Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Once Upon a Time There Were Wise Men: Excerpts from Words of a True Patriot

An Able and Decent Man, a Truly Great American President


A Reflection on Those who Hold or Would Hold Public Office

“[W]here shall we find one, whose commanding talents and virtues, whose over-ruling good fortune have so completely united all hearts and voices in his favor…; who enjoyed the esteem and admiration of foreign nations and fellow citizens with equal unanimity? Qualities so uncommon are no common blessings to the country that possesses them.” …
“A trust of the greatest magnitude is committed to this Legislature; and the eyes of the world are upon you.
“Your country expects, from the results of your deliberations, in concurrence with the other branches of government, consideration abroad, and contentment at home—prosperity, order, justice, peace, and liberty…. [M]ay … Providence assist you (in answering) their just expectations” — American Revolutionary John Adams 1789 —
Excerpt from “John Adams’ Address to the Senate, April 21, 1789,”

American Revolutionary, a founder and patriot, diplomat, public servant and lawyer who, before becoming an American president, had earned a reputation as a man of direct speech and independent mind, a “fervent patriot and brilliant intellectual.” America’s Second President (March 4, 1797-March 4, 1801) John Adams (husband of Abigail 1744–1818), had served as a delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress (1774-1777); as a diplomat in Europe (1778-1788), and as vice president serving with America’s first president, George Washington (1789-1797).


More than Two Hundred Years Later

“Great Cities, great Fortunes and notorious Families are unwieldy and unmanageable objects in Elective governments. Divisions are the inevitable.”

The Former President John Adams analogizes disunion with illness. As is a fever to a natural Body, so is disunion in a City. The City is “a ship …”; “the divisions are the Leaks … through which—while the Mariners fight with one another—the Water enters and drowns all.” The wise helmsman stops those leaks, mends or bridges the breaches of division; and rescues himself without trusting the helm to any other — “especially not to … capricious heads or factious Spirits….”
“When or where the Practice of Caucusing (partisan assembling) began I do not know,” Adams said. Perhaps it has existed “whenever and wherever Elections of any Sort have prevailed in a large Society…. It is a dictate of Nature …, a Necessity…. But demagogues arise.
These “leaders” use popular prejudices for personal gain or political advantage. They flatter and disparage the People: “In one breath telling them they are wise, enlightened, infallible …, most capable of governing themselves”; “in the next breath, practically saying the People … are ignorant, weak, easily (managed or manipulated).”
“Demagogues” demand that “all of you” “of our Party” (our faction) “must come together.” Listen to the dictates of “three or four of Us, your leaders, telling “you what is right, and … whom you can trust. …”
Adams ends by expressing the wish “that some patient Philosopher would make an analysis of all the notorious Families in the United States.” 
He then conjectures that “the severest scrutiny” of such “ancient and honorable Families,” spread across the country and throughout the states, would uncover among them “the most powerful, though secret and in-observed, obstacles to the restoration of order and honest Government in this Country”— John Adams 1805.
Excerpt (minor edit leaving most of the author’s usages and fonts) from “John Adams (letter) to John Trumbull, July 27, 1805,” Quincy, Massachusetts, July 27. 1805,


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
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