Saturday, July 7, 2018

Volatile Regime Unleashed on the World

This made-in-the-USA bipartisan partnering in tyranny constantly squabbling among themselves, deliberately lengthening their distance from reality are 

  • To some a laughing stock

  • To others a raging maniac, a drunken giant, a chaotic cabal constantly threatening their lives, killing their children, destroying their livelihoods, their institutions and cultures, their homeland and their futures
  • To nature itself and to nature’s peoples, a recklessly callous threat

Decades Forming: Character and criminality endemic to U.S. leadership not new

It has been an insidiously moving tide, a deepening cancer, careless of the consequences of its actions overseas — waves of refugees, violent backlash, blood and mines on the land.

A brand of leadership that takes pride in being deliberately divorced from the inevitable consequences of neglecting crying needs at home —
“rich” and not so rich cities, towns and rural places’ impenetrable homelessness, addiction, conflict, ill health, unpreparedness for living-wage work: San Francisco to Los Angeles to New York City to Washington, D.C., Detroit to West Virginia to Mississippi

Crime of Leadership

Human need locally and globally is disgracefully ignored by lackeys holding U.S. public office all the while harnessing themselves to narrow private interests. 

hese lackeys cover their crime of leadership, their failure of stewardship,

with a constant screed of propaganda, 
with a pageantry of public stunts, and 
with a preference for name calling over the quiet diligence of study and hard work, over making a case with civility, clean argument and sound reasoning; and
instead of solving problems for now and the future in respectful cooperation with colleagues—far from the eyes of cameras and troughs of 24/7 noise.

Pertinent news and notes

World Views USA Leadership

“Activists have raised money to pay for a giant inflatable ‘baby Trump,’ which they intend to fly above the city during the president’s visit.” PressTV July 7, 2018

Former Congressman Views USA Leadership

“Former US Congressman Ron Paul says the US is repeating the mistakes it has been making since the time of the US-led 1953 coup in Iran and is naive to think the notorious anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), could be a viable political force.… Did you know the ‘former’ terrorist MKO paid current Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao $50,000 for a five minute speech in 2015? …  Her husband is the Senate Majority Leader [Mitch McConnell]. In Washington that’s money well-spent.” PressTV July 7, 2018

Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco

At any given time … “There are an estimated 7,500 homeless people in San Francisco…, almost one percent” of the “871,000” SF population. The state as a whole hosts “more than one quarter of the US homeless population.” Amidst housing shortages, deindustrialization, welfare cuts, a gutted middle class, high taxes, and gentrification, San Francisco’s homelessness problem reaches to the 1970s. RT July 5, 2018

Entrenched examples in Washington from California
  • Mayor of San Francisco in the 1970s, Dianne Feinstein has sat in the U.S. Senate from California since 1992
  • Representative from California Nancy Pelosi has sat in the House of Representatives since June 2, 1987.
  • Representative from California Maxine Waters has sat in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1991
  • Representative from California Barbara Lee has sat in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1998.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

August 8, 2012 commentary on Members of Congress

“The United States Congress is a Millionaire’s Club at the Expense of the American Tax Payer”

A reason “why half the people running” the United States “are millionaires is that members of Congress are not subject to any of the ethics and conflict-of-interest laws that most public servants are.”

Members of the Congress “can own stocks and investments unhindered in any company while, at the same time, being often in charge of drafting legislation that might affect said company…. This leads to a fundamental conflict of interest because these (officials) are not likely to enact legislation that might hurt the cash value of any of the companies (in which) they and their spouses have personal investments.”

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...