Monday, August 21, 2023

Between Bouts of Weeping and Moaning, Blaming and Bullying Migrants

Consider Prior Harm and Impunity: Successive Leaders, Entities’ Relentless Ruin of Wherewithal

Unchecked Crimes against World Peoples

The Congressional Research Service, billing itself as a “nonpartisan” voice, makes an astonishing set of statements suggesting that officials in Federal Washington and their associates have the godly right to judge the fate of nations: the right to decide what is right and wrong, to determine the means and ends of other cultures and countries; to determine the form and to mete out punishment—while themselves remaining unchecked and unchastened by the proper processes of law and justice.

“In U.S. foreign policy” (subjectively defined) “‘national security’ sanctions can include (without higher authority or consultation with nations) such measures as
  • · Trade embargoes;
  • · Restrictions on particular exports or imports;
  • · Denial of foreign assistance, loans, and investments;
  • · Blocking of foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction;
  • · Prohibition on economic transactions that involve U.S. citizens or businesses; and
  • · Denial of entry into the United States”
Additionally, U.S. individuals and entities reserve to themselves the godly “right” to increase the scope of harm. Acting as judge, jury, executioner, the Americans can attack any and all relations with their targeted nations and peoples.

The CRS article suggests that United States individuals or entities “can” impose “secondary” penalizing “sanctions” on any “third parties” who disobey the masters—by engaging in what hard evidence has often shown to be essential security, economic, trade, financial, or developmental activities with nations and peoples originally “targeted” by the Americans and their partners. (Source CRS Reports April 27, 2023 “U.S. Sanctions: Overview for the 118th Congress,”

Categories of US Sanctions against nations

Part of the United States Treasury Department is the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) which “manages the United States government’s sanctions and embargo programs” against world nations and peoples. In addition to countries as a whole, U.S. Department and agency targets “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDNs) and “Blocked Persons” lists.

“Comprehensively Sanctioned Countries” 

  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • Donetsk People’s Republic (Russian Federation)
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Lugansk People’s Republic (Russian Federation)


  • Republic of Crimea (Russian Federation)
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Russian Federation
  • Syrian Arab Republic



“Countries Subject to OFAC Sanctions”

  • Balkans:


(Geographically, the Balkans Countries are)


Republic of Albania




Republic of Bulgaria


Republic of Croatia


Hellenic Republic (Greece continental)


Republic of Kosovo


Republic of North Macedonia




Romania (southeastern)


Republic of Serbia


Republic of Slovenia


Republic of Türkiye (European side)


[General Reference and World atlas sources]



  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
  • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
  • Republic of Belarus
  • Republic of Iraq
  • Republic of Lebanon
  • Republic of Sudan
  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar, Burma)
  • Republic of Yemen
  • Republic of Zimbabwe
  • State of Libya


“Countries Subject to Prohibition on Military Exports” 

  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Central African Republic
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  • Federal Republic of Somalia
  • Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • People’s Republic of China


  • Republic of Belarus
  • Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Republic of Haiti
  • Republic of Iraq
  • Republic of Lebanon
  • Republic of Liberia
  • Republic of South Sudan
  • Republic of Sudan


  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar, Burma)
  • Republic of Zimbabwe
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • State of Eritrea
  • State of Libya



Composition, Compilation, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...