Friday, July 13, 2018

Lunacy that shames (my apology to) Bellevue Inmates!

Bring on the straitjacket! Maybe some asylum will claim him!

“Democracy Now!” today rebroadcasts some of U.S. President Donald Trump’s Friday outbursts in England “that immigrants fleeing violence and seeking asylum in Europe are changing ‘the fabric of Europe’ — ‘and I don’t mean that in a positive way.’”


What about Mr. Trump’s immigrants—those who are not cleaning his toilets, though one of them might have, fighting his foreign wars, caddying on his golf courses, playing on his favorite sports teams, and picking his oranges?

Adjectives aside, REMEMBER this
Donald J. Trump’s mother, Mary Anne (née MacLeod)Trump, was born in Scotland (1930 immigrant, naturalized citizen1942)
Donald J. Trump’s first wife, Ivana Marie (née Zelníčková)Trump), was born in Czechoslovakia (1976 immigrant, naturalized citizen 1988)
Donald J. Trump’s second wife, Melanija Knavs (Melania Knauss) Trump, was born in Yugoslavia (1996 immigrant, 2001 permanent resident, naturalized citizen 2006, a year after marrying Donald J. Trump).

And not one of these family members, as far as I can tell, was a scientific researcher, a discoverer of cures for disease. None were teachers. None made great contributions either to their countries of origin or to the country they adopted.  

Yet U.S. President Trump maligns one who did: the London-born Mayor of Pakistani parentage

London Mayor Sadiq Aman Khan was born in St George’s Hospital in Tooting, South London. He is Britain-bred and has distinguished himself far above any preferred company of the U.S. president.

Sadiq Aman Khan is a man of working class parentage who has stacked up a stellar record of public service and academic achievement. Mr. Trump never has and never will!  

I like Sadiq Khan’s retort to the Trumpian insults: 

f you hadn’t been there, we wouldn’t be here.”

Unbecoming any head of state, Mr. Trump suffers insensibility and selective forgetfulness of history and current events: British colonialism; British, French and North American suppression, plunder and endless wars and provocations throughout Africa and Asia, driving people to flee for life and livelihood.

he honorable Mr. Kahn:

Before being seated as London’s mayor, Sadiq Aman Khan was a lawyer, first a trainee solicitor at a law firm specializing in legal aid cases then a law partner (1997) specializing in human rights law. His preparation included reading Law at the University of North London (now London Metropolitan University) and then completing his law degree (1991). He took his Law Society finals at the College of Law in Guildford.

Before entering the House of Commons, Khan represented Tooting as a Councilor for the London Borough of Wandsworth “and was granted the title of Honorary Alderman of Wandsworth upon his retirement from local politics.” Between 2005 and 2016, he was a Member of Parliament (MP, Tooting). In 2016, he became London’s Mayor.

adiq Aman Khan is a British politician whose “grandparents migrated from the United Provinces of then-British India to Pakistan” after the two countries were partitioned. Kahn’s mother and father arrived in London from Pakistan in 1968 (the former became a seamstress, the latter a bus driver). Kahn was born in 1970. He is one of eight siblings.

Humility is required.

side from willful ignorance, selective forgetfulness, disconnect from reality, and/or creeping senility, there is just no excuse for the U.S. president’s outbursts. And even these conditions are not excuses nor do they excuse. Embarrassing does not begin to describe the unspeakable, indeed criminal, idiocy, insult littered performance of a U.S. president as he stumbles his way, seemingly drunkenly, through Europe.

Humility is required particularly of those so demonstrably afflicted with severe mental and moral, professional and experiential deficiencies.


Democracy Now! July 13, 2018 News pegs

“In U.K., Trump Insults Theresa May, Praises Far-Right Boris Johnson (recently resigned as UK’s foreign secretary), Attacks London’s Muslim Mayor…: In an explosive interview with the Rupert Murdoch-owned British tabloid The Sun … (U.S. President Donald) Trump claimed that Britain is losing its culture due to immigration….” July 13, 2018

“Meet the Activist Who Called Piers Morgan an ‘Idiot’ for Criticizing Anti-Trump Protests in Britain” July 13, 2018

Wikipedia han

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...