Friday, October 30, 2020

Scotland Celebrates October Black History Month

October 29 “Alex Salmond Show” highlights outstanding figures

Further search turned up interesting profiles and quotes.



feoma Nnenna Dieke, celebrated athlete

Profile Brief

International Scottish football (soccer) defender, currently playing for Apollon Ladies F.C. of the Cypriot First Division, born of Nigerian parents born in Amherst, Massachusetts (USA); age three, relocated with her parents to Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire (near Glasgow), Scotland.

One interview captured her saying

“It’s all about what you want to do with your heart, I followed mine and it led me to Scotland. I’ve never regretted it.”

“I grew up in Scotland. I feel everything about me is Scottish.”

Representing Great Britain at the London Olympics in 2012, qualifying for the Euros, earning her 100th cap…, one in particular exchange resonates.

“Being the first female black player to captain Scotland…, I remember getting the armband; and, after the game, Gemma Fay [former Scotland goalkeeper and captain] saying ‘You’re the first black player to captain Scotland’”

“…Even now just thinking about it [Gemma Fay’s words], I’m lost for words — because I never thought about my skin colour, or things like that.”

“Captaining any team is fine. But [of significance is] Scotland, your country; and leading out all these players, and having that privilege.

“Then you add in the part where people who are out there, who are black, can see Ife captain Scotland, Ife playing for Scotland over 100 times …. Maybe then their younger selves can [say] ‘I can do it,’ and no one can tell them anything differently.”



odfrey Henry Oliver Palmer OBE (Order of the British Empire, addressed “Sir”), scientist, author, university professor

Profile Brief

Born to Jamaican parents in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, grew up with extended family in Kingston, at age 15, he joined his mother, a dressmaker, in England; and, in his first school, he was assessed as “educationally subnormal.”

Nevertheless he obtained six O-levels and two A-levels in botany and zoology, found a job as a junior lab technician at Queen Elizabeth College, London University; gained further qualifications studying one day a week at a local polytechnic; studied at the University of Leicester earning a degree in botany; studied for an MSc at the University of Nottingham; he studied for a PhD in grain science and technology jointly with Heriot-Watt College and the University of Edinburgh; completed his doctorate of science; and obtained a position at Heriot-Watt College (his alma maters University of Leicester, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University).

One interview captured him saying

“My ancestors had to face the slavers and fight. I think I can face the evil face of a statue and fight”

On a City of Edinburgh proposal to amend the plaque on a “controversial monument”

The new plaque would give the public the opportunity to see and ‘actually read the evil that this man has done.”

“If we take the statue down, this will not be known.”

“We don’t want to leave this so that people looking back in 50 years will say: you know, they took the statues down, why didn't they do something about racism?”

Palmer illustrated with a personal story  

“I went to give a lecture, recently.

When I arrived, I was asked why I was there

I said I’d come to give a lecture.

The young lady said, ‘Well, what time?’

I said, ‘two o’clock’

She said, ‘you can’t be giving a lecture two o’clock, because that lecture is being given by Professor Sir Geoff Palmer.’”

In other words, he concludes “the woman could not fathom that he, the black man standing in front of her, was the professor in question.

This is where we are with our racism today.

We have to do something to change that.

We are one humanity; nothing less.



atherine Ross, author, teacher, lecturer, organizer, activist

Profile Brief

Born on the Caribbean island of Saint Kitts; at age seven, relocated with her family to Nottingham; and obtained teaching credentials from City and Guilds at a Nottingham College; became founding director of Museumand: The National Caribbean Heritage Museum, Editor of Black History Month 2020

One interview captured her declaring that  

Black History Month is a time to shine a light on shared British history; and to tell the whole story honestly and truthfully


To decolonise and reclaim history

To tell stories from the perspective of all people

To re-imagine how ‘our’ shared history will be told in the future.”




Alex Salmond Show “Black History Matters” October 29, 2020

One hundred and thirty years after Andrew Watson became the world’s first black international footballer, Ifeoma Dieke led an increasingly successful Scotland women’s team. She tells Alex Salmond why she chose to represent Scotland rather than team USA and is joined by England great John Barnes, Black History Month 2020 editor Catherine Ross and Professor Sir Geoff Palmer to discuss why black history matters in life beyond football.

BBC Sport “Black History Month: Ifeoma Dieke on her footballing journey” October 4, 2020

Euro News “Sir Geoff Palmer: ‘Don’t take down statues – take down racism’ by Natalie Huet  and Rosie Wright  Professor Sir Geoff Palmer speaking June 11, 2020, to Euronews

B: M 2020 "Why Black History Month is more important than ever this year?" Catherine Ross


Geoff Palmer

Ifeoma Dieke



Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved






Biden-Trump Record Shows War & Waste

These men will neither advance nor mend America



he Record


Discarded Lives

  • Homeless in USA (20 million vacant homes, 500,000 homeless)
  • Poverty in USA (43 million languish below poverty line)
  • Forced Migration (Refugees) caused by USA wars
  • Wartime displacement (“global war on terror” wars): 37 million to 59 million people (September 21, 2020 Brown Costs of War Project “Creating Refugees:  Displacement Caused by the United States’ Post-9/11 Wars”)

Waste of Lives

Deaths in USA-waged Wars

800,000 (estimated) deaths (through November 2019): civilians, U.S. and allied troops, contractors, security forces, opposition fighters, media workers and humanitarian workers across warzones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen (Statista February 2020).

  • U.S. deaths Afghanistan 2001- present 2,216 (casualties 22,266)
  • Iraq war 203-2011: 4,497 (casualties 36,710) (continuing)
  • Other interventions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen 2014, 2017 (161 casualties) (continuing)

  • Deaths in USA coronavirus: 234,345

Waste of Money

 U.S. Wars through $ FY 2020

  • $6.4 trillion obligated for U.S. wars in Afghanistan Pakistan, and Iraq (not including other U.S. wars, occupations, and hostile foreign engagements)
  • Afghan deaths 360,000
  • One day of Iraq War = $720,000,000

U.S. Elections

“The total cost of the 2020 election,” as estimated by OpenSecrets, “will nearly reach an unprecedented $14 billion—making it the most expensive election in history and twice as expensive as the previous presidential election cycle.

“Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is the first candidate in history to raise $1 billion from donors.”


urchased Presidency

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (Joe Biden)

Donald John Trump (incumbent)

Total raised $1,378,937,038

Total raised $863,552,249

Total spent $1,144,674,025

Total spent $809,029,495



Spent by Democratic candidates and groups: $6.9 billion

Spent by Republican candidates and groups $3.8 billion



 The Carelessness of Separation

Isolation, Further Threatening Security

United States officials have weakened U.S. security by weakening international efforts or withdrawing from international organizations or agreements

  • Global Compact for Migration
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
  • Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
  • Open Skies Treaty
  • Paris Climate Agreement
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • United Nations Human Rights Council
  • United Nations Relief and Works Agency
  • World Health Organization
  • World Trade Organization



accine Global Initiative rejected

COVAX is an international initiative, a “genuinely global effort,” aimed at distributing COVID-19 vaccines to countries worldwide. It is being led by the World Health Organization, the GAVI vaccine alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. 

It consists of pooling resources, investing in the development of at least nine vaccine candidates, securing lower-cost bulk access, and distributing two billion doses to all participant countries (proportionally, with health workers and vulnerable groups vaccinated first) by the end of 2021.

The United States is the only country to have publicly rejected the COVAX initiative, and is “very nearly alone in refusing to join COVAX and withdrawing from the World Health Organization.”

Non-participants in the global effort to develop and distribute coronavirus vaccines

  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Malaysia
  • Russia
  • United States of America
  • Small island countries or micro-states (five)

There are 183 participant countries that have joined formally or expressed their intent, Their combined population makes up “93 percent” of the world’s eligible population.



f Americans (or any people) believe that Biden-Trump, Pence-Harris, their puppeteers, paymasters, and partnered plutocrats, and the parties under whose banners they campaign are going to improve conditions, or even pretend to work toward improving conditions in either domestic or foreign affairs then these Americans and others are deeply deluded, and sorely mistaken. 

The record of these old liners speaks for itself. It portrays a band of con artists and wastrels severing a Union awaiting its more perfectness; a band of callous self-serving sons (and daughters) bent on inflicting unspeakable and everlasting injury on both foreigners and fellow Americans. 


“Creating Refugees:  Displacement Caused by the United States’ Post-9/11 Wars” by David Vine, Cala Coffman, Katalina Khoury, Madison Lovasz, Helen Bush, Rachel Leduc, and Jennifer Walkup September 8, 2020

PDF: Brown “Costs of War”

Statista “The Death Toll Of Wars Since 9/11” by  Niall McCarthy February 4, 2020 ttps://

ThePrint Srijan Shukla May 30, 2020

Paris deal to WHO, 11 organizations Donald Trump’s US has pulled out of (or) weakened….  Donald Trump has now targeted at least 11 global cooperation bodies or pacts.

Center for Responsive Politics “2020 election to cost $14 billion, blowing away spending records” by October 28, 2020 “Biden” “All the numbers for the 2020 election cycle based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on 10/23/20” “Trump” “All the numbers for the 2020 election cycle based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on 10/23/20”

Worldometer “Coronavirus”

European Centers for Disease Control: America: 637 652 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (228 668), Brazil (158 969), Mexico (90 773), Peru (34 362) and Colombia (30 926).

Since December 31, 2019 and as of October 30, 2020

45, 120, 596 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 1, 182, 408 deaths.

“Coronavirus Global Response: Commission joins the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX)

August 31, 2020: the European Commission has confirmed its interest to participate in the COVAX Facility for equitable access to affordable COVID-19 vaccines everywhere, for everyone who needs them. As part of a Team Europe effort, the Commission is today also announcing a contribution of €400 ($468) million in guarantees to support COVAX and its objectives in the context of the Coronavirus Global Response.

Axios “Vaccine initiative now covers almost entire world, but not U.S. or Russia” by Dave Lawler

Associated Press “China joins COVAX coronavirus vaccine alliance” by Huizhong Wu October 9, 2020


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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tangled web of USA’s Bin Ladens or Bin Ladins’ USA

1970s-2000s: Pre / Post-Cold War, Pre / Post-September 11

Matters of Character and Convenience

October 2020: A Bin Ladin Makes Headlines

Noor Bin Ladin, outspoken supporter of U.S. incumbent president Donald Trump and niece of the widely-documented mastermind September 11, 2001, “terrorist attacks” in the United States, launches an attack on a member of the U.S. Congress.

“Ilhan Omar says she ‘loves’ America,” the Bin Ladin (en) is quoted says, “Gee, I wonder what hating America looks like.”

What’s in a Name: Bin Laden(s), Bin Ladin(s)

The Bin Laden family, also spelled “Bin Ladin,” is said to be “a wealthy family intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi Royal family.”



Among scores of known spawns of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (1908–1967):

  • #8 (son of the patriarch Muhammad bin Ladin, older half-brother of Osama bin Laden) Yeslam bin Ladin (born 1950) married (1974-1988) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Lausanne, Switzerland-born (1954) Carmen Dufour bin Ladin, parents of Wafah Dufour [entertainer, resident of Jeddah, Geneva, and Manhattan, on Geneva, Switzerland, holiday in the summer of 9/11 attacks on New York and Metro Washington], Najia Dufour, and Noor Bin Ladin [resident of Switzerland]. 
  •  #18 Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (“Osama, son of Mohammed, son of Awad, son of Laden”, born in Saudi Arabia, died in Pakistan: August 11, 1988 – May 2, 2011), 1st General Emir of al-Qaeda August 11, 1988 – May 2, 2011.

Globe and Mail published a 2004 article that noted Wafah (then 26) was an American citizen with two law degrees, and easy passage between Geneva and London; Najia (then 24) had gone into business with a friend; and Noor (in October 2020 news) was still in school.

U.S. Love-Hate Affair with “Terrorists
Carter through Bush I & II bookending Clinton through Obama

Son of Saudi millionaire founder of Saudi Binladin Group construction company, Osama Bin Laden, in 1979, goes to Pakistan, and uses “money and machinery from his own construction company to help the Mujahideen resistance in the Soviet–Afghan War.”

The United States and Saudi Arabia, under CIA Operation Cyclone (1979-1989) supplied “$40 billion” in “financial aid and weapons to almost 100,000 Mujahideen and Afghan Arabs from forty Muslim countries” funneled through Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency of Pakistan, Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI.

During his trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević testified that—

“Bin Laden had used Albania as a launch pad for violence in the region and Europe.

U.S. officials had been informed that KLA was being aided by al-Qaeda.

However the U.S. was focused on breaking up Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), so U.S. officials aided the ethnic-Albanian separatist militia, known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), thus allying with Osama bin Laden “despite the 1998 United States embassy bombings earlier.”

Milošević concluded that the United States had “aided the terrorists, which culminated in its (U.S.) backing of the 1999 (Bill Clinton) NATO bombing of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War.”



In 1997, Osama Bin Laden condemned the United States for its hypocrisy in not labeling the bombing of Hiroshima as terrorism.”

Bin Laden was said to have been driven by a desire “to right” what he perceived as “injustices against Muslims perpetrated by the United States, and sometimes by other non-Muslim states.” “Violent jihad” was said to be the means he advocated.

Bin Laden wanted the United States “to withdraw all of its civilians and military personnel from the Middle East, as well as from every Islamic country of the world.”

Bin Laden is said to have believed in a strategy of luring “his enemies,” such as the U.S. and Soviet Union, “into a long war of attrition in Muslim countries, attracting large numbers of jihadists who would never surrender.”

Such a strategy would “lead to the economic collapse of enemy countries.” His goal was to “‘bleed them to the point of bankruptcy”; or put another way, “‘bleed’ them dry.”

After Bin Laden (with others) was indicted “for capital crimes” in connection with the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Africa, and though the U.S. had more than once allied with Bin Laden, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),  on June 7, 1999, listed Bin Laden, among hundreds, on its list of “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.”

A second FBI-Most-Wanted “Top-22”- Terrorists list related to the “indictment for the 1998 embassy attack.” A month after September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush released the list.


audis, Bushes, and bin Laden 

Craig Unger’s House of Bush, House of Saud


“If the Saudis had been happy with the presidency of George H.W. Bush—and they were—they must have been truly ecstatic, in the summer of 2000, that his son was the Republican candidate for president. Indeed, the relationship between the two dynasties had come a long way since the seventies ….

Post-9/11: Saudi Prince Bandar “protested media reports that referred to those involved in terrorism as ‘Saudis’…. But Osama bin Laden was Saudi; … and he was not just any Saudi. 

The bin Ladens were one of a handful of extremely wealthy families that were so close to the House of Saud that they effectively acted as extensions of the royal family. 

Over five decades, they had built their multi-billion-dollar construction empire thanks to their intimate relationship with the royal family. … 

Like Bandar, the bin Laden family epitomized the marriage between the United States and Saudi Arabia. Their huge construction company, the Saudi Binladin Group, banked with Citigroup and invested with Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. Over time, the bin Ladens did business with such icons of Western culture as Disney, the Hard Rock Café, Snapple and Porsche. In the mid-1990s, they joined various members of the House of Saud in becoming business associates with former secretary of state James Baker and former president George H.W. Bush by investing in the Carlyle Group, a gigantic Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm.…

Author and journalist Craig Unger in House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World’s Two Most Powerful Dynasties, a 2004 book exploring the relationship between the Saudi Royal Family and the Bush extended political family):

“The Bushes and their allies controlled, influenced or possessed substantial positions in a vast array of companies that dominated the energy and defense sectors. Put it all together, and there were myriad ways for the House of Bush to engage in lucrative business deals with the House of Saud and the Saudi merchant elite. …

[T]he Saudis were also linked to  Dick Cheney (Richard Bruce Cheney, businessman, U.S. vice president 2000-2009) through Halliburton, the giant Texas oil exploration company that had huge interests in the kingdom.”


 Final Curtain

Six years after the incidents of September 11, 2001, the Senate of the United States, splashed in the headlines a doubling of the previous $25 million to a $50 million reward for information leading to the capture or killing of [former U.S. ally] Osama bin Laden and the [Mujahideen successor] al-Qaeda organization.

A decade after September 11, 2001, a United States military special operations unit deployed to Abbottabad, an eastern city of Pakistan, reportedly cornered and killed [former U.S. ally] Osama bin Laden.




Globe and Mail opinion “Inside the House of Bin Laden” by Margaret Wente, July 22, 2004


Insider “Osama bin Laden’s niece says she will ‘never forget’ what happened on 9/11” by Taylor Ardrey September 12, 2020

RT “Bin Laden’s niece ‘wonders what hating America looks like’ in Twitter attack on Ilhan Omar… and is immediately reminded” October 21, 2020

“Did the Saudis buy a president? How much money has flowed from the House of Saud to the Bush family and its friends and allies over the years? No one will ever know—but the number is at least $1.477 billion” by Craig Unger March 12, 2004 Salon Magazine excerpts has just published four excerpts from House of Bush, House of Saud. Part 1: The Great Escape Part 2: Did the Saudis buy a President? Part 3: The Arabian candidate Part 4: Lost in Transition

[“If the Saudis had been happy with the presidency of George H.W. Bush—and they were—they must have been truly ecstatic, in the summer of 2000, that his son was the Republican candidate for president. Indeed, the relationship between the two dynasties had come a long way since the seventies when Saudi banking billionaire Khalid bin Mahfouz and Salem bin Laden had flown halfway around the world to Texas to see James Bath, George W. Bush’s old friend from decades before. Even bin Mahfouz’s subsequent financing of the Houston skyscraper for James Baker’s family bank and the Saudi bailout of Harken Energy that helped George W. Bush make his fortune were small potatoes compared with what had happened since.”]


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“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...