Saturday, July 14, 2018

Plans for Monday in Helsinki Muddied by Friday Pageantry in DC

Presidential aide Yuri Ushakov reported on Friday from the Kremlin to the press

“On our part,” Ushakov said, “we” have no “restrictions.”

ontent, arrangements, format all have been “coordinated and (are falling) in line with our interests and we’d also like this summit to kick off in exactly this format.”


Definite diplomatic efforts preceded the arrangements for the summit in Helsinki and they were made confidentially…. The two sides (US Presidents Donald Trump for the USA and Vladimir Putin for the Russian Federation) reached the necessary agreements and have coordinated all the details about how this will take place.

“Everyone is satisfied with the arrangements.”
  • Presidents Trump and Putin’s kick-off “tete-a-tete conversation” with “only interpreters present”
  • Members of the delegations attending, official “Russian-US negotiations” begin; “most probably (in) the format of a working breakfast”
  •  Presidents Trump and Putin “are supposed to hold a news conference where each of them will make an address to the audience”; and, in “standard format for news conferences of this kind,” each president “will answer 4 questions: two questions from each side.”

he Russian-US summit to be held in Helsinki, Finland, in the Presidential Palace is scheduled to begin Monday July 16, 2018 at 13:00 hours East European Summer Time [13:00 hours Moscow Standard Time, 10:00 hours GMT (1:00 p.m. (13:00) EEST =  6:00 a.m. (6:00) EDT)]. But will it be muddied by Washington?

Friday the 13th Mueller-Rosenstein Show

Twelve Russians were reportedly indicted in US elections debacle. Named were “members of the GRU (Russian military intelligence)” on allegations of having “hacked into the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the (HR) Clinton campaign during the 2016 presidential election.” 

However, an essential bit missing from “the indictment was “how federal investigators obtained (their) “evidence” since “the FBI never got access to DNC servers.”

The February 2018 special counsel batch of Russia did it indictments targeting “the Internet Research Agency and Concord Management” connection had been met with counter charges against the special prosecutor for bringing what “amounted to a ‘make-believe crime’”; that “Mueller was trying to ‘justify his own existence’ and, “for political reasons, ‘indict a Russian ‒ any Russian.’”

n his Friday the 13th announcement, the deputy special counsel’s twelve indictments of Russians again omitted answering the question: 

“…how federal investigators obtained” (their) “evidence” in that “the FBI never got access to the DNC servers.” Why had investigators not pushed for access? The Bureau apparently took the easier route of accepting “the word of DNC cyber security contractor CrowdStrike…, referred to in the indictment as ‘Company 1.’”

Also missing from the charge documents was the name of the “Congressional candidate” who, on August 15, 2016, had requested “documents” from “‘Guccifer 2.0’” which had then supplied the requested “documents.”

uccifer 2.0 is described at Wikipedia as “a persona operated by Russian military intelligence (GRU)” that, though it claimed to have hacked into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer network, had actually released material to the media that appeared to have been “forgeries cobbled together from public information and previous hacks, which had been salted with disinformation.” 

This is the entity or part of it against which Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 of its agents “for allegedly perpetrating the cyberattacks.”

Rosenstein- Mueller 

Former FBI director (2001- 2013) Robert Swan Mueller III heads (May 2017 - ) “the Special Counsel investigation of ‘Russian interference’ in the 2016 United States elections and related matters.”

United States Deputy Attorney General (2017 - ) Rod Jay Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as “special counsel to investigate alleged ties between the (Donald J.) Trump (presidential) campaign and Russia during the 2016 election and related matters based on the firing of (then-FBI Director James) Comey.” Nominated by President Trump and U.S. Senate confirmed as Deputy Attorney General, Rosenstein in “May 2017 authored a memo that President Trump said was the basis of his decision to dismiss FBI Director James Comey.”  

hether or not one likes a sitting president, whether or not one approves of his manner, methods, mania, mentality, professional credentials or competence, the fact of the matter is that he was duly elected under the U.S. system in place at the time of that election.

Instead of ripping up the entire system and creating and maintaining constant chaos in governance—as U.S. leadership has done repeatedly against so many other countries—it is a far better course — in place of fixing blame on other partisans, other countries, peoples, and their leaders—that we fix our own considerable structural, systemic, and human relations problems.


TASS “Kremlin aide reveals format of Putin-Trump summit” July 14,

Time conversion

RT “Mueller indictment ‘aims to spoil’ Trump-Putin summit - Russian Foreign Ministry” July 13, 2018

RT “Mueller indicts 12 Russians for 2016 presidential election hacking offences” July 14, 2018


Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...