Saturday, October 12, 2024

Humanista Feminista United Mexican States’ ERA of “TRANSFORMATION”

Women Leaders
Presidential / Mayoral 
North America South 
(speech excerpts) 

… “Long live the Fourth Transformation!” … its main principles (excerpted): ♦ “For there to be prosperity, it must be shared… for the good of all, the poor must come first”; ♦ “There can be no rich government with poor people…” ♦ “We, the leaders, must be honest”; ♦ “… [G]overnment of by and for the people (means) … ‘With the people everything, without the people nothing’;” ♦ “Fraternity means seeing each other as equals.”



(B.S., M.S., PhD) Mexico City-born author, academic, scientist, public official (positions held) 2000-2006 Mexico City Secretary of the Environment; 2015- 2017 Mayor of Tlalpan; 2018-2023 Mayor of North America’s most populous city and Mexico’s capital and largest city Mexico City; October 1, 2024-present Presidenta of the United Mexican States (Mexico) ♦ (news and general ref sources)


“I will govern for all. … I will place my knowledge, my strength, my history, and my very life at the service of the people and the country. I am certain that together we will consolidate a Mexico that is more prosperous, free, democratic, sovereign, and just. … I will not let you down.… I call on you to continue making history,” Sheinbaum said.
“… [T]he second stage begins, the second floor of the Fourth Transformation of Mexico’s public life…. [A]fter 200 years of the Republic and 300 years of the Colony—because prior to that we have no clear records, that is, after at least 503 years—for the first time, we women have arrived to lead the destinies of our beautiful nation.… [F]or the good of Mexico, for everyone, we will continue with Mexican Humanism, with the Fourth Transformation. … [W]e know that women participated in the great feats of Mexico’s history from different fronts. We also know that women can be Presidents. With that, I respectfully invite everyone to say Presidenta with an ‘a’ at the end, just like abogada [lawyer], científica [scientist], soldada [soldier], bombera [firefighter], doctora [doctor], maestra [teacher], ingeniera [engineer] with an ‘A,’ because as we have been taught, only what is named exists. … [I]t is time for transformation, and it is time for women.…”
“In our government we will guarantee … freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of mobilization.… Human rights will be respected, and we will never use the force of the State to repress the people…. Our foreign policy will follow the constitutional principles of self-determination of peoples, non-intervention and the peaceful settlement of disputes.”

Inaugurated Mayor of Mexico City

“In her first speech as Head of Government of Mexico City, Clara Brugada Molina (sworn in on October 5 as the second popularly-elected female leader of the national capital) “pledged to work with (incumbent Presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo) in ‘building the second story of the transformation.’” 
MEXICO CITY-BORN CLARA MARINA BRUGADA MOLINA economist, activist, public official who, between college graduation (1985) and public office, was advisor to DECA Equipo Pueblo (Desarrollo, Educación Y Cultura Autogestionarios Equipo Pueblo A.C. / Development, Education and Culture Self-Management Equipo Pueblo A.C.) promoting citizen diplomacy and human rights with an emphasis on economic, social, cultural and environmental rights (ESCER) and a rights-based approach to development; encouraging debate, discussion, research and proposals regarding social and economic development, justice; citizen participation; incidents and issues at local, national, regional and international levels.
Public Office:1995 Iztapalapa Borough councilor; 1997-2000 Member of the Congress of the Union for Mexico City’s 22nd district; 2000-2003 Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District for the 29th District; 2003-2006 Member of the Congress of the Union for Mexico City’s 25th district; 2009-2012 Delegational Head of Iztapalapa (Borough); 2016-2017 Member of the Constituent Assembly of Mexico City; 2018-2023 Mayor of Iztapalapa; 2024 (October 5 – present) Incumbent Head of Government of Mexico City

Sources (news and general ref)

American Rhetoric database: Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo “Inauguration Address at the Presidential Swearing-In Ceremony” delivered October 1, 2024, Legislative Palace of San Lázaro, Mexico City, Mexico [Professionally transcribed/interpreted by a human Spanish/English language expert]

Legislative Palace of San Lázaro Mexico City Mexico October 1 2024 Text Note: English interpretation via a professional service. Supplementary work and editorial oversight by Michael E. Eidenmuller. Page Updated: 10/10/24

Mexico City Daily “Clara Brugada sworn in as mayor of Mexico City” MND Staff, October 7, 2024,

Mexico News Daily is Mexico’s English-language newspaper owned by CEO Travis Bembenek, a USA citizen, non native of Mexico (there since 1996)


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
(live limited)
Email: or

Monday, September 23, 2024

MONEY Plays. CORRUPTION Reigns, RULING OUT any semblance of substantive qualification or assurance of democratic participation, practice, or process

If democracy can be bought (which it most assuredly cannot be), what is manifest is fraudulence (deceit, dishonesty, duplicity), total absence of democracy.

US Elections, Contenders, Public Office Bought by Multimillionaires, Billionaires

2024 to date (or reported by August 2024)
Raised by candidates estimated at $1,240.5 million


Donald TRUMP



OUTSIDE MONEY: $278,146,052

OUTSIDE MONEY: $310,408,623

From Agribusiness

Donald Trump


Kamala Harris


2024 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on 08/21/24,

From Casinos/Gambling

Kamala Harris


Donald Trump


From Accountants

Kamala Harris


Donald Trump


From Small Donors (total raised)

Kamala Harris


Donald Trump


                            Big Buyers “largesse”


Multi-billionaire (Approx 7 - $32 B) Native of Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary George Soros founder of Soros Fund Management LLC and Open Society Foundations currently chaired by his son Alexander Soros

From Soros (Soros Fund Management) to 14 and 8 Members of 

US House of Representatives:           $59,710


US Senate:                                         $52,500

2024 election cycle, figures released by the Federal Election Commission for the current election cycle based on data released on August 21, 2024.


Multi-billionaire (approx $14.1B) Grandson and heir of American banking industrialist and businessman Andrew William (AW) Mellon two decades tenure as trustee of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Founder & Majority Owner of sold or defunct rail transport, manufacturing and energy, transportation related brand industries, uncertain birthplace, Timothy Mellon as of August 2024 (during the 2024 US election cycle) had reportedly handed out

… “$165 million” to politicians, candidates or their conduits
In the period January 2020 through June 2024” … “to federal candidates and political committees $227 million”
Open Secrets reports “Mellon has pumped over $165 million into the 2024 election, making him the top donor fueling outside spending groups this year. In July, Mellon made a $50 million cash infusion to pro-Trump super PAC ‘Make America Great Again, Inc’” (source new Federal Election Commission filings show). “This brings his total contributions to the group (‘Make America Great Again’) to $125 million this election cycle, including a $50 million check he wrote to the super PAC the day after Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.
“Mellon’s latest $50 million contribution accounts for over 90 percent of what MAGA, Inc. raised in July. The super PAC ended the month with about $124.5 million cash on hand.”

Before suspending his campaign for the US presidency, the junior Robert F. Kennedy’s “hybrid PAC ‘American Values 2024’ (had) received $25 million from Mellon. Compared to the 2016 election period, as July 2024, “Timothy Mellon (had) increased his spending more than 5,000-fold.”


Top all time recipients of Timothy Mellon's political donations 

Table with 2 columns and 10 rows.


Grand Total









































Billionaire Timothy Mellon has poured $165 million into 2024 elections by Maia Cook, August 23, 2024


SUPER Multinational Multi-Billionaire (estimate $40 B) Founder, Chair and CEO of Casino / Resort Las Vegas Sands and related resorts under various names stretching from Nevada USA to a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China; Ukrainian roots via Boston, Sheldon Gary Adelson had “donated More Money to Politicians Than Anyone Else…” In the 2020 election cycle alone, Sheldon and Miriam (husband and wife) Adelson shelled out to US politicians or candidates: “$173 million,” more than doubling the next highest buyer who came in at “$59 million.”
During the 2020 election cycle, “the Adelsons donated $172.5 million to Trump PACs and Republican causes.” Article by Amy Lamare posted December 9, 2020,

Celebrity Net Worth reported in 2020 that the Adelsons, during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 cycles, handed out “$93 million,” “$82.58 million,” and “$123.25 million,” respectively, to US politicians and political candidates.;

THE TRUMPS (Net Worth Estimates)

  • Billionaire real estate developer, businessman, television personality, 45th US President previously affiliated with at least three political parties and no prior experience in national or military service or public office before 2016 Donald John Trump: $3 Billion (Salary $400,000)
  • Ivanka Trump: $800 Million
  • Donald Trump Jr : $350 Million
  • Eric Trump: $350 Million
  • Jared Kushner (Trump in-law): $800 Million
Last Updated: September 3, 2024
Last Updated: August 15, 2024
Last Updated: June 27, 2024
Last Updated: August 26, 2024

Presumed Democratic Party Candidate for US Presidency

Multimillionaire (approx 8M, salary $218,000) American lawyer, City and State of California and US public official, current US Vice President, Oakland, California, native Kamala Devi Harris

During 2024 Election Cycle
Funds Received from Industries and other Entities

Future Forward USA


Bloomberg LP


American Bridge 21st Century


Greylock Partners


Euclidean Capital


Sequoia Capital


Democracy PAC


Newsweb Corp


Dragoneer Investment Group


Federated Indians Of Graton Rancheria


Alphabet Inc


Arista Networks


Democracy Matters


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


Laborers Union


Microsoft Corp


University of California


American Federation of State/Cnty/Munic Employees


National Education Assn


Priorities USA


2024 election cycle, based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on 08/21/24 OpenSecrets:,
Celebrity net Worth last updated: July 31, 2024,


Writer Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
(live limited)
Email: or

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Mental and Moral Defect evidenced in Singular-Option Acquiescence (PARTICULARLY TO FORCE)

Afoot across the world is a Ruthless Campaign against Cultures, Countries, People’s 
  • Freedom of Enterprise and Industry, 
  • Development and Advancement, 
  • Association. 

Americans’ Acquiescence to Washington & Co’s Lethal Brew of Sanctions-Blockade-Defamation-Destabilization Wars on the World, on Nations' Sovereignty Ensures Permanence of the Unacceptable.

Case in Point 

A Limited Chronology of 
USA’s anti-Russian Madness
View from Beyond the Beltway
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


“The introduction of anti-Russian sanctions stretches back (at least to) to 2014…”

December 24, 2016, US sanctions against Russia … (extension) the second in the past three days… will not force us to change our views….”

August 4, 2017 (Russia) … deeply regret[s] the decision by Brussels to include a number of Russian officials and companies in the EU sanctions.”

September 30, 2019 “We are puzzled by the latest sanctions adopted … arbitrarily … by the US administration …. [W]e urge American politicians to stop the useless and self-defeating sanctions game.”


February 23, 2022, “Make no mistake, we will respond strongly to these sanctions, not necessarily in a symmetrical manner”

June 9, 2022, those imposing sanctions fail to mention that “anti-Russian unilateral sanctions are still distinctly detrimental (to many countries) ….”

July 21, 2022, question: “Why do the EU countries adopt sanctions that backfire on them?”

September 5, 2022, response to the constantly expanding list of personal sanctions against Russian nationals…, Russia imposed “personal sanctions against US citizens.”

Last Year

April 19, 2023, … (into 2024) “… about 1,500 Russians and over 1,000 Russian businesses and companies were put on the sanctions (lists)….”

May 19, 2023 (The United States Government) … regularly imposes personal anti-Russia sanctions on Russian officials…. In response to the toughening of sanctions…, “Russia is denying entry to 500 Americans… consistently apply[ing] the principle of inevitable punishment….”

June 15, 2023 “Let me remind you that the Westerners have been churning out sanctions against our country throughout… (and) they were introducing (anti-Russia) sanctions as Russia was out to ensure a peaceful future….”

June 17, 2023 “In our case, the issue is about 15,000 sanctions, which is a one-of-a-kind scenario…. The sanctions are far from anything new in the toolset the West uses to punish the disobedient…. Statistics show that one in every four countries in the world is under sanctions….”

September 5, 2023 “anti-Russia position” threatens “participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in the 2024 … Olympic and Paralympic Games … among other things… years of illegitimate sanctions against Russia and its people; … also long-term sanctions against our country and people, and companies.”

November 8, 2023 “We would like to talk about the sanctions issue in a general form....The number of anti-Russia sanctions is over an unprecedented 17,000…. The Western sanctions against Russia have exacerbated the crisis in the global economy….”

This year 

January 26, 2024 (blackmail) “Western countries themselves destroyed all the liberal foundations of the economy by imposing sanctions….”

February 14, 2024 “It was not from the East that sanctions and trade wars came…. This happened with anti-Russia sanctions that caused … unprecedented inflation ….” Yet “it is multiplying packages of unlawful sanctions, fueling Russophobic (and) militaristic attitudes….”

March 2024, “restrictive anti-Russia measures were extended once again.”  

March 20, 2024, “The weaponization of science as a sanctions mechanism to escalate geopolitical confrontation is monstrous….”

April 25, 2024, asks “How do sanctions— illegal methods of market competition such as protectionism, unilateral restrictions, illegal sanctions…,” attempts “to hold back the growing cooperation between China and Russia—how do these impositions “against states correlate with human rights and freedoms?”

May 1, 2024, the “US announced sanctions against nearly 300 companies and individuals”

June 26, 2024, US imposes sanctions against Kaspersky Lab ….” 

June 26, 2024, Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in St Petersburg

Negative consequences of 
anti-Russia sanctions for 
socioeconomic situation in 
Countries that imposed these restrictions

Not every country gave its approval; “but the collective West pressed on. … Despite the apparently exorbitant cost of the sanctions for those who have adopted them, the West continues with its suicidal anti-Russia policy.”
“I do not mean the West as an association of people but as the regimes that have joined hands to line their pockets while pushing their people towards the abyss. The so-called leaders of the ‘free world’ are ruling in a world that is free from conscience and, now, money. While prioritizing political considerations to the detriment of common logic and economic expedience, not to mention liberalism and economic freedoms, they are eroding the foundations of their own socioeconomic stability and the prosperity of their citizens.…

“In the past, the EU countries’ future was linked to the price of Russian energy and pricing trends, stable deliveries and Russia’s reliability as an oil and gas supplier. That link has been destroyed. What does the EU have now? It is being blackmailed by Washington’s decision or refusal to supply LNG, which may depend on weather. If the weather is colder than usual, the United States may send more LNG. But if the weather is fine, people might be recommended to move more briskly so as to warm up.…”
    • “Anti-Russia sanctions have seriously affected the automotive industries in Germany, Great Britain and Japan.”
    • “Anti-Russia sanctions have driven inflation way above the planned figures in many EU countries and in the United States and Canada.”
    • “The growth of food prices in Europe has been compounded by the problems the EU authorities created for the Russian producers of agricultural products and fertilizers.” Yet the West continues to talk “about its concern for the future of the Global Majority and needy countries and ways to help deliver food products to them.”
    • Inflation pressure has increased the burden on state budgets because of compensation subsidies to producers, which has further aggravated the debt problem in Western countries. … “The US debt has become ridiculously large, $34 trillion dollars, or over 130 percent of GDP. Yet these people claim that they are exceptional, dominant, civilized and highly developed leaders of the world.”

March 2024 Response Sanctions against citizens of the United States of America

“This list designates specific persons from the executive branch, as well as the business community, the media industry and academia who have regularly made hostile statements or spread far-fetched allegations and outright slander about Russia’s domestic and foreign policy.”
“This list supplements the designation of several American non-profit organizations specializing in humanitarian affairs as undesirable in the Russian Federation for using the United States Embassy in Moscow to recruit agents of influence. It is designed, among other things, to make sure that Washington understands the simple truth that any aggressive move will not go unpunished and will face a resolute response.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at UN July 2024

“Last century, George Orwell predicted the essence of the rules-based order in the novel Animal Farm: ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’ It means that you are allowed to do what you wish if you follow orders from the ruling leader. But if you dare to protect your national interests, you will be declared an outlaw and beleaguered by sanctions.”

“The Americans, having called the entire collective West to arms, are expanding the trade and economic war with the unwanted actors, having unleashed an unprecedented campaign of unilateral coercive measures that are backfiring, primarily, on Europe and further fragment[ing] the global economy.”

“The countries of the Global South in Asia, Africa and Latin America are suffering from the neo-colonial practices of Western countries. Illegal sanctions, numerous protectionist measures, restrictions on access to technology directly contradict genuine multilateralism and create serious obstacles to achieving the goals of the UN development agenda.”

Who Defines 
“Openness,” “Freedom” “Transparency”?

The “Washington strategy” consistently consolidates “US-centric bloc initiatives of anti-Russia and anti-China orientation in Asia under the banner of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ concept— how can an entrenched fortress of “military-political blocs” armed to the teeth “with command and administrative systems … be ‘free’ or ‘open’?”

Underlying concepts enshrined in the doctrinal documents of US-centric bloc rule out (or preclude) any notion or actualization of “Freedom, openness and transparency.”


Russian Foreign Ministry June 26, 2024 “Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, St Petersburg” 1219-26-06-2024

Russian Federation Foreign Ministry March 14, 2024, “Foreign Ministry statement on personal sanctions against US citizens.” 482-14-03-2024

Lavrov, Sergey Russian Foreign Minister July 16, 2024 “Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during the UN Security Council meeting on multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order,” New York, July 16, 20241342-16-07-2024

Russian Foreign Ministry “Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow” July 24, 20241400-24-07-2024

Russian Federation “Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow” “Personal sanctions against representatives of UK think tanks.” August 21, 20241562-21-08-2024
“These organizations disseminate misinformation discrediting Russia in the world information space via publicly available media and the Internet thereby trying in vain over many years to create conditions for destabilizing the internal political situation within Russia and the countries friendly to the Russian Federation ….”

RT News August 23, 2024, “Moscow charges CNN journalist with illegal border crossing:
Nick Paton Walsh traveled to the Russian city of Sudzha while embedded with Ukrainian troops.”

Tereschenko, Mikhail August 28, 2024, TASS News “Russia permanently bans entry to 92 US nationals including reporters — MFA: The ban applies to some reporters from the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the New York Times, according to the statement”

RT News August 28, 2024 “High-profile US media names on Russia’s latest sanctions list
Purveyors of “fake news” were among the almost 100 blacklisted Americans.”


Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

BREAK FREE of Chamber of Echoes—

Hear! Hear!

“Today, the very foundations of the international legal order—strategic stability and the UN-centric system of international politics—are put to the test.” 
    “We will not be able to resolve mounting conflicts unless we understand the root causes of conflicts…; and restore faith in our ability… to unite … for the common good, and justice for all.” (excerpt from UNSC Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov) 

    The exclusionist and capricious “… notorious ‘rules-based order’ … presents a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace.” 
Illegal sanctions, numerous protectionist measures, restrictions on access to technology directly contradict genuine multilateralism and create serious obstacles to achieving the goals of the United Nations development agenda.

Talk and more Talk 

    For well over a quarter century men and women meeting in places from Brazil to South Africa to the United States of America have talked about the world’s most populous nations and peoples’ languishing in want for a few nations and their holders of power and influence to end to their selfishness, plunder, and aggression. 
    In 1992, more than 178 countries met in beautifully exotic Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and signed on to talk about “a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment.” 

    In 2000, UN Member States meeting in the fashionable New York City home of Wall Street signed on to talk “of eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce extreme poverty by 2015.” The latest talk of an end date to human want and suffering is 2030. 

    The focused talk has been around “17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” calling on developed and developing countries to cooperate in “ending poverty and other deprivations” together with taking decisive actions to “improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.”

17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.


Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.




Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.


Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.




Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.


Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.




Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.




Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.


Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.




Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.


Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.




Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.




Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.




Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.





    “… Major fundamental changes are necessary in other institutes of global governance if we want them to work to the benefit of all,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. “This primarily concerns the United Nations Organization, which remains the embodiment of multilateralism against all the odds, with unique and universal legitimacy and universally recognized broad competencies.”

    But strengthening the “foundations of multipolarity” requires active support “not only by the United Nations;” but also “by other international organizations (including the ‘Group of Twenty’ where all countries of the Global Majority and the West are represented) ….” Also important are the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s interactions (representing different regions and civilizations) “… based on equality, mutual respect, consensus and mutually accepted compromises”— “the golden standard of multilateral cooperation involving great powers.” Regional associations (including the CIS, the CSTO, the EAEU, ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Arab League, the African Union and CELAC) have practical significance for the development of multipolarity.”
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States; CSTO - Collective Security Treaty Organization; EAEU or EEU - Eurasian Economic Union; ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations; GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council; The Arab League - formerly League of Arab States; AU - The African Union; CELAC - Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños or Community of Latin American and Caribbean States)
Together with the potential of the United Nations, Lavrov said, “…it is important to develop multifaceted ties between these associations….” The United Nations is comprised of (from 1945) fifty-one Founding Members and 193 current Member States.

Foreign Minister Lavrov concludes

    First and foremost is the necessity of reinstating “professional diplomacy, the culture of dialogue, the ability to listen and hear and to retain the channels of crisis communications… (bearing in mind that the) … lives of millions of people depend on the ability of politicians and diplomats to formulate something like a common perception of the future.”

    With its UN Charter as “our foothold” and “everyone, without exception, honor[ing] the letter and spirit of the Charter…, the body Nations “… will be able to overcome current disagreements and to reach consensus on most issues….”
“Let us work together in the interests of launching the history of genuine multilateralism that reflects the entire wealth of cultural and civilizational diversity of the world’s nations.”

“We invite everyone to join …” in “completely honest discussion.”


“Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during the UN Security Council meeting on multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order” New York City, USA, July 16, 2024 (Foreign policy News The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 1342-16-07-2024)


Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Humanista Feminista United Mexican States’ ERA of “TRANSFORMATION”

Women Leaders Presidential / Mayoral  Inaugurations  North America South  (speech excerpts)  … “Long live the Fourth Transformation!” … its ...