Sunday, July 8, 2018

“Influence-buying” (not only) “presidential profiteering”

Path Laid Pushed Beyond Pale  

The billionaire in the Oval Office saw U.S. public officials’ established practice of buying and selling public office and, with his enormous assets and appetite for more, he pushed graft to the rafters and gold plated the sign reading public office for sale. 

he Center for Responsive Politics' Open Secrets reports that the 45th U.S. president has kept his assets in a family-managed trust that he can cancel or annul at his discretion, thus placing him and his family “in the unique position to profit directly from his public service.” 

It’s open season. The gates are flung wide. No southern border walls or cages barring special interests. All comers welcome to cash in. 

Open Secrets reports: 

Those seeking to curry favor with (the president) are not only donating to his reelection campaign but holding fundraisers and galas at his resorts, private clubs and hotels—the proceeds of which benefit him and his family.
The Center for Responsive Politics has posted a section showing “payments to the (Donald J.) Trump properties from Trump-related entities and beyond,” a continuing update of “new influence-buying and presidential profiteering.”

Summarizing, the report notes that “No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency”; and, unlike his predecessors, President Donald Trump “has refused to sever ties to companies or financial interests that may pose or give the appearance of posing a conflict of interest.”

raft, corruption, unethical behavior, the buying and selling of public office, a corrosive and insidious presence like train wrecks, wild fires and Frankensteinian monsters once created or ignited are hard to stop or control. This should give pause to potential voters and to the public-office made millionaires ensconced for life in the U.S. House and Senate. But I won’t hold my breath.


 “All the President’s Profiting” (Open Secrets’ posted figures “based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on June 21, 2018.”
Center for Responsive Politics Open Secrets dot org

Property Committee Amount Date

oney spent at Trump properties
1-50 of 881 entries

Trump National Doral Republican Party of Illinois $214 05/30/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Iowa $945 05/30/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Wyoming $508 05/23/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $709 05/18/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $354 05/17/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of West Virginia $800 05/17/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $111 05/16/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $60 05/16/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $891 05/08/2018
Trump National Doral Connecticut Republican Campaign Cmte $945 05/07/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Rice for Congress $671 05/04/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of Kentucky $687 04/30/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $175 04/30/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $405 04/18/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Central Cmte of Nevada $854 04/16/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $1,648 04/13/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $8,261 04/11/2018
Trump National Doral Republican Party of Alabama $854 04/09/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $4,518 04/03/2018
Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $222,071 03/28/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $7,282 03/28/2018
Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansas Leadership PAC $1,102 03/26/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $29,289 03/21/2018
Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansas Leadership PAC $1,113 03/21/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jet PAC $709 03/16/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $43 03/15/2018
The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $16,112 03/12/2018
Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $2,073 03/09/2018
Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $713 03/09/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $120 03/09/2018
Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 03/09/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $85 03/09/2018
Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $7,700 03/02/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $65,396 03/01/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte -$65,396 03/01/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $93,252 03/01/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $87,866 02/28/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Macarthur for Congress $3,280 02/27/2018
Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 02/26/2018
Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $55 02/26/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $224 02/26/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $127 02/15/2018
Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $117,155 02/14/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $65,396 02/14/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Brady for Congress $499 02/09/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $1,211 02/08/2018
Trump International Hotel - New York Republican National Cmte $606 02/07/2018
Trump International Hotel - New York Republican National Cmte $72 02/07/2018
Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $211 02/05/2018
BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $2,935 02/05/2018

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...