Monday, November 13, 2023

USA held Hostage by Chain Linked Puppeteers, Profiteers

Deciding Policy, Controlling Thought  

Ingrained Endemic Weakness

System of Corruption in Evidence 

2022 American Israel Public Affairs Committee Purchases across Political Parties
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ TAKE: $8,527,667
Members of the U.S. Senate’s TAKE: $1,430,084

  • CONTRIBUTIONS: $13,428,152
  • LOBBYING: $2,723,081
  • REVOLVING DOOR: 1 out of 10 American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbyists in 2022 previously held government jobs.
  • 2022 American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Top Affiliate: United Democracy Project
  • 2022 AIPAC to UDP: $10,500,000 (Total figure combines organization and individual)
  • 2022 Grand Total Spent on Federal Elections: $26,118,654
Super PAC United Democracy Project (UDP, industry category: Pro-Israel) HQ Washington, D.C.

On the Take, and Taken 
American Israel Public Affairs Committee ’s Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars’ Purchases (group’s individual+organizational payments)

20 Seated


  1. Glenn Ivey, Maryland

ZERO House Years of Service (in process) 118th (2023 – Present)

Total $720,915


  1. Haley Stevens, Michigan

THREE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 116th – 118th (2019 – Present)

Total $681,466


  1. Elaine Luria, Virginia

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 116th – 117th (2019 – 2023)

Total $471,025


  1. Valerie Foushee, North Carolina

ZERO US Congress Served (in process) House Years of Service 118th (2023 – Present)

Total $419,455


  1. Josh S. Gottheimer, New Jersey

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $216,610          


  1. Steny Hoyer, Maryland (Super GERONTOCRAT)

TWENTY-TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 97th – 118th (1981 – Present)

Total $164,613          


  1. Kathy Manning, North Carolina

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $158,159


  1. Donald Bacon, Nebraska

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $155,898


  1. Shontel Brown, Ohio

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $150,670


  1. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut

SEVEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 112th – 118th (2011 – Present)

Total $148,013


  1. Ritchie Torres, New York

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $141,008          


  1. John Hoeven, North Dakota

SEVEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 112th – 118th (2011 – Present)

Total $131,900          


  1. Patty Murray, State of Washington (gerontocrat)

SIXTEEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 103rd – 118th (1993 – Present)

Total $123,650          


  1. Michael Bennet, Colorado

EIGHT US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 111th – 118th (2009 – Present)

Total $116,850          


  1. Ken Calvert, California (gerontocrat)

SIXTEEN US Congresses Served House Years of Service 103rd – 118th (1993 – Present)

Total $110,125          


  1. Michelle Steel, California

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $109,849          


  1. Kevin McCarthy, California (gerontocrat)

NINE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 110th – 118th (2007 – Present)

Total $108,350          


  1. Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts  

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $102,900          


  1. Brian Mast, Florida

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $101,843          


  1. Peter Aguilar, California  

FIVE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 114th – 118th (2015 – Present)

Total $101,800          


In my view 
Those who allow themselves to be bought show themselves to be morally and intellectually Weak, Corrupt, Cheap.

Once the weak, corrupt and cheap (the Bought) are seated in positions of power, they serve their masters in Cheapening (bringing down) 
Vital internal and external Institutions...

Body Politic
Civilization and Sovereignty
Whole Society.

Term notes Biographical Directory of United States Congress
Money Trail Data OpenSecrets,
PAC of PAC United Democracy Project

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...