Monday, November 4, 2024

Opposition, Transparency OUT; Election Betting IN

All Pretense ENDED. There is no We-The-People Democracy

When what is essential is reduced to commodities, consumption, and addictions of chance — Who or WHAT among us will end the CHARADE? Some have tried. Many have denied. Most have acquiesced or buried their heads An Appeal for the Attention of a Distracted and Brainwashed People

“Americans are losing confidence in the fairness of elections”

Report findings almost twenty years ago

“We present this report because we believe the time for acting to improve our election system is now,” wrote co-chairs Carter and Baker in the presentation of the Commission’s report (an excerpt from that report).

“Elections are the heart of democracy …, the instrument for the people to choose leaders and hold them accountable. … [E]lections are a core public function upon which all other government responsibilities depend. If elections are defective, the entire democratic system is at risk.”

“Americans are losing confidence in the fairness of elections, and while we do not face a crisis today (2005), we need to address the problems of our electoral system.”
The co-chairs concluded that the entire Commission was “united in the view that electoral reform is essential and (their) recommended package of proposals represented the best way to modernize” the electoral system of the United States of America. They urged with “all Americans, including the legislative and executive branches of government at all levels, to recognize the urgency of election reform and to seriously consider the comprehensive approach outlined (in the report).”

2005 “Building Confidence in U.S. Elections” Report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform
September 2005 Organized by the Center for Democracy and Election Management American University supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Ford Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Omidyar Network, research by Pew Charitable Trusts. Commission Co-chairs Jimmy Carter and James A. Baker, III

Baker and Carter

A Texan and senior-lever public official during three US presidencies (1975-1993), a military officer, lawyer and author James A. Baker, III, Honorary Chair of the Baker Institute for Public Policy

A Georgian and the thirty-ninth President (with First Lady Rosalynn Smith Carter) of the United States, James Earl Carter Jr served in Georgia State and Local public offices, was a Naval Academy graduate and Naval officer, a farmer, humanitarian, author, and Founder of The Carter Center (most endeavors with his wife Rosalynn Carter)

The 2005 Report recommended “a modern electoral system build on five pillars”:

  • Universal and up-to-date registration list, accessible to the public
  • Uniform voter identification system implemented in a way that increases, not impedes, voter participation
  • Standard measures to enhance ballot integrity and voter access
  • Voter-verifiable paper trail and improved security of voting systems
  • Impartial, professional, and independent Electoral institutions

Among the Commission’s eighty-seven recommendations were these

  • That “media improve coverage of elections by providing at least five minutes of candidate discourse every night in the month preceding the election.”
  • That “news organizations voluntarily refrain from projecting presidential election results until polls close in the 48 contiguous states”
  • That “all of the states (of the United States) provide unrestricted access to all legitimate domestic and international election observers (as we insist of other countries, but only one state currently permits)”
  • That the “presidential primary schedule” be altered to create “four regional primaries”

The Commissioners acknowledged that “election reform is neither easy nor inexpensive.” They also declared that the country cannot succeed in this important area if funding is provided only “on a one-time basis.” The administration of elections, they said, must be viewed “as a continuing challenge, which requires the highest priority of our citizens and our government.”

The final report titled “Building Confidence in U.S. Elections” stressed the important role of elections in the nation’s democracy and made a series of recommendations, including:

  • National system to connect state and local voter registration lists
  • Voter identification based on a universally available REAL ID card
  • Policies to improve voter access for all communities, as well as innovations like vote centers and voter information lookup sites
  • Stronger efforts to combat fraud, especially in absentee voting
  • Auditable paper backups for all voting technology

Nevertheless, sixteen years later the Commission and the American electorate at large witnessed “another fiercely fought controversial presidential election (plagued by) … a host of (the same) issues” the Commission had addressed in 2005 “… regarding aspects of the American voting experience.”

The Commissioners again warned that “many citizens” of the United States of America are “‘losing confidence in the fairness of elections’” and that the whole of “democracy” is at risk when “the elections used by Americans to select their leaders are defective.”

October 2021 “Conference Report The Carter-Baker Commission: 16 Years Later”

Critical Problems in US elections persisted into 2024

“Public confidence in our elections continues to wane, and the risk to our democracy is greater than ever.”

Where “election reforms” occurred, “too often their aim was to give political advantage to one side or the other; instead of fixing problems.… The American experiment in democracy is being severely tested.”

“Our nation is going through a tumultuous period of domestic unrest, one of the most polarized in American history. The tenor of our national discourse is tinged with an aggressive anger and virulent rhetoric that threatens to unravel the fabric of our society. Rarely, if ever, do opposing sides engage for an honest and productive exchange of views. We seem to prefer arguing over symbols of the past rather than building projects for our future. And our leaders prefer to bicker among themselves about who is to blame rather than working together to find solutions.
“Nowhere is this more evident than with the partisan gamesmanship played over the very heart of this great democracy — the way we elect our leaders. Too often, those on the opposite sides of the political divide seek to manipulate the outcome of elections in their favor through the laws and regulations that govern how our elections are conducted. Further, too many elected leaders obfuscate and peddle fear about the mechanics of elections to motivate their supporters to vote for their side and to raise money. As this pernicious trend continues, it is easy to understand why so many Americans have little faith in the outcomes of their elections.”

Hush-hush Don’t Tell
What's Going on Over Here

The Commissioners and people with vast domestic and international engagement, years of professional experience noted the anachronistic and self-inflicting harm American deciders caused to the United States and its people. 
Although US officials insist that other countries of the world grant “full access” to “their” (US) elections observers — US officials, within the United States, “deny” or grant “selective access” to “foreign observers” of US elections.
The Commissioners reported that in 2004, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) elections observers had been invited to the United States. But some US states denied them access “to polling stations” and others designated only “a few … polling stations.” 

Of the fifty US states, only one state (Missouri) “allows unfettered access to polling stations by international observers.” Forty-nine US states’ election laws “lack any reference to international observers or fail to include international observers in the statutory categories of persons permitted to enter polling places.”

US Democracy as Seen from the Global South

This past summer (2024), an astute Brazilian journalist made some painfully accurate observations (adapted and amended).

Among the most influential individuals in government and media in the United States, words are empty. Meaning is meaninglessness. For example, while these officials boast of US “democracy,” there is fact no essence, principle or practice of democracy in the United States of America. Tyranny incorporated tells the world (falsely) that America, the USA, is the world’s “most democratic” country. Yet documented history says something quite different.

The practical matter, the reality on the ground, is that eligible American voters (not unlike qualified foreign observers) are denied choice (and potential contenders are denied public platforms, coverage, contention, slots on election ballots). Powerful forces (call them Democratic or Republican or undercover operatives) decide for eligible voters whatever or whomever these forces choose to field in any given primary or general election. No opposition, no argument, no matter how flawed the fielded contenders. Do as you’re told. Take what you’re given. Pretend this is democracy.

Parties and candidates who attempt to compete with the US two-branch political party are systematically prevented by an exclusivist media-government and nongovernment-elections machine.

Few “other candidates” are able to qualify to appear on electoral ballots, the criteria for which vary by municipality or state.

Voting intention polls omit names candidates other than those of the machine-chosen Democratic and Republican candidates. Few polls mention a third or fourth candidate.

In this game of exclusion, a cabal comprised of pollsters, State and County elections offices, and owners of a “debate” apparatus together with the press 
  • Omit names of “other” candidates in “voting intention polls” 
  • Bar other-than-Democratic/Republican Party candidates from participating in staged debates
  • Justify the debate bar by imposing an impossible-to-meet debate criterion of getting at least 15 percentage points in polling exercises (and listed on a sufficient number of State/County ballots prerequisite to consideration by the Electoral College) despite preexisting, standing exclusions from polls, press, and elections bodies.
Notoriously, the US major news press operations fail to cover activities or schedule on-air interviews with other-than-Democratic/Republican Party principals. Even the interviews that are scheduled (with the chosen two) are unprofessional, infantile, insulting to potential voters’ intelligence and thoroughly unhelpful to voters interested in the studied preparation of their ballots.

Although the majority of American citizens have expressed their desire to have a multi-party system, a system inclusive of opposition parties and positions—the super powerful controllers of the US political system refuse entry of true opposition. 
Over the course of American history, any attempt to create a party that is “truly distinct from the ‘Siamese brothers’ have been sabotaged and suppressed by the American dictatorial system.”

Eduardo Vasco, a Brazilian journalist specializing in international politics, wrote in a July 20, 2024, news source post “U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition” “The political system of the United States does not allow opposition, even though the majority of citizens want one.”

Even Worse

It gets even worse. The lack of seriousness conveyed to the American electorate is the commodities casino gaming-gambler’s dream-mobster’s holding the cards and controlling the table in American Elections.

September 2024 US Senator (Oregon) speaks on the floor of the US Senate

“Madam President,” the Senator said, “I am taking the floor tonight to ring the alarm bells for our democracy, with grave concerns about the opening up of a casino for betting on our elections.”
As Election Day approaches, he said, “Imagine this: “Ultra-rich Americans and huge corporations bet billions of dollars on the outcome of which party controls the House of Representatives or Senate.”

“As the election approaches, one or two races might make the difference on whether they win or lose that bet. They now have a huge incentive to spend another vast sum smearing the candidate they want to lose.

“That is a profound corruption of our democracy.”

On the 18th of September 

Senator Merkley introduced Senate Bill 5100 “Ban Gambling on Elections Act of 2024” (118th Congress (2023-2024). The bill’s intent is “to amend the Commodity Exchange Act to prohibit political election or contest agreements, contracts, transactions, and swaps.” Cosponsors of the bill are Senator Chris Van Hollen (of Maryland) and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (of Rhode Island)

The Three US Senators 
  • Senator Jeffrey Alan (Jeff) Merkley of Oregon is a former nonprofit and State official, and current member of the United States Senate (2009 – Present)
  • Senator Christopher Van Hollen of Maryland is an attorney and former State public official, and current member of the United States Senate (2017 – Present)
  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island is an attorney, former Oregon public official, and current member of the United States Senate (2007 – Present)

No one was listening
Or the powers that be simply ignored the senators’ concerns
and carried with business as usual.

Major media and powerful state and not state entities fail to take seriously the notion of democracy or the critical state of the nation and its domestic affairs being reduced to off-site gambling. But the Oregon Senator continued to respond this business as usual, again expressing his alarm over Casino wagering in US elections. “When big bets are cast on elections and dark money can smear candidates, you have the perfect combination of factors to destroy the integrity of our elections.”

Though the Senator placed emphasis on the rich without acknowledging the harm done by and to ordinary citizens (and citizenry duty) when elections are reduced to casino-style on- or off-site betting exercises, he recognized that democratic process and the “integrity” of the process and individuals and overall institutions—conditions absolutely essential to legitimacy in elections and quality of governance—are diminished, even undone when elections are educed “to a horse race.”

November 1, 2024 (the last Straw!

Announced via Print and Broadcast Media
Open season for Suckers and Destroyers: Elections Betting USA
A “platform” called Robinhood announced chance for profiting on US elections “Customers” file an application, meet company-stipulated “criteria”; and if “approved for an account,” proceed to enter a “prediction” on “who will win the 2024 presidential election.”

Is there any wonder that 
“Americans have lost confidence in the fairness of elections”


2024 Presidential Elections Report: Guiding Principles for Election Administration
February 6, 2024, David Carroll, Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams, Doug Chapin, Adrián Carrasquillo Lecároz, Benjamin Ginsberg, Kim Wyman, Nellie Gorbea, Trey Grayson, David Becker, Avery Davis-Roberts This material may be quoted or reproduced without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given to the author and Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. The views expressed herein are those of the individual author(s), and do not necessarily represent the views of Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. © 2024 Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy

Excerpt (editing) from a Carter Center-Baker Institute collaborative report “Presidential Elections Report: Guiding Principles for Election Administration” February 6, 2024, The Carter Center and Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy; authors: David Carroll, Mark P. Jones, John B. Williams, Doug Chapin, Adrián Carrasquillo Lecároz, Benjamin Ginsberg, Kim Wyman, Nellie Gorbea, Trey Grayson, David Becker, and Avery Davis-Roberts

Congressional Record
Elections (Executive Session) September 16, 2024 - Issue: Vol. 170, No. 143 — Daily Edition (Senate) 118th Congress (2023 - 2024) - 2nd Session https://www.Congress.Gov/Congressional-Record/Volume-170/Issue-143/Senate-Section/Article/S6046-3?Q=%7b%22search%22%3a%22jeff+Merkley%2c+Elections+Betting%22%7d&S=2&R=1

"Merkley Presses for Ban on Election Gambling with New Legislation" September 19, 2024, Senator calls election casinos “a profound corruption of our democracy” in Senate floor address Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley today launched a new effort to prevent betting on U.S. elections.

“Merkley Blasts Lifting Pause on Election Betting” October 2, 2024 “Senator Calls Election Gambling a Bad Bet for Democracy”

Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Commissioners listed

Senate and Biographical websites

The Oklahoman “Robinhood will allow presidential election trading: Here’s how it works”
Victoria E. Freile, Josh Kelly, November 1, 2024,

PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
(live limited)
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