Friday, July 6, 2018

Why not a “Schengen Agreement” for the Americas?

Europe’s Schengen opens gates instead of building walls.

The Schengen Agreement is a treaty that led to creation of the Schengen Area in which “internal border checks have largely been abolished.” The agreement was signed in 1985 near the town of Schengen, Luxembourg; its signatories were five of the ten member states of the then European Economic Community.

he Agreement in 1990 “was supplemented by the Schengen Convention which proposed the complete abolition of systematic internal border controls and a common visa policy. 

The Schengen Area operates very much like a single state for international travel purposes with external border controls for travelers entering and exiting the area, and common visas, but with no internal border controls.

The area today “consists of 26 European countries covering a population of over 400 million people and an area of 4,312,099 square kilometers (1,664,911 square miles).”

War forces migration forces paranoia forces bars

The West’s foreign interference and wars and arms transfers have forced migration of millions of people causing them to flee their homelands in search of peace and livelihoods—either in regional countries or, at the risk of death crossing the Mediterranean, European countries, often to be met with a hostile reception.

he rise in volume of immigrants, a Western manufactured migration crisis, and a few “attacks” in European countries, such as the 2015 incidents in France resulted in the imposition of a state of emergency in France and the reinstatement of border controls at international borders through 2017. Other countries followed: “Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden” in 2018 “temporarily imposed the reintroduction of border controls at some or all internal borders pursuant to Article 25 of the Schengen Borders Code, citing security threats.” 

Wars and Bars are neither accidental nor inevitable. The minds of men and women who conduct wars and raise bars can also tear down walls and end wars.  

Schengen for the Americas

etting aside paranoia, selfishness, prejudice, the mantra of “dreams” and delusions of “exceptionalism” (among other isms) toward becoming a better than narrowly envisioned best — Americans in the United States should be able to see that a Schengen for the Americas just might be good all round:

Leveling the ground of cooperation
Creating and sustaining fair competition among states
Supporting human, social, economic and structural progress
Growing good jobs and varieties of commerce

Abandon the current model of vultures fighting over road kill—and worse: human vultures killing and consuming the kill. A Schengen for the Americas is a far more evolved construct than the current model of killing and eating one’s own kind, even one’s kin.

ne stroke of a pen—backed up with the signed dissolution of the NATO war machine and the crafting of a permanent treaty of nonviolence to end all aggression, occupation and other hostility; signed and ratified by Western nations with nations now in conflict particularly in the East (Far and Near) and South—one stroke of a pen could dawn a new day.
One stroke penning peace and cross-border free-movement agreements would end massive suffering and migration.

Enable peoples of the world to get on with meaningful lives.
Create respect and understanding among peoples.

End the public office, headline 24/7, social media circus — the pageantry of grandstanding, one-upmanship, hostility, threat and demonization within and among nations, between leaders and their partners, and among sundry sectarian and tribal factions, parties, demagogues, and ideologues.

onstant Care and Conversation are critical—words not war—a welcoming spirit powered by the stroke of a pen. These will set humanity on a course from self-annihilation and beyond renaissance toward evolution.

Some will be outraged by the thought, any thought outside a left/right, black/white, red/blue, yada/yada dichotomy. I’m tired of dictatorial dichotomies!

Why not a Schengen for the Americas?

Wikipedia Schengen

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

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