Sunday, August 18, 2019

More Adept at Killing Than Caring

America’s NATO v. UN’s GA One Hundred Ninety Three

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945.

s of 2019, there were 193 Member States (some with other state configurations when they joined) making up the United Nations

The mission and work of the UN “are guided by the purposes and principles contained in the founding (UN) Charter.”  
 Afghanistan  19 November 1946 
 Albania  14 December 1955   
 Algeria  8 October 1962  
Andorra  28 July 1993   
Angola  1 December 1976   
 Antigua and Barbuda  11 November 1981  
 Argentina  24 October 1945   
 Armenia  2 March 1992 
 Australia  1 November 1945 
 Austria  14 December 1955   
 Azerbaijan  2 March 1992 
 Bahamas  18 September 1973   
 Bahrain  21 September 1971   
 Bangladesh  17 September 1974   
 Barbados  9 December 1966   
 Belarus  24 October 1945
 Belgium  27 December 1945   
 Belize  25 September 1981   
 Benin[note 1]  20 September 1960   
 Bhutan  21 September 1971   
 Plurinational State of Bolivia 14 November 1945   
 Bosnia and Herzegovina  22 May 1992  Former member: Yugoslavia (original member)  
 Botswana  17 October 1966   
 Brazil  24 October 1945 
 Brunei Darussalam  21 September 1984   
 Bulgaria  14 December 1955   
 Burkina Faso[note 3]  20 September 1960 
 Burundi  18 September 1962   
 Cabo Verde 16 September 1975   
 Cambodia  14 December 1955   
 Cameroon  20 September 1960   
Canada  9 November 1945
 Central African Republic  20 September 1960   
 Chad  20 September 1960   
 Chile  24 October 1945   
 China  24 October 1945 
 Colombia  5 November 1945   
 Comoros  12 November 1975   
Congo 20 September 1960   
Costa Rica  2 November 1945   
Ivory Coast- Côte d'Ivoire  20 September 1960   
Croatia  22 May 1992  
Cuba  24 October 1945   
Cyprus  20 September 1960   
 Czech Republic  19 January 1993 
 Democratic People's Republic of Korea  17 September 1991
Democratic Republic of the Congo
 20 September 1960   
 Denmark  24 October 1945   
 Djibouti  20 September 1977   
 Dominica  18 December 1978   
 Dominican Republic  24 October 1945   
 Ecuador  21 December 1945   
 Egypt  24 October 1945
 El Salvador  24 October 1945   
 Equatorial Guinea  12 November 1968   
 Eritrea  28 May 1993   
 Estonia  17 September 1991 
Eswatini 24 September 1968   
 Ethiopia  13 November 1945   
 Fiji  13 October 1970 
 Finland  14 December 1955   
 France  24 October 1945
 Gabon  20 September 1960   
 Republic of The Gambia  21 September 1965   
 Georgia  31 July 1992 
 Germany  18 September 1973 
 Ghana  8 March 1957   
 Greece  25 October 1945   
 Grenada  17 September 1974   
 Guatemala  21 November 1945   
 Guinea  12 December 1958   
 Guinea-Bissau  17 September 1974   
 Guyana  20 September 1966   
 Haiti  24 October 1945   
 Honduras  17 December 1945   
 Hungary  14 December 1955   
 Iceland  19 November 1946   
 India  30 October 1945 
Indonesia 28 September 1950 
 Islamic Republic of Iran 24 October 1945
Iraq 21 December 1945   
 Ireland  14 December 1955   
 Israel  11 May 1949 
 Italy  14 December 1955   
 Jamaica  18 September 1962   
 Japan  18 December 1956
 Jordan  14 December 1955   
Kazakhstan  2 March 1992 
 Kenya  16 December 1963   
 Kiribati  14 September 1999   
 Kuwait  14 May 1963   
 Kyrgyzstan  2 March 1992  F
 Lao People's Democratic Republic 14 December 1955   
Latvia  17 September 1991 
 Lebanon  24 October 1945   
 Lesotho  17 October 1966   
 Liberia  2 November 1945   
Libya 14 December 1955   
 Liechtenstein  18 September 1990   
 Lithuania  17 September 1991 
 Luxembourg  24 October 1945   
Madagascar 20 September 1960   
 Malawi  1 December 1964   
 Malaysia  17 September 1957 
Maldives  21 September 1965   
Mali  28 September 1960   
Malta  1 December 1964   
 Marshall Islands  17 September 1991   
 Mauritania  27 October 1961   
 Mauritius  24 April 1968   
 Mexico  7 November 1945
Federated States of Micronesia
17 September 1991 
 Monaco  28 May 1993   
 Mongolia  27 October 1961   
 Montenegro  28 June 2006 
 Morocco  12 November 1956   
 Mozambique  16 September 1975   
 Myanmar[note 20]  19 April 1948   
 Namibia  23 April 1990   
 Nauru  14 September 1999   
 Nepal  14 December 1955   
 Netherlands  10 December 1945   
 New Zealand  24 October 1945
 Nicaragua  24 October 1945   
 Niger  20 September 1960   
 Nigeria  7 October 1960   
 North Macedonia 8 April 1993 
 Norway  27 November 1945   
 Oman  7 October 1971   
 Pakistan  30 September 1947 
 Palau  15 December 1994   
 Panama  13 November 1945   
 Papua New Guinea  10 October 1975   
 Paraguay  24 October 1945   
 Peru  31 October 1945   
 Philippines[note 22]  24 October 1945 
 Poland  24 October 1945   
 Portugal  14 December 1955   
 Qatar  21 September 1971   
 Republic of Korea  17 September 1991 
 Republic of Moldova 2 March 1992 
 Romania  14 December 1955   
 Russian Federation  24 October 1945   
 Rwanda  18 September 1962   
 Saint Kitts and Nevis  23 September 1983 
 Saint Lucia  18 September 1979   
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  16 September 1980   
 Samoa  15 December 1976   
 San Marino  2 March 1992   
 São Tomé and Príncipe 16 September 1975   
 Saudi Arabia  24 October 1945   
 Senegal  28 September 1960   
 Serbia  1 November 2000 
 Seychelles  21 September 1976   
 Sierra Leone  27 September 1961   
Singapore  21 September 1965 
 Slovakia  19 January 1993 
 Slovenia  22 May 1992 
 Solomon Islands  19 September 1978   
 Somalia  20 September 1960   
 South Africa 7 November 1945   
 South Sudan  14 July 2011   
 Spain  14 December 1955   
 Sri Lanka  14 December 1955   
 Sudan  12 November 1956   
 Suriname  4 December 1975   
 Sweden  19 November 1946   
 Switzerland  10 September 2002   
 Syrian Arab Republic  24 October 1945   
 Tajikistan  2 March 1992 
 Thailand  16 December 1946   
 Timor-Leste  27 September 2002   
 Togo  20 September 1960   
 Tonga  14 September 1999   
 Trinidad and Tobago  18 September 1962 
 Tunisia  12 November 1956   
 Turkey  24 October 1945   
 Turkmenistan  2 March 1992  F
 Tuvalu  5 September 2000 
 Uganda  25 October 1962   
 Ukraine  24 October 1945 
 United Arab Emirates  9 December 1971   
 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  24 October 1945
 United Republic of Tanzania  14 December 1961 
 United States of America  24 October 1945  
 Uruguay  18 December 1945   
 Uzbekistan  2 March 1992 
 Vanuatu  15 September 1981 
 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela  15 November 1945   
 Vietnam  20 September 1977   
 Yemen  30 September 1947 
 Zambia  1 December 1964   
 Zimbabwe  25 August 1980  


asier to kill than care

August 18, 2019 news

After years of U.S.-led NATO states’ wars, theft and aggression in the Western Asia and Africa, warring states close their ports and a “charity” boat makes news for itself picking up people displaced by NATO belligerents, some as late as U.S. President Barack Obama’s HR Clinton’s legacy causing Libyans to flee into the Mediterranean Sea.

As foreign wars proceed endlessly mostly stranded African migrants find an “unwanted, “no more room for you” on a southern island of a NATO member state — Lampedusa Island whose inhabitants were bombed by the Americans and the British after World War II; and from which, four centuries earlier, the Turks has extracted “a thousand slaves.”

Today, NATO Italy’s head of state (without outrage or action from Italy’s Vatican pope) — having issued strict orders to stop migrants from docking at Italy’s port — wants no part of migrants at sea.

Oppression and war making against people who have been rendered helpless is “presidential,”  “fashionable,” easier to execute by nuclear-arsenaled, arms-selling states that it is to care, to rescue and to make community. NATO is a relic of the Cold War and a U.S. maintained war-making machine.

s of 2019 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was sporting 29 member states (including the 1949 original 12 founding member states), a tiny percentage of global states compared with the nearly 200 Member States of the United Nations general Assembly and the long and varied history of their representation.
Albania (2009)
Belgium (1949)
Bulgaria (2004)
Canada (1949)
Croatia (2009)
Czech Republic (1999)
Denmark (1949)
Estonia (2004)
France (1949)
Germany (1955)
Greece (1952)
Hungary (1999)
Iceland (1949)
Italy (1949)
Latvia (2004)
Lithuania (2004)
Luxembourg (1949)
Montenegro (2017)
Netherlands, The (1949)
Norway (1949)
Poland (1999)
Portugal (1949)
Romania (2004)
Slovakia (2004)
Slovenia (2004)
Spain (1982)
Turkey (1952)
United Kingdom (1949)
United States (1949)

With nearly 200 to under 30, I firmly believe that caring is far easier than aggression. 

United Nations
UN Member States

Reuters “Italy’s Salvini dismisses fears for health of stranded migrants” Guglielmo Mangiapane:  “LAMPEDUSA, Italy (Reuters) - A charity rescue ship carrying 134 migrants, mostly Africans, was stranded off the coast of Italy on Friday as a political battle in Rome stopped it from docking and even the medical conditions of those on board were disputed.” August 16, 2019
DW “Spain invites stranded migrants to disembark in Algeciras” August 18, 2019


Britannica: Lampedusa

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved


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