Wednesday, November 6, 2024

An APPEAL in THIS MOMENT: America is in Crisis, Time to Heal

Voters casting their ballots on one of the dominant party lines have given America a President-elect, returning First Lady Melania and Donald John to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

America is in Crisis, Time to Heal 

Whatever the preferences of individual Americans or groups—the time has come, and is long past time, to bind up our wounds and bridge the gulf between us (gulfs among us). 
Time to heal our sick and wounded, no matter the illness (mental, moral or physical)—instead of deepening and profiteering on dependency. 
It is time to house our homeless in permanent dwellings—instead of discarding our people to refugee camps in their homeland. It is time to ensure sound education and training and put our people to substantive work earning living wages.
It is long past time to end the manufacture of enemies, end the fear mongering, end the wars and war profiteering. Long past time to roll up our sleeves and get to work solving our problems, our country’s problems. End the infantile and dangerous game of shirking responsibility and blaming others for our failures, our missteps, and our endemic problems. It is long past time to mend our brokenness at every level of society and government.

Astute Observation from Afar

At this Moment in the United States of America, “people are literally ready to attack each other, beat each other, just because” a person supporting a particular politician is observed wearing “symbols or campaigns for that politician…”

Based on observed experience of past elections, the “main challenge” facing the United States of America (as a nation and as a people) is ensuring that this election’s electoral results “are accepted by society.” And “whatever that outcome,” Americans are “going to have to overcome the internal emotional divide” (excerpt, added emphasis, minor edit).

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, Member of the Foreign Ministry Collegium and Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, Multi-lingual ZAKHAROVA Maria Vladimirovna PhD. Posts: Head of the Press Service of Russia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York City (2005-2008); Foreign Ministry’s Central Office positions (2008-2011); Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011-2015); Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian MFA (2015 – present time). Academic work: Graduated from “the International Information Faculty at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations under the Russian Foreign Ministry, specializing in international journalism (1998).

We will welcome the United States of America’s Forty-fifth President (Donald John Trump) returned by the electorate as America’s Forty-seventh President. 

We will wish him well. We will wish him wisdom. 

And we hope (I hope) that he will work actively with elected and nonelected Americans to help America (and Americans) heal. 

PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
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News Sources

Bloomberg News reporting Updated November 6, 2024, 11:27:24 AM EST United States Presidential Election Results …: “Donald Trump has surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, according to the Associated Press.”

RT November 6, 2024 

World News “Moscow warns of US ‘internal emotional divide’ Americans must find a way to overcome their divisions, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said,”

“Exit polls reveal fear and loathing among US voters; Most Americans are pessimistic about their country, according to surveys” (“National polls have suggested that 70% of Americans are ‘dissatisfied or angry’ about the way things were going in the US, and the same percentage expecting violence to ensue, regardless of the election outcome”


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