Monday, March 1, 2021

“International Women’s Day,” “Women’s History Month” Worth Remembering …

Four American Women, Words Attributed to them
Addams - Bethune - Keller - Wells

We know instinctively that if we grow contemptuous of our fellows; and consciously limit our association to [interaction, relations, contact, communication with] certain kinds of people whom we have previously decided to respect — we not only circumscribe, tremendously, our range of life; we limit the scope of our ethics.”

— Jane ADDAMS: American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, author.

Lifetime: September 6, 1860, Cedarville, Illinois – May 21, 1935. Chicago, Illinois—

We have a powerful potential in our youth; we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices, so that we may direct their power toward good ends.” ♦ “The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.”

— Mary Jane McLeod BETHUNE: American educator, college founder and president, stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, woman’s rights / human rights advocate /activist.
Lifetime: July 10, 1875 Mayesville, South Carolina – May 18, 1955, Daytona Beach, Florida—


hen we inquire why things are as they are; … the answer is this: The foundation of society is laid upon a basis of individualism, conquest, and exploitation — with a total disregard of the good of the whole.” ♦ “I like frank debate; I do not object to harsh criticism, so long as I am treated like a human being with a mind of her own.”

— Helen Adams KELLER: American author, lecturer, human rights advocate, political activist.
Lifetime:   June 27, 1880, Tuscumbia, Alabama – June 1, 1968, Easton, Connecticut—

What becomes a crime deserving capital punishment when the tables are turned is … of small moment when the accusing party is a Negro woman.” ♦ “No nation, savage or civilized — [except] … the United States of America — has confessed its inability to protect its women, [except] by hanging, shooting, and burning alleged offenders.”

— Ida Bell “B.” WELLS-Barnett: American teacher, investigative journalist, woman suffrage activist, educator, lecturer, early leader in civil rights activism.

Lifetime: July 16, 1862, Holly Springs, Mississippi - March 25, 1931, Chicago, Illinois—



Reference, Sources: Wikipedia, Brainy Quote
Jane Addams
Mary McLeod Bethune
Helen Keller
Ida B. Wells


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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...