Saturday, November 18, 2023

Appealing for Justice for Assange Appeals for the Strength of America

Upholding Her Principles, Proving Her Integrity

The Mission of the Press is “to serve the governed, not the governors”—Justice Hugo Black.

Seven months ago, seven Members of the United States Congress penned a letter to the Attorney General of the United States in which they appealed for justice and keeping the sword duty of public office to uphold the Constitution of the United States in particular its First Amendment guaranteeing press freedom— “by dropping the criminal charges against Australian publisher Julian Assange and withdrawing the American extradition request currently pending with the British government.”

Seven United States Members of Congress for Assange 

April 11, 2023 Alphabetically by surname


1.      Jamaal Anthony BOWMAN-New York-2 U.S. Congresses 117th – 118th (2021 – present)

 2.      Cori Anika BUSH-Missouri- 2 U.S. Congresses 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

 3.      Gregorio Eduardo CASAR-Texas - 1 current U.S. Congress 118th (2023 – Present). Previously Austin City Council Member

 4.      Alexandria OCASIO-Cortez-New York-1 current U.S. Congress 118th (2023 – Present)


5.      Ilhan Abdullahi OMAR-Minnesota- 3 U.S. Congresses 116th – 118th (2019 – present). Previously State of Minnesota House of Representatives

 6.      Ayanna Soyini PRESSLEY-Massachusetts-3 U.S. Congresses 116th – 118th (2019 – present). Previously Boston City Council Member

 7.      Rashida Harbi TLAIB-Michigan- 3 U.S. Congresses ((116th-118th Congresses) 2019-present). Previously State of Michigan House of Representatives


At the time that letter was published, the Defending Rights & Dissent organization in a press release recalled some of the history of the persecution and prosecution of Julian Assange.
On April 11, 2019, after seven years of what was effectively incarceration in the Ecuadoran embassy in London, a change of government in Ecuador rescinded the WikiLeaks publisher/journalist’s citizenship; and turned him over to British authorities. This action “followed years of (USA) CIA plotting against Assange that included “drawing up ‘options’” for assassinating the journalist, “contracting with the security company charged with surveilling the Ecuadorian embassy.”
When the changed government of Ecuador betrayed Assange and turned him over to British agents, men arrived at the embassy (usually an place of protection) and dragged Julian Assange out of the Ecuadoran embassy in London and threw him into a vehicle that curried him to Britain’s maximum-security-made-for-murders Belmarsh Prison to languish while “fighting” (via representatives, supporters, family) extradition demanded by powerful U.S. interests, agents, entities and individuals.

The signatories to the April U.S. Congressional letter said, “The prosecution of Julian Assange for carrying out journalistic activities” weakens the credibility of the United States “as a defender of these values.”

The action undermines the moral standing of United States on the world stage, and effectively grants cover to authoritarianism—rejecting valid, evidence-based human rights conventions; and supplanting rule of law and human rights conventions with precedent that “justifies the criminalization of journalistic reporting.”

UK/USA combined government complicity and powerful impunity holds Assange suspended in one tortuous condition awaiting (and fearing) transfer to another even worse USA Guantanamo Bay-like eventuality.

The Congressional signatories conclude their appeal to the AG by suggesting the obvious. “At any moment…, by simply dropping the U.S. charges” against Assange, “the U.S. Department of Justice can halt the harmful proceedings (against Assange) ….”

“Government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government,” attributed to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.


his week a few more Members of the U.S. Congress and one Member of the Senate followed the example of their colleagues, this time addressed to the Forty-sixth President of the United States of America.

 “We have deep concerns about the (USA vs.) Assange case,” wrote one Member of Congress in a press release at his official website, as it reflects “an alarming global trend” happening in countries around the world (including the United States)”: “… attacks against the freedom of the press.”

“Journalism is not a crime,” Congressman James McGovern declares. “The work reporters do is about transparency, trust, and speaking truth to power. When they are unjustly targeted, all of us suffer the consequences.

 “The stakes are too high for us to remain silent.”


Sixteen United States Lawmakers for Assange 

November 2023 Alphabetically by surname


1.      Jamaal Anthony BOWMAN-New York - 2 U.S. Congresses (House) 117th – 118th (2021 – present)

 2.      Eric Wayne BURLISON-Missouri - 1 current U.S. Congress (House) 118th (2023 – Present). Previously Member of State of Missouri House and Senate (successively)

 3.      Cori Anika BUSH-Missouri - 2 U.S Congresses (House) 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

 4.      Gregorio Eduardo CASAR-Texas - 1 current U.S. Congress (House) 118th (2023 – Present). Previously Austin City Council Member

 5.      Jesús G. “Chuy” GARCÍA-Illinois -1 current U.S. Congress (House) 118th (2023 – Present). Previously Member of Chicago City Council, Member of State of Illinois Senate, Board of Commissioners of Cook County (successively) 

6.      Paul Anthony GOSAR-Arizona - 7 U.S. Congresses (House) 112th – 118th (2011 – Present)

 7.      Marjorie Taylor GREENE-Georgia - 2 U.S. Congresses (House) 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

 8.      Pramila JAYAPAL-State of Washington - 4 U.S. Congresses (House) 115th-118th (2015 - Present). Previously Member of the State of Washington Senate



9.      James Patrick McGOVERN-Massachusetts -14 U.S. Congresses (House) 105th – 118th (1997 – Present) 

10.  Thomas Harold MASSIE-Kentucky - 7 U.S. Congresses (House) 112th – 118th (2012 – Present). Previously Judge/Executive (U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky head of executive branch of Lewis County government)

 11.  Alexandria OCASIO-Cortez-New York -1 current U.S. Congress (House) 118th (2023 – Present) 

12.  Ilhan Abdullahi OMAR-Minnesota 3 U.S. Congresses (House) 116th – 118th (2019 – present). Previously State of Minnesota House of Representatives 

13.  Randal Howard PAUL-Kentucky 7 U.S. Congresses (Senate) 112th – 118th (2011 – Present) 

14.  Ayanna Soyini PRESSLEY-Massachusetts 3 U.S. Congresses (House) 116th – 118th (2019 – present). Previously Boston City Council Member

 15.  Matthew Martin ROSENDALE Sr.-Montana - 2 U.S. Congresses (House) 117th – 118th (2021 – Present). Previously Member of State of Montana House and Senate and Auditor (successively)

 16.  Rashida Harbi TLAIB-Michigan - 3 U.S. Congresses (House) (116th-118th Congresses) 2019-present). Previously State of Michigan House of Representatives



Governance by Caprice, Pandering and Self Interest


Governments, Leadership, Public officials Upholding Law, Justice under Law, International Conventions, Universal Human Rights

In distinguishing U.S. law and the intentions of law from self-interest or capriciousness, the November letter writers note that the “
Espionage Act” of 1917 “was ostensibly intended to punish and imprison government employees and contractors for providing or selling state secrets to enemy governments.”

The Espionage Act” was “not intended to punish journalists and whistleblowers for attempting to inform the public about serious issues—that some U.S. government officials might prefer to keep secret.” An essential code allied with the institution of a free press must be upheld:

“It is the duty of journalists to seek out sources, including documentary evidence, in order to report to the public on the activities of government.” 

Government must refrain from pursuing “unnecessary prosecution that risks criminalizing common journalistic practices and thus chilling the work of the free press.”


Final Note from Black and UDHR

“Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government.”
— Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States August 17, 1937- September 17, 1971 HUGO L. BLACK born in Harlan, Alabama (February 27, 1886)— 

More generally the Universal Declaration of Human Rights notes among its articles

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Other Sources

Official U.S. House website of Congresswoman Tlaib “Tlaib Leads Letter to DOJ to Drop Charges against Julian Assange; Defends Freedom of Press,” April 11, 2023


General reference and Congressional sources

Official U.S. House website of Congressman McGovern November 14, 2023, “McGovern, Massie Issue Bipartisan, Bicameral Call for U.S. to Drop Charges against Julian Assange,”

Hugo Black

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Monday, November 13, 2023

USA held Hostage by Chain Linked Puppeteers, Profiteers

Deciding Policy, Controlling Thought  

Ingrained Endemic Weakness

System of Corruption in Evidence 

2022 American Israel Public Affairs Committee Purchases across Political Parties
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ TAKE: $8,527,667
Members of the U.S. Senate’s TAKE: $1,430,084

  • CONTRIBUTIONS: $13,428,152
  • LOBBYING: $2,723,081
  • REVOLVING DOOR: 1 out of 10 American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbyists in 2022 previously held government jobs.
  • 2022 American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Top Affiliate: United Democracy Project
  • 2022 AIPAC to UDP: $10,500,000 (Total figure combines organization and individual)
  • 2022 Grand Total Spent on Federal Elections: $26,118,654
Super PAC United Democracy Project (UDP, industry category: Pro-Israel) HQ Washington, D.C.

On the Take, and Taken 
American Israel Public Affairs Committee ’s Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars’ Purchases (group’s individual+organizational payments)

20 Seated


  1. Glenn Ivey, Maryland

ZERO House Years of Service (in process) 118th (2023 – Present)

Total $720,915


  1. Haley Stevens, Michigan

THREE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 116th – 118th (2019 – Present)

Total $681,466


  1. Elaine Luria, Virginia

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 116th – 117th (2019 – 2023)

Total $471,025


  1. Valerie Foushee, North Carolina

ZERO US Congress Served (in process) House Years of Service 118th (2023 – Present)

Total $419,455


  1. Josh S. Gottheimer, New Jersey

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $216,610          


  1. Steny Hoyer, Maryland (Super GERONTOCRAT)

TWENTY-TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 97th – 118th (1981 – Present)

Total $164,613          


  1. Kathy Manning, North Carolina

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $158,159


  1. Donald Bacon, Nebraska

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $155,898


  1. Shontel Brown, Ohio

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $150,670


  1. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut

SEVEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 112th – 118th (2011 – Present)

Total $148,013


  1. Ritchie Torres, New York

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $141,008          


  1. John Hoeven, North Dakota

SEVEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 112th – 118th (2011 – Present)

Total $131,900          


  1. Patty Murray, State of Washington (gerontocrat)

SIXTEEN US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 103rd – 118th (1993 – Present)

Total $123,650          


  1. Michael Bennet, Colorado

EIGHT US Congresses Served Senate Years of Service 111th – 118th (2009 – Present)

Total $116,850          


  1. Ken Calvert, California (gerontocrat)

SIXTEEN US Congresses Served House Years of Service 103rd – 118th (1993 – Present)

Total $110,125          


  1. Michelle Steel, California

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $109,849          


  1. Kevin McCarthy, California (gerontocrat)

NINE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 110th – 118th (2007 – Present)

Total $108,350          


  1. Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts  

TWO US Congresses Served House Years of Service 117th – 118th (2021 – Present)

Total $102,900          


  1. Brian Mast, Florida

FOUR US Congresses Served House Years of Service 115th – 118th (2017 – Present)

Total $101,843          


  1. Peter Aguilar, California  

FIVE US Congresses Served House Years of Service 114th – 118th (2015 – Present)

Total $101,800          


In my view 
Those who allow themselves to be bought show themselves to be morally and intellectually Weak, Corrupt, Cheap.

Once the weak, corrupt and cheap (the Bought) are seated in positions of power, they serve their masters in Cheapening (bringing down) 
Vital internal and external Institutions...

Body Politic
Civilization and Sovereignty
Whole Society.

Term notes Biographical Directory of United States Congress
Money Trail Data OpenSecrets,
PAC of PAC United Democracy Project

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Thursday, November 9, 2023

EXTREMISM: A Dogma of Violence at Home Trafficked abroad

An Unacceptable Brand

World Sees what 


Refuse to See

“…They have sown an ideology of hate and of pillage.” For 75 years, with the support of the West, they have planted this ideology …— first, they have executed and caused to be carried out “against the Palestinian people” “raids, extermination, genocide, atomic bombs.” They will also “go after the Arab peoples and all of the Muslim peoples…”

Give your “attention good people of the world” who listen to me. “Attention, men and women of the United States and Europe and the world.” “They have planted an ideology more dangerous than the ideology of Nazism.” (Words of a distinguished South American Head of State paraphrased, minor edit) Orinoco Tribune November 7, 2023, was reporting on a response by Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro following “statements by an Israeli minister who was in favor of dropping an atomic bomb on the Gaza Strip.”]
Anadolu Ajansı, Anadolu Agency: on Sunday November 5, 2023, “Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu (reportedly) … told Israeli media that dropping a ‘nuclear bomb’ on Gaza is ‘an option.’” November 9, 2023 news: “Palestine complains to IAEA about Israel’s threat to drop nuclear bomb on Gaza” News source Anadolu Ajansı, Anadolu Agency (AA), Republic of Turkiye; Headquarters Ankara

Venezuela’s Leader: Context

H.E. President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros
official government website biographical (excerpt): 

Founder of the new Caracas Metro Union (SITRAMECA); Member of the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200 (MBR-200); National Founder of the Bolivarian Workers’ Force (FBT); Founding Member of the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) and Coordinator of the Parliamentary Team of this political party between 2000 and 2001; Coordinator of the parliamentary team of the Bloc of Change in the National Assembly (AN) and Deputy to the Congress of the Republic of Venezuela from January 23 to December 15, 1999.

Member of Congress of the Republic of Venezuela heading part of Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) and holding membership in various permanent commissions; Member of the National Constituent Assembly (president of its Commission on Citizen Participation and member of the Economic and Social Commission August 1999-January 2000).
  • Elected (five-year period 2000-2005) Principal Deputy for the Federal District; Presided over the National Assembly (January-August 2006) then called to assume the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (promoted together with Commander Hugo Chávez creation and consolidation of ALBA (2001), Petrocaribe (2005), UNASUR (2008) and CELAC (2010)
  • Executive Vice President (by appointment October 10, 2012); then (by constitutionally mandated appointment to President in Charge of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 
  • Elected (April 14, 2013) constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, “first Chavista and working-class president in Venezuela’s contemporary history.” 
The Venezuelan president is a native of Caracas (b. November 23, 1962) who in early life became a “member of the Socialist League,” a “driver in the Caracas Metro” who also became a “member of the Board of Directors and union leader.”
“Nicolás Maduro Moros” [biographical source Wikipedia (excerpted): Member of the National Assembly of Venezuela for Capital District (August 3, 2000 – August 7, 2006); President of the National Assembly of Venezuela (January 5, 2005 – August 7, 2006); Minister of Foreign Affairs (August 9, 2006 – 15 January 15, 2013); Vice President of Venezuela (October 13, 2012 –March 5, 2013); President pro tempore of the Union of South American Nations (April 23, 2016 – April 21, 2017); Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement (September 17, 2016 –October 25, 2019); President of Venezuela (March 5, 2013 - )

November 9, 2023, Update on UNSPEAKABLE CARNAGE 

“Israeli aggression” has caused Palestinian death toll reaching at least “10,812” people including “195 medics” (51 destroyed ambulances). 
Victims of the carnage include “4,412 children,” “2,918 women,” “676 elders”; plus, more than “26,000” wounded; trapped in ruins are an estimated “2,650 people” (among them “1,400 children”), Source Press TV News “Heavy fighting continues in Gaza as Israel, US reject ceasefire, November 9, 2023,
“Palestine complains to IAEA about Israel's threat to drop nuclear bomb on Gaza,”

 U.S. Leaders (C - S)
  in the Wings
GOP Candidates’ Staged Game of Blame and Violence

Bio brief: NO U.S. MILITARY/NATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE Christopher James CHRISTIE: Son of New Jersey laborer and CPA; a Millionaire former United States Attorney for the State of New Jersey and New Jersey Governor
Recklessly Spreading Ignorance and Promoting Violence, Christie slanders the People’s Republic of China as “the enemy”; and advocates increasing U.S. military might with “Navy nuclear submarines” as “… the greatest deterrent to [nonexistent] Chinese aggression.”


Bio brief: U.S. MILITARY SERVICE Ronald Dion DESANTIS: Son of USA Rustbelt/Floridian laborer and health worker; a millionaire former teacher, coach and soldier, formerly elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and current governorship of Florida.

Recklessly Promoting Violence as advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel, DeSantis says: “Finish the job once and for all” … “They’re terrorists. They’re massacring innocent people. They would wipe every Jew off the globe if they could.”

DeSantis as bullying belligerent addressing officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran: “You harm a hair on the head of an American service member, and you are going to have hell to pay.”

Bio brief: NO U.S. MILITARY/NATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE Nimarata Nikki Randhawa HALEY: Daughter of business owners of India (immigrants to USA); a Millionaire raised Sikh, formerly an elected member of the State of South Carolina House of Representatives and a South Carolina Governor

Recklessly Promoting Violence as advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel, Haley says: “Finish them.” “They (Israeli officials and militarists) are the tip of the spear when it comes to this Islamic terrorism and we need to make sure that we have their (Israeli officials and militarists’) backs in that process.”

Recklessly (Adolescently) Promoting Violence as bully and belligerent against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Haley declares: “Iran responds to strike.” “You punch them once, and you punch them hard, and they will back off.”

[Haley blames the People’s Republic of China for the drug problem in the United States of America. She claims erroneously and ridiculously that the Chinese are “murdering Americans with fentanyl” (a powerful synthetic drug used as a painkiller); and her presidency would “end all formal trade relations with China” … “until they stop murdering Americans.”]

Blame comes easier to pandering politicians (and lazy news agencies) than substantive and impartial education, diligent governance and diligent reporting.

Some of the Story of the Pain Killer Epidemic

In a 2021 article at Scientific American titled “We’re Overlooking a Major Culprit in the Opioid Crisis: Pharmaceutical companies and drug dealers have been part of the problem—but so have policy makers” Maia Szalavitz wrote that drug manufacturers saw the chance to make tons on money, so they began cutting “heroin with illicitly manufactured fentanyl and various other synthetic opioids, which are both cheaper to make and more potent.” A crackdown ensued. But “few have called for accountability for those who initiated the medical supply crackdown that drove the rise of fentanyl.” There has never been “a reckoning for policy makers—from the DEA to the CDC to the U.S. Congress and state legislatures—who closed pill mills and wrote laws, guidelines and regulations to decrease prescribing while making no significant effort to immediately treat the abandoned patients whether they were addicted or in pain or both.

“Once again, addiction worsened.”

The ignored fact is “that most opioid addictions start when people take drugs that are not prescribed to them,” the article said.

A 2019 article at Peoples World by John Bachtell notes that “Millions became addicted to opioids like (Perdue-produced, DEA and FDA approved) OxyContin.” And once people were hooked (addicted), “they turned to heroin, a cheaper opioid to satisfy their craving.

“Fentanyl is far cheaper and easier to produce than even heroin and gives a powerful high.…”

“Amphetamines, street heroin, and cocaine are being cut with fentanyl—100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin—to bolster profits. Users are put in “immense danger of overdose.”

“Mass addiction caused by the pharmaceutical companies and distributors is the basis for an alarming new crisis of overdoses from the synthetic opioid (fentanyl).

Politicians should be mindful of
Propaganda and the Ricochet Effect

An early 2023 Statista article showed that in 2022 the estimated “total value” of the U.S. trade in goods with China was “$690.6 billion” of which “153.8 billion” was “export value” and “$536.8 billion” was “import value.” “Total value of U.S. trade in goods with China 2012-2022” by Yihan Ma, February 8, 2023

“U.S. imports of trade goods from China 1985-2022,” published by Tugba Sabanoglu February 14, 2023 “In 2022, Chinese exports of trade goods to the United States amounted to about $536.75 billion.”
Bio brief: NO U.S. MILITARY/NATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE / NO U. S. ELECTIVE OFFICE credentials Vivek Ganapathy RAMASWAMY: Son of law and engineering and healthcare professionals of India (immigrants to USA); a Billionaire hedge fund investor and pharmaceutical industrialist
NDTV quoted Vivek Ramaswamy on why the United States Cannot “Get Tough with China” The Defense industrial base of the United States depends on China for the supply chain:
  • For the F-35 jets
  • For the shipbuilding
  • For pharmaceuticals
  • For semiconductors
“We can’t get tough with China,” Ramaswamy is quoted saying “because we depend on them for our modern way of life.”

And pulling out the “enemy” canard, he declared “we have to declare economic independence from our enemy.” NDTV November 9, 2023,

Bio brief: NO U.S. MILITARY/NATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE Timothy Eugene SCOTT: Son of nursing-assistant divorcée; a Millionaire formerly a South Carolina insurance man and an elected member of the State of South Carolina House of Representatives and the United States House and Senate
Recklessly (Adolescently) Promoting Violence as bully and belligerent against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Scott declares: “You actually have to cut off the head of the snake, and the head of the snake is Iran….”

Brand in need of 

This brand of United States of America manifest in a duopoly of extremism and belligerence are grounds for permanent divorce. The time has long past for a responsible citizenry to exercise their citizenry duty:
  • Upend the internally corrupt system by which public officials are chosen.
  • Remove the for-sale sign, ban money (foreign, domestic, private, vested interest) from candidacy, elections, voting, districting, public office.
  • Mandate truly democratic decision-making and choice.
  • Mandate and maintain strict across-the-board rules and standards.
  • Search diligently, and with determination find rational and moral (principled) human beings, competent and caring individuals with relevant experience and qualifications who are willing to contend for and responsibly assume the helm of good governance and provide public service for the general welfare of the citizenry of the United States of America.

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:


President Maduro said the following:

Asia InternationalNews

President Maduro: Zionism is More Dangerous Than Nazism

NOVEMBER 7, 2023

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro referred to Zionism as an ideology that is more dangerous that Nazism and ratified his solidarity with the people of Palestine who are falling victim to the crimes and genocide committed by the Israeli apartheid regime. Israeli attacks on Gaza have now continued for 31 days of relentless murder, largely of defenseless Palestinian women and children, constituting a crime against humanity by any standard. “Let us stop the Zionist genocide against the beloved Palestinian people,” stated president Maduro.

This Monday, November 6, the Palestinian ambassador to Venezuela, Fadi Alzaben, attended the broadcast of President Nicolás Maduro’s Con Maduro+.

Regarding the statements of an Israeli minister who was in favor of dropping an atomic bomb on the Gaza Strip, President Maduro said the following:

Original text as reported

…They have sown an ideology of hate, of pillage.”

“They have planted it for 75 years with the support of the West,” continued the president. “Attention, good world that listens to me. Attention, men and women of the United States, Europe and the world. They have planted an ideology more dangerous than the Nazi one. First, against the Palestinian people: raids, extermination, genocide, and atomic bombs. Then, they will go after the Arab peoples and all the Muslim peoples…”



” continued the president.


“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...