Saturday, November 3, 2018

Decide Who, What We Are by “Values” Practiced not preached

A Long Look at American-perpetrated Massacre 1777 - 2018

Massacre USA Domestic


ea to Shining Sea

Note: massacre listed here means 10 or more deaths; the list is not exhaustive; and the Unabomber is under 10 deaths but listed because of its unusual nature.

Latter 20th, Early 21st Centuries Very Briefly

  • 1978 and 1995 Serial Unabomber: 3 dead;  23 injured
  • April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing: 168 dead (est.); 680 injured
  • October 1, 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting: 58 dead; 851 injured
  • October 27, 2018 Synagogue mass shooting (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania): 11 dead; 7 injured
Long history of Domestic Massacre

  • 1777 Paoli massacre (near Paoli, Pennsylvania, British Soldiers v Patriots): 61 dead
  • 1778 Baylor Massacre: 15 dead; 54 captured or wounded by British
  • 1780 Waxhaw massacre (Lancaster, South Carolina, British v American Revolutionary soldiers) 118 dead; 150 injured; 53 captured
  • 1838 Haun’s Mill massacre (Fairview Township, Missouri, mob/militia attacked Mormons): 19 dead
  • 1846-1873 California Indian genocide: more than 370 massacres 9,492 to 16,094 California Indians dead
  • 1850 Bloody Island massacre: 60–100 dead (Part of California Indian genocide) 
  • 1855 Bloody Monday (Louisville, Kentucky, religious mob violence, arson): 22 dead; scores injured.
  • 1857 Spirit Lake Massacre (West Okoboji, Iowa, Inkpaduta raids on white settlers): 35–40 dead
  • 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre (Mountain Meadows, Utah Territory Mormon Utah Territorial Militia v Emigrant wagon train): 100–140 dead
  • 1862 Nueces massacre (Kinney County, Texas, Confederate soldiers v German Texans):  34 dead
  • 1863 Lawrence massacre (Douglas County, Kansas Pro-Confederate Guerrillas v civilians) 185–200 dead; quarter of town burned
  • 1863 Shelton Laurel massacre (Madison County, North Carolina, Confederate captors v Unarmed Unionists): 13 dead
  • 1864 Centralia massacre (Centralia, Missouri Confederate captors v Unarmed U.S. soldiers): 24 dead, in ensuing Battle of Centralia123 dead
  • 1864 Fort Pillow massacre (Henning, Tennessee, Confederate soldiers v Federal, mostly Negro) troops): 277-297 dead (while trying to surrender)
  •  1864 Saltville massacre (Saltville, Virginia, Confederate soldiers and guerrillas v wounded/captured Federal black troops): 45–50 dead
  • 1868 Opelousas Massacre (Opelousas, Louisiana, Democratic Party opposing Negroes joining party): 200-300 Negroes dead; 30-50 Democrats dead
  • 1871 Chinese massacre (California, Chinatown): 18 dead (hanging); unknown injured
  • 1872 Goingsnake massacre (courtroom shootout in Tahlequah, Indian Territory, present-day Oklahoma): 11 dead; 6 injured
  • 1873 Colfax massacre (Colfax, Louisiana, at courthouse and imprisoned Negroes): 83–153 dead    
  • 1874 Coushatta massacre (Coushatta, Louisiana, political intimidation): 11–26 dead
  • 1881 Pinhook massacre (Southeastern Utah Indians, ranchers, cowboys battle): 13 dead
  • 1885 Rock Springs massacre (Rock Springs, Wyoming, Anglo and Chinese miners’ dispute): 28 dead; 15 injured
  • 1886 Haymarket affair (Chicago, Illinois dynamite bomb, bullets crossfire): 11 dead; 130+ injured
  • 1887 Thibodaux massacre (Thibodaux, Louisiana, sugarcane workers): 300 dead; 5+ injured
  • 1887 Chinese Massacre Cove (Wallowa County, Oregon horse thieves ambush Chinese gold miners): 10–34 dead
  • 1897 Lattimer massacre (near Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Sheriff’s posse v coal miners) 19 dead
  • 1914 Ludlow Massacre (Colorado): 19 dead  (killers Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel & Iron Company camp guards’ attack on tent colony of 1,200 (many immigrant or minority) striking coal miners and their families
  • 1920 election season Ocoee massacre (Florida): 56 dead (Black population of Ocoee, town near Orlando, nearly obliterated
  • 1920 Matewan massacre (Matewan  West Virginia): 11 dead
  • 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain (Logan County, West Virginia WWI gas bombs used by private army and U.S. Troops against union organizers): 10-33 dead
  • 1921Greenwood massacre (City of Tulsa, Oklahoma): 39–300 dead; 800 injured
  • 1922 Herrin massacre (Herrin, Illinois strikebreakers and union guards at coal mine): 23 dead
  • 1924 Hanapepe massacre (Hawaii): 20 dead; 101 arrested
  • 1937 Ponce massacre (Ponce, Puerto Rico police v protesters): 19 dead
  • 1983 Wah Mee massacre (Seattle, Washington): 13 dead; 1 injured

Massacre USA abroad




Mỹ Lai Massacre 1968 (U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam) slaughter unarmed civilian South Vietnamese women, men, children:
  • 347-504 dead;
  • women gang-raped, their bodies mutilated
 Afghanistan (U.S. war) 2001–present

  • War-related violence documented: 31,000+ civilian deaths
  • 29,900 civilians injured
  • Deaths in conflict 111,000+ Afghans (including civilians, soldiers, militants)
  • War Deaths Indirect causes (including deaths in Pakistan) added 360,000 (Cost of War project estimates)

Iraq (U.S. War)
March 20, 2003 –December 18, 2011

  • Underestimated Iraqi deaths (first three or four years of conflict): 151,000 to 600,000
  • Invasion and occupation of Iraq
  • Overthrow of Ba’ath Party government, execution of President Saddam Hussein
  • Emergence of significant insurgency, rise of al-Qaeda in Iraq, severe sectarian violence
  •  Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017) U.S. forces return (2014)
  • Overall Estimated deaths
  • Lancet survey (March 2003 – July 2006): 654,965
  • Iraq Family Health Survey (March 2003 – July 2006): 151,000
  • PLOS Medicine Study (March 2003 – June 2011): 405,000

Documented deaths from violence 2003 -
  • Iraq Body Count (2003 – December 14, 2011): 103,160–113,728 civilian deaths recorded; 12,438 new deaths added from the Iraq War Logs
  • Associated Press (March 2003 – April 2009): 110,600

Execution of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein December 30, 2006 - US washes blood off its hands
 “The Americans wanted to delay the execution by 15 days because they weren’t keen on having him executed right away,” a senior Iraqi official tells the press. “But during the day [before the execution] the prime minister’s office provided all the documents they asked for and the Americans changed their minds when they saw the prime minister was very insistent. Then it was just a case of finalizing the details.”
U.S. military officials tell journalists in Baghdad: “after ‘physical control’ of Saddam was given to the Iraqi government, ‘the multinational force had absolutely no direct involvement with [the execution] whatsoever.’”

Libya (U.S. war)
Libya 2011 and before - U.S. - dominated NATO war

  • April 30, 2011: U.S.-dominated NATO air strike kills Libyan President Gaddafi’s sixth son and three of his grandsons in Tripoli.
  • October 20, 2011 U.S.-dominated NATO bombers attack Libya destroying at least 14 vehicles; killing at least 53 people
  • Libyan President Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi is killed; autopsy not released 
  • U.S.-dominated NATO releases statement denying prior knowledge of Gaddafi’s travelling in the convoy struck by NATO
  • The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laughingly says “We came. We saw. He died.”

Palestine- U.S. allied, armed, aided aggressor against Palestinians, Gaza Strip

  • 2007 –: joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip
  • Military operations conducted against the area
  • Operation Cast Lead 2008: 1,417 Palestinians, 13 Israelis dead
  • Operation Pillar of Defense 2012: 120-160 Palestinians, 2 Israelis dead
  • Operation Protective Edge 2014: 2,125 - 2,310 Gazans dead; 10,895 injured among them 3,374 children, 1,000+ left permanently disabled
  • “Great March of Return” (2018 Gaza border protests March 30 2018 - )
  • Casualties and losses (estimated): 168 dead; 17,259 or 15,000 injured (Gaza Ministry of Health added estimates since July 5, 2018: 1 dead; 11 injured

Note: massacre listed here means 10 or more deaths; the list is not exhaustive; and the Unabomber is under 10 deaths but listed because of its unusual nature.


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MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absen...