Squanderers of power and privilege, incompetents—because of
their incompetence, their unfitness for purpose — bend embarrassingly, dangerously
to any wind.
nti-UN, Anti- Human Rights Regression, nepotism,
incompetence, unprofessionalism: Seriously flawed USA leadership affirms US OUTLAW
NATION—DO IT OUR WAY or we kill you: Destroy your leaders, nations, peoples,
and peoples; Plunder your potential into antiquity; withdraw presence and
potential peacemaking from multinational assemblies trying to resolve conflict
and improve lives. Reckless US officials—uninstructed and unrestrained by
historical clarity—imprint an indelible stain; plough a dark, deadly, lawless road
down which there will be no return, no recovery, no redemption for the United
States of America and its people. Future generations will suffer consequences
of today’s reckless abandonment of established, substantive human-centered
principles and progress in aid of global society. News peg PressTV and other
sources Wednesday June 20, 2018 analyst at PressTV: “‘US withdrawal from UNHRC betrayal of constitution.’” [http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/06/20/565507/US-UNHRC-Nikki-Haley-Mike-Pompeo-constitution-dialogue-Israel]
No Eleanor Roosevelt

ormer US army psychological warfare officer Scott Bennett last
week told Press TV that the United States’ withdrawal from the United Nations
Human Rights Council (UNHCR) reflects “Washington’s disregard for the welfare
of the world’s population.” The action betrays the constitution, Americans, and
the world’s people who “see the United Nations as a dialogue bridge, as an
opportunity for conversations and discussions that are essential to keeping the
Nations Human Rights Council
at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Human
Rights Council comprised of 47 Member States elected by the UN General Assembly
was created by the UNGA on March 15, 2006 (Resolution 60/251).
This inter-governmental
body within the United Nations system is “responsible for strengthening the
promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing
situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has
the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that
require its attention throughout the year.”
Replacing the
former United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the UHCHR also “works with
the UN Special Procedures established by the former Commission on Human Rights,
now assumed by the Council.”
ithin these
procedures are “special rapporteurs, special representatives, independent
experts and working groups that monitor, examine, advise and publicly report on
thematic issues or human rights situations in specific countries.” [https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/Home.aspx
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