Tuesday, October 22, 2024

We Did Not Arrive at This Point Overnight or with Today's Headline Slant or Censor

Hundreds of thousands—MILLIONS—dead, wounded, displaced, terrorized peoples, all kinds of infrastructures utterly destroyed; and USA/Western individuals and entities offer Platitudes and Propaganda, and relentless Transcontinental Trafficking in and black-marketeering of lethal weaponry.

We didn’t get here over night

Post World War II Razing of peoples, cultures and domestic and regional relations, “The Nakba” (“Catastrophe”) in late 1947 into 1948 following the United Nations in cooperation with Imperialist and acquiescent powers—discounting existing populations—partitioned “Mandatory Palestine,” created a state called Israel, and “realigned the borders of the Middle East.”

“Many Palestinians who fled or were driven from their homes never returned to historic Palestine (“much of which is now the modern-day state of Israel”). In the seventy-plus years that followed (so-called post-war years but years of continuous USA-global/USA-proxy incursions and invasions and occupations and provocations and reckless breaches of sovereignty), millions of the Palestinian descendants (IN THEIR HOMELAND) were (are) reduced to living in “refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank and surrounding countries.”

JABALIA “is the largest of the Gaza Strip’s eight refugee camps, located north of Gaza City.” Most of the people subsisting in this camp had fled their villages in southern Palestine after the 1948 Great Powers enabled Israeli war.

The Deciders

October 24, 1945 – present (October 2024) and continuing
United Nations Security Council - Current Permanent and Non-Permanent Member States

  • Non-Council Member States: more than 50 United Nations Member States have never been Members of the Security Council.
  • A State which is a Member of the United Nations but not of the UN Security Council may participate (but is not allowed a vote) in UNSC discussions—when the UNSC “considers that country’s interests are affected.”
  • Both Members and non-members of the United Nations, if they are parties to a dispute being considered by the UNSC, “may be invited” to take part (though prohibited from casting a vote) in the UNSC discussions. The UNSC “sets the conditions for participation by a non-member State.”

Permanent Members (5) 

People’s Republic of China

French Republic

Russian Federation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United States of America

Non-permanent Members (10)
Elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (2025)

Republic of Ecuador (2024)

Cooperative Republic of Guyana (2025)

Japan (2024)

Republic of Malta (2024)

Republic of Mozambique (2024)

Republic of Korea (ROK, South Korea) (2025)

Republic of Sierra Leone (2025)

Republic of Slovenia (2025)

Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) (2024)




JABALIA (Northern Gaza) is still under siege: “55,000” people have been displaced and are “stranded, with water and food running out.” 
More than twenty people in the camp died when a missile hit the school where they were taking shelter. Of the ten hospitals, only three are operational, highly insufficient capacity. More than ten thousand pregnant women lack antenatal (prenatal) care. 

Belligerents are blocking medical and humanitarian assistance (reported by Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator).

TODAY’s News Not Making Major News Outlets’ Front Pages

Diplomat Riyad H. Mansour Permanent Observer of Palestine Representative to UN (Palestinian - American)
“The Palestinian and Lebanese people are paying the price for (the Belligerent’s) impunity.” This is “not war” but “crimes (that) must be stopped…, (and) … stopped now.” In the face of the “monstrosity” unfolding in northern Gaza, “silence and inaction are not an option.”

“We are not powerless. This (UN Security) Council is not powerless. These United Nations are not powerless. The international community is not powerless.” Acquiesce or failure to act “is complicity and surrender….” “The Palestinian people enduring hell did not surrender.” “Neither should you.” “It is time to act.”

Ambassador Amar Bendjama Algeria’s UN Permanent Representative
Belligerents’ contempt for international judiciary processes, UNSC resolutions, and “human decency” is manifest in their blockading of crossing points, ramped up restrictions on access, their “use of starvation as tool of warfare.” The “lives of Palestinian civilians are in jeopardy”; and the “time has come” for the UN Security Council to take ‘decisive action’ to put an end to (Belligerent) aggression against Gaza.” https://pmnewyork.mfa.gov.dz/embassys-activities/gaza-it-is-time-for-un-security-council-to-take-decisive-action-to-end-zionist-aggression

H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett
Permanent Representative of Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the United Nations, at Security Council Briefing on ‘The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question’” (statement)
“The International Court of Justice has unequivocally declared the illegality of (the Belligerent’s) ongoing occupation and the General Assembly has demanded that (same) bring an end to its unlawful occupation of the Palestinian territories. It is therefore illegal for the … government to move to annex territory in the Gaza Strip.”
“There is a veritable genocide taking place in Gaza. The International Court of Justice ordered (the belligerent) to take actions to prevent genocide in Gaza in accordance with that Member State’s obligations under the Geneva Conventions. However, (the belligerent) continues, blatantly, to disregard the ICJ’s orders. In this circumstance, consideration must be given to how the Council could facilitate implementation of the ICJ orders. The floodgates have already opened in Gaza and this Council must agree to pull the plug and stand up for Palestinians.”
“This Council has the mandate and responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. We have tools at our disposal to carve out solutions to end this war. Let us use them.

“When legally binding resolutions and countless appeals to conscience and morality fail to change behavior, the hand of justice must be applied.”

Joyce Msuya (United Republic of Tanzania) UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Emergency Relief Coordinator
“The world has seen the images of patients and displaced persons, sheltering near Al-Aqsa Hospital, burning alive…; others, including women and children, are suffering the excruciating pain of severe life-changing burns.”


Meetings Coverage UN Security Council 9750TH MEETING (AM) SC/15854 16 October 2024 “Ending Atrocities in Gaza Cannot Happen through Words, but ‘through Urgent, Unequivocal Action,’ Senior Humanitarian Official Tells Security Council” https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15854.doc.htm

“Statement delivered by H.E. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, at Security Council Briefing on ‘The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question’” October 16, 2024,

Cooperative Republic of Guyana https://www.minfor.gov.gy/un-security-council/statement-delivered-he-carolyn-rodrigues-birkett-permanent-representative-14

Le Monde INTERNATIONAL/ ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR October 19, 2024, at 11:22 pm (Paris) “The UN warns that Palestinians are enduring ‘unspeakable horrors’ in north Gaza: ‘Appalling news from northern Gaza where Palestinians continue to endure unspeakable horrors under siege by Israeli forces,’ the UN’s acting humanitarian chief Joyce Msuya said on X, Saturday. ‘These atrocities must stop.’” Le Monde with AFP https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/10/19/the-un-warns-that-palestinians-are-enduring-unspeakable-horrors-in-north-gaza_6729886_4.html#

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Permanent Mission of Algeria to the UN October 16, 2024— NEW YORK (United Nations) — “Algeria’s UN permanent representative, Ambassador Amar Bendjama, said Wednesday in New York that ‘the time has come’ for the UN Security Council to take a ‘decisive action’ to put an end to the Zionist aggression against Gaza as the lives of the Palestinian civilians is in jeopardy.” https://pmnewyork.mfa.gov.dz/embassys-activities/gaza-it-is-time-for-un-security-council-to-take-decisive-action-to-end-zionist-aggression

Middle East Eye 2019 “What is the Nakba? Day of catastrophe for Palestinians, explained: The displacement and exodus of the Palestinian population has fuelled tension for decades” MEE staff May 9, 2019 https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/what-is-nakba-palestine-israel-conflict-explained-1948


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
Links: https://www.facebook.com/carolynladelle.bennett
(live limited) https://www.bennettsareherenochampions.com/
Email: Nolandanisland@hotmail.com or Authorswork@gmail.com

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