Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Speaking out for Justice is neither “anti” nor “… ism”

Anti-Semitism like “racism” and “fascism” is a term slung at people whose ideas or positions on issues or situations differ from those of the slandering attacker. 

ejoratives such as “racism,” “anti-Semitism,” “fascism” — grossly and carelessly, usually narrow-mindedly and self-servingly abused, misused and overused —are smear tactics intended to ruin standing and reputations, not unlike McCarthyism's shattering of American lives and livelihoods. 

These targeted tactics aim to silence, distract, and scare. 

A current case in point is the barrage of politically charged “anti-Semitism” smears being hurled at UK politician Jeremy Corbyn and Palestine. 

he July 5, 2018, edition of “The Sun Will Rise” features a discussion of Jeremy Corbyn and Palestine noting that Corbyn “has consistently shown support for the Palestinian cause.” 

In April, Corbyn “attacked Western silence over the killings in Gaza.” There is nothing anti-Semitic about standing up for justice. Many people “hope that” a Corbyn “election could lead to a more pro-Palestine—or at least less pro-Israeli—foreign policy.”  The UK Labour Party leader “has visited the Al-Baqa, a refugee camp in Jordan.”  

Despite silencing tactics, facts are on the faces of force and fear.


uffering Unending Terror

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “Protection of Civilians” Report June 19 June – July 2, 2018:
Israeli settlers reportedly uprooted, burned or vandalized 4,175 trees since the turn of 2018. This was reportedly a monthly average increase of “48% and 404%” compared with the two immediately preceding years.
“Israeli settlers stoned three Palestinian houses and, in subsequent clashes, injured six Palestinians including two children the Israeli-controlled H2 area of Hebron city.”
Settlers in other stone-throwing incidents injured another five Palestinians and damaged three vehicles.
In two neighboring Palestinian communities at risk of forcible transfer in the hills east of Jerusalem, Israel officials in recent days have intensified their aggression. The Israeli government “declared the Khan Al Ahmar – Abu Al Helu area” a ‘closed military zone’” and brought “heavy construction equipment” … on to the site. Israeli authorities on July 4, 2018, in Abu Nuwar “demolished 19 structures, including 9 homes” causing the displacement of “51 people among them 33 children.”


leeing to Jordan

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Report Published on  June 20, 2018 - Azraq Refugee Camp (June 2018) UNHCR Jordan Factsheet:
REFUGEES: 40,092 total of concern; 36,699 registered
CHILDREN: 59.68% of these 278 unaccompanied minors.
DISABLED people: 1,288 of these 37.23% children.
FEMALE heads of household: 8,823 shelters 3 in 10 headed by women.
REFUGEE SHELTERS since the 2014 opening of Azraq Camp: 10,479 have been built.



PressTV “What can we expect from Jeremy Corbyn when it comes to Palestine?” July 5, 2018 https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/07/05/567140/What-can-we-expect-from-Jeremy-Corbyn-when-it-comes-to-Palestine

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “Protection of Civilians Report June 19 June -July 2, 2018” Relief Web July 2, 2018 https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/protection-civilians-report-19-june-2-july-2018

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees “Jordan Factsheet: Azraq Refugee Camp (June 2018)” Relief Web June 20, 2018 https://reliefweb.int/report/jordan/unhcr-jordan-factsheet-azraq-refugee-camp-june-2018

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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