Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What seems isn’t – What is isn’t Uttered

Ghetto—always Deteriorative—Reconsidered

hether it is the Congress of the United States, the Brookings Institution or the American Enterprise Institute, or some notion of barrio; whether it is obvious or unidentified as such; whether it is physical, mental or psychological— ghetto is ghetto, of the mind or of physical space. And like incest, they each is congenitally damaging to individuals and society; and, by their nature, they are, in their entrenchment, stuck in a backward, corrosive, or deteriorative state.
 Concentrated power exercised over centuries by church and state, mass media, schooling entities have so indoctrinated the minds of the masses that they accept the propaganda that ghetto is a construct and physical condition of “other”: others such as Jews of Germany, Negroes of North America, and Islanders of anywhere, varieties of difference or the notion of difference promulgated by concentrated or entrenched power, itself a ghetto.

Noun Ghetto
  • Formerly the restricted quarter of many European cities in which Jews were required to life (“the Warsaw ghetto”)
  • Any segregated mode of living or working that results from bias or stereotyping (“the relative security of the gay ghetto”; “no escape from the ghetto of the typing pool”
  • A poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship and social restriction. [Source WordWeb]
he only difference these notions of ghetto and Congress or Brookings is the element of easy choice.  Everyone has a choice— to some making a choice is easy, to some difficult to impossible.

Verb Ghettoize: To put or place or to be placed or put in a ghetto; or to withdraw to a ghetto.
E.g. Jews in Eastern Europe were ghettoized.
Negroes of the US South were ghettoized.

Ghetto also defined as
Venetian dialect ghèto island where Jews were forced to live
  • A quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live
  • A quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure
  • A an isolated group e.g., a geriatric ghetto
  • A situation that resembles a ghetto especially in conferring inferior status or limiting opportunity e.g., “the pink-collar” ghetto [Merriam Webster]
Ghettoize: To isolate in or as if in a ghetto

Ghettoization: The permanent state of isolation
Perhaps US president Donald Trump’s aim for the United States of America.

hese thoughts are pegged to a recent incident in Oakland, California, which illustrates the harm of ghetto— ghetto of mind or ghetto of place— and how this condition can be compounded and further exploited by ghettoized (towered, privately-funded) media and also privately funded, fraudulent “do-gooders” who peddle dependency and push victimhood in need of their brand of profit-taking “do-gooding.” The persistent call of wolf, police injury to chosen victims is a malicious form of self-serving, and an unethical if not criminal practice that leaves a community in constant conflict with itself and with those who would protect it.

There are many ways that ghettoistic minds can put others in ghettos; and one is by victimization, exploitation, brainwashing, and tools of dependency, tools such as “charity” and various kinds of illicit and legal drugs.

Anger, self-pity, aggression, various degrees of psychological instability, even outright derangement festers in the chambers of a ghetto. This is as evident of the ghettos of California as in ghettos of the towered Trumps and the entrenched inmates of Capitol Hill.

“They are out to get me” (or mine) is a delusional cry displayed daily in the eruptions of Donald Trump, in the epithet-laced screeds of media and members of congress, as emitted in the crime spree dwellers of East Oakland.

In news from Oakland the other day a couple of people whose last names and profiles were omitted, and who were clearly troubled, claimed, apparently from a script, that were “frontline heroes doing good in the pandemic when they were victimized or violated by the police.

This narrative was carried by a “nonprofit” and media that calls itself independent. The piece released in social media read verbatim:
“Oakland Police Department followed and targeted two unhoused outreach workers with The Village. Handcuffing and detaining them in the parking lot of East Oakland Collective. Guns drawn. Threatened to be tased. Police helicopter up. Yanna and Akil had just finished distributing water, food, and supplies to fellow unhoused residents; and were coming to meet with us. The police initially didn’t tell us why they were being pulled over and didn’t ask for ID. Eventually said it was for a lane change. It wasn’t until they pulled off with Akil in the squad car that they finally admitted the real reason- Akil matched the description of a suspect who committed a crime in the area. They racially profiled this ‘brother’ who was simply out serving the people. So this is how OPD treats essential workers during COVID19 pandemic?!”

Aside from the language illiteracy, which happens in the ghettoized state, the claim lacked context, and for that reason may be considered false. Any proper news organization should have known this and would have provided at least some of the context that has created today’s Oakland.
As recently as 2009, a known serial criminal was out on bail but had been linked by DNA to crimes of rapes and murders. While at large, he gunned down four police officers and a mob called the return fire by police officers “murder.”

At the time ghetto dwellers claimed theirs a “resistance to police brutality” and egged on by “Uhuru House activists” promoting “African internationalism”, they ignited the community with calls for them to “uphold the resistance” of “‘Brother’ [similar usage to today’s incident] Lovelle Mixon.”

The case involved a 26-year old man who had been in trouble with law enforcement through his teen years, into adulthood. On March 21, 2009, this man shot and killed four Oakland, California, police officers: two officers during a routine traffic stop, and after escaping on foot and barricading himself in a relative’s apartment, shooting and killing two police SWAT team officers attempting to arrest him. Officers returned fire, bringing the total number of deaths to five.

A tribal news outlet reportedly “suggested that the killing of four police officers was a victory for ‘the people’ and referred to Lovelle Mixon’s death as a ‘murder.’”

rime in Oakland, California, has been rising for well over half a century and police officers have been fleeing the city.
Ending the 1970s, Oakland’s per capita murder rate was twice that of San Francisco and New York City. In the 1980s and 1990s into the 2000s, Oakland was notoriously known as one of “the most dangerous” US cities.  Violent crime concentration sectors are reportedly East Oakland (Districts 6 and 7) and West Oakland (District 3).
As crime increased, law enforcement decreased.
  • “Between 2003 and 2013, the number of police officers in Oakland declined by 91.
  • In 2008, the understaffed police and detective departments brought in slipshod work and had the lowest homicide clearance rate among California’s large cities.
  • Between 2010 and 2011, the number of homicide detectives decreased from fourteen to nine.
  • In 2011, Oakland’s detective caseload exceeded “any other major city in California, except Fresno.”
Spreading over all the problems of rising crime and decreasing police presence and work performance, Oakland has chronic human relations problems among neighbors, and between communities and law enforcement.

he history says that when opportunities of the war industrial work years declined after World War II, on through the 1950s and into the 1960s, Oakland’s economic position and its population declined considerably. Inner city became a center of poverty, blight, and crime.

Resentments festered, societal tensions rose; and were exacerbated by separatists movements, provocations, armed conflicts with and retaliation by standard law enforcement at various city, state and federal levels.
  • In 2004, Oakland’s police officers per 10,000 citizens were eighteen. 
  • From 2005, Oakland’s police officers per 10,000 citizens dropped to just over sixteen.
  • In 2013, Oakland employed only 616 police officers, almost half the number of law enforcement personnel needed to patrol the crime-ridden city.
A majority of law enforcement desert centers of high crime, high cost of living, and low caliber of learning institutions. Communities feel injured.

Communities are further weakened by insufficient or warped individual expectations of self, and by self-serving exploiters and do-gooders. Consequently, communities are left bereft of personal power to rise above the fray, transcend old wounds, and mend broken relations.

xample of ongoing self harm

  • “Toddler reportedly shot in East Oakland” July 12, 2018: reports of a young child being shot in East Oakland, just before 10 pm near 81st Avenue and Holly Street. 
  • Police confirmed: “3-year-old boy struck in head by bullet fragments” The boy was hit in the head by bullet fragments … while sitting in his mother’s car around 9:30 pm 1600 block of 80th Avenue. “Oakland Police Deputy Chief LeRonne Armstrong delivered a teddy bear and well wishes to the shooting victim at Children’s Hospital.” The officer “also wanted to let the family know the department is doing all it can to find the shooter.” Deputy Chief Armstrong said the family had been “attending a memorial for a victim in a homicide when the shooting happened and the child was hit.” https://abc7news.com/3-year-old-boy-struck-in-head-by-bullet-fragments-in-oakland/3751060/ https://abc7news.com/toddler-reportedly-shot-in-east-oakland/3749390/
  • “Police investigate deadly shooting in East Oakland” May 1, 2019 Police responded to San Antonio Park area around 3:28 pm, found a man suffering multiple gunshot wounds, victim  pronounced dead at the scene, despite efforts from paramedics. https://abc7news.com/police-investigate-deadly-shooting-in-east-oakland/5280967/
  • “Trailer with toxic waste found dumped in Oakland neighborhood….” January 3, 2020 “Illegal dumping went to a new extreme between the Christmas [mid afternoon December 27] and New Year’s holidays  in Oakland. Hazmat crews responded to a 20-feet trailer with more than a thousand buckets of toxic material dumped on a residential street in East Oakland. A nearby surveillance camera was available but did not capture the action, as it was spray-painted all over with lacquer thinners.” https://abc7news.com/society/tackling-oaklands-illegal-dumping-problem/5812397/
here is a sense of insanity about such actions.
Nothing good comes of festered rage, provocation by exploiters. 
Isolation of place or mind
Bump-stocked semi-automatics turn on neighbors
Neighbors the same turn on left-right-center /blue-red-purple US states
No doubt Jews turned on each other.
The towered and shack dwellers turn on their wives
The cloistered eat their own.
No good comes in the ghetto, or to ghettoized mind. No good comes from ghettoization.


The East Oakland Collective East Bay Sunday Update. Sunday April 26, 2020


The East Oakland Collective (EOC) is a member-based community organizing group invested in serving the communities of deep East Oakland by working towards racial and economic equity. http://www.eastoaklandcollective.com/

The East Bay Collective claims among its funders
Akonadi Foundation (2018 donor): founded in 2000, according to the latter’s website, “a year after California voters approved Proposition 21, a racist ballot measure targeting and criminalizing young people of color.” https://akonadi.org/akonadi/history-2/

California Proposition 21 (a.k.a. Prop 21) “was a proposition proposed and passed in 2000 that increased a variety of criminal penalties for crimes committed by youth and incorporated many youth offenders into the adult criminal justice system.
Major provisions of Prop 21:

  • Increased punishment for gang-related felonies; death penalty for gang-related murder; indeterminate life sentences for home-invasion robbery, carjacking, witness intimidation and drive-by shootings; and a new crime of recruiting for gang activities; and authorizes wiretapping for gang activities.

  • Adult trial requirement for juveniles 14 or older charged with murder or specified sex offenses.

  • Informal probation eliminate for juveniles committing felonies.

  • Registration required for gang related offenses.

  • Additional crimes designated as violent and serious felonies, thereby making offenders subject to longer sentences.

Voter support of Prop: 62.1 percent (4,491,166); voter opposition: 37.9 percent (2,742,148)
Wikipedia page last updated September 10, 2019

East Bay Collective website lists as “major supporter”
Bagchi Law Firm, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Corporate and Transactional, India Advisory, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax and Securities Law, BLGlobal Advisors is a division of Bagchi Law that helps businesses establish and grow operations in the United States and around the world. Works “with entrepreneurs in the startup phase of a venture or with a well-established public company in need of daily counsel, [helping] clients achieve immediate and long-term objectives.” https://bagchilaw.com/

Wikipedia page last updated April 4, 2020

2009 shootings of Oakland police officers

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 25, 2020

1930s Syphilis Project meets 2020s Corona Bleach Project

Perhaps Bryan and Trump will Sacrifice themselves for this Trial

The United States Public Health Service in 1932 through 1972 conducted a clinical study “to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis.” The lives they sacrificed were Negro men: in the Macon County case, reportedly “600” poor Negro “sharecroppers.”

In a 40-year experiment, investigators employed by the US Public Health Service (with the acquiescence and thus complicity of the Negro Tuskegee Institute), denying informed consent, told these men several lies:
  • that they had “bad blood,”
  • that the tests would last only six months;
  • that “they were receiving free health care from the Federal government of the United States”; and
  • that they would be treated for the condition.
Seven years into this egregious crime, penicillin became standard therapy for syphilis, and the US government had sponsored several public health programs to establish “rapid treatment centers” with the mission of eradicating syphilis. However, the study researchers using the people in Macon County, Alabama, prevented their victims from participating in the cure.

“Researchers knowingly failed to treat patients appropriately after the 1940s validation of penicillin was found as an effective cure for the disease that they were studying.”

By the end of this public health department disgrace, with consequences well after 1972: 28 men had died of syphilis and 100 from “related complications.” The wives of 40 of the sacrificed men had been infected. And the victimizing reached into future generations with 19 offspring of the men being born with “congenital syphilis.”

Forty years’ of active crimes against humanity, men’s sacrifice of other men (even in death mandated autopsies to pay funeral costs), a criminal conspiracy— with far-reaching consequences— to document syphilitic death.

Almost fifty years later, we are witnessing snake oil for COVID-19

Perhaps this time the peddlers will self-sacrifice for the common good. 

At the White House April 23, 2020: the President, his acting agency operative, and a duet on injecting disinfectant and bleach into human beings infected with the coronavirus  

cting Under Secretary of Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security William N. Bryan
“We’re … testing disinfectants readily available.  We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids.  And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go.  You rub it and it goes away even faster.  We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

resident Donald Trump
“Right.  And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute.  One minute.  And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.  Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.  So it would be interesting to check that.  So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with.  But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

Press follow-up Question: “But I — just, can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned.  There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there?  I mean—”

Acting Under Secretary of Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security William N. Bryan
“No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study.  We won’t do that within that lab and our lab.  So—”

resident Donald Trump
“It wouldn’t be through injection.  We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area.  Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work.  But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Compromised or Criminal: the rap sheet of a snake oil salesman pushing worse-than-leeches bleach to cure an infectious disease

When the US Senate was considering President Trump’s nominee, William “Bill” N. Bryan, for the position for which he has been “acting” in for three years, a group of lawyers at the website “Whistleblower Aid” wrote that its client, Robert Ivy, had
“evidence of serious crimes implicating the president’s nominee for undersecretary of science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security.”
The notice to the Senate said “While Bryan and Ivy worked at the Department of Energy, Bryan led a multinational team tasked with creating heating and electricity plans for two consecutive Ukrainian winters. But Bryan aligned his team with Ukrainian coal and steel oligarch and billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, subverting US policy and national security.”
The nominee, the report said,
  • capitalized on crisis
  • used government resources to further enrich corrupt Ukrainians, and
  • used official connections to get work for his private firm, ValueBridge Energy Group.
After Bryan’s stand-up routine with TV showman Donald Trump, KGET citing AP, updated its reports on William Bryan’s work record.
He has revolved in and out of government: from the Department of Energy, to Virginia-based consulting firm ValueBridge International’s Energy Group president; and since May 2017, to acting undersecretary for the Department of Homeland Security’s science and technology directorate.
A Department of Energy Inspector General’s investigation is underway based on evidence submitted by the whistleblower that William Bryan abused his government position with energy consulting work in Ukraine. The Office of the Special Counsel reportedly has described the nominee’s earlier actions in government as involving [in torturous language] “a ‘substantial likelihood of wrongdoing.’”

enturies of getting away with it
In the United States, as far back as the eighteenth century, sellers of one kind or another have peddled products injurious to health while claiming such substances aided health or cured disease. Sweet and sour substances have been masked addictive drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, alcohol and opium-based concoctions or elixirs.

Snake oil salesmen to the masses in the nineteenth century included the businessman, herbalist, and “Snake Oil” salesman “William Rockefeller Sr. who peddled “rock oil” (a substance gathered off sea rocks) as a cure for cancer.

Until the early 1930s, the Rosenwald Fund of Chicago had aligned with US government officials and financed syphilis treatments and experiments on Negroes in the US South. Rosenwald pulled out when the stock market crashed.   

In the 1940s, some of the same caliber of “doctors” and public health officials that had infected Southern Negroes in the US infected Guatemalan soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases—also without the informed consent of the subjects. These researchers killed more than eighty people and continued their crimes into the 1950s.

In 1997, US public officials said sorry to descendants of dead and infected Negroes victimized by government experimenters.

In 2010, US public officials said sorry to the Guatemalans; and in 2019, a US District Judge ruled that “Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Rockefeller Foundation must face a $1 billion lawsuit” for their roles in infecting Guatemalans.

ublic ignorance, unethical public officials, academics and medical professionals, warped justice systems saturated with unethical or incompetent personnel together with a distracted or “willing to believe” public let the criminals get away with crimes against institutions and the masses.

Syphilis is still infecting people and infections are growing. As late as five years ago, “45.4 million” people were reported to have syphilis.” Six million of the cases were new cases of the disease.  More than a hundred thousand died from the disease.

Snake oil salesmen get away with their crimes and never are they asked to ingest their elixirs. Perhaps now is the time to ask the coronavirus bleach peddlers to take have a swig or take a needle “like a man.”  

Better still, toddle off to jail for peddling lies, pain, and disease to others.   


“Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing” Healthcare James S. Brady Press Briefing Room Issued on April 23, 2020 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/

Sullum, Jacob. “It’s Not Fake News: Trump Did Actually Suggest That Injecting Bleach Could Be a Cure for COVID-19: The president added that the procedure is something ‘you’re going to have to use medical doctors with.’” Reason. April 24, 2020 https://reason.com/2020/04/24/its-not-fake-news-trump-did-actually-suggest-that-injecting-bleach-could-be-a-cure-for-covid-19/

Whistleblower Aid. “Reject corrupt Homeland Security nominee William N. Bryan. Target: US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs”
Stop corruption in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Kget (Associated Press). “Senior official cited by Trump is subject of investigation” April 24, 2020 https://www.kget.com/news/politics/senior-official-cited-by-trump-is-subject-of-investigation/


Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...