relations will never come from the present entrenched and corrupt crop in and around Washington.


World Socialist Web Site “What is ‘our democracy’?” Eric London July 20, 2018


Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...