Sunday, July 1, 2018

Leaders who govern by Distraction refuse to govern serving the Public Good

False Premises Failing State USA

U.S. Media, Public Officials and Partners Prefer Infighting; and Pandering to Tribes, Think Tanks and Private Enterprises, Fantasies and Passing Fancies.

ric Zorn addresses part of the problem.

His June 29 column at the Chicago Tribune points to partisan dissembling and its pageantry of distraction. But it stops short of addressing prior causes, underlying problems and the failure of public officials, as a body of government, to take responsibility for both problems and solutions. Immigration is a manufactured crisis whose cause is rooted in the character and conduct of US relations with world nations.

Zorn cites one side’s dissembling and fixing blame.

“Democrats love open borders” [pandering to National Federation of Independent Businesses]

 “Democrats” [want to] “Let everybody come in. …, let them come in from the Middle East, let them come in from all over the place.…” [Pandering to Duluth] Quotes attributed to President Trump.

Remember, for years, U.S. officials have been at war against peoples of the Middle East and the violence and destabilization caused by US policy and practice have forced people to flee for their lives. It doesn’t take a genius to see this. And I’m certainly no genius.

Since 2001 a U.S. law has licensed US officials to claim “terrorist” as pretext for conducting mass killings in foreign countries, forcing survivors to flee their native lands.

ince 2001, the “Authorization for Use of Military Force” (AUMF), opposed by only one member of the U.S. Congress, Representative Barbara Lee, has been used first and repeatedly to shatter Iraq and then to destabilize and/or decimate Afghanistan, the Philippines, Georgia, Yemen, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia.

The George W. Bush administration used the AUMF legislation “18 times.”
The Barack H. Obama administration used the AUMF “18 times.”

Among the countries mentioned in 37 instances of the US use of force under this all-political-parties-embracing law of endless violence were “Afghanistan, Cuba (Guantanamo Bay), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Philippines, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.” (Wikipedia citing Congressional Research Service report)

Causation and Consequence

There’s no getting around it, except by dissembling to a segment of the masses who want to believe in their favorite prejudices, politicians and/or personalities!

SSA Pattern of Foreign Interference, Regime Change, Breach of Sovereignty

  • ·       20th century against Latin America and Caribbean: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay 

  • ·       20th - 21st Century Global: Panama 1903, 1942, 1989; Honduras 1920s; Nicaragua 1910s, 1982–1989; Mexico 1914; Haiti 1915-1934, 1991; Dominican Republic 1916–1924, 1965–66; Russia 1918; South Korea 1945–1950; China 1946–1949; Greece 1946–1949; Italy 1948–1970s:; Syria 1949, 1960s, 2000s; Iran 1950s/1953, 2005; Guatemala 1954; Laos 1955–1960; Indonesia 1957–1959, 1965–1967; Lebanon 1958; Iraq 1959, 1963, 1972–1975, 1991–2003, 1994–2000; Laos 1960;  Cuba 1960s (Bay of Pigs 1961); Brazil 1961–1964; Bolivia 1971; Chile 1973; Afghanistan 1979–1989, 2001 – present; El Salvador 1980–1992; Grenada 1983; Kuwait 1991; 1999-2000 Yugoslavia; Palestinian territories 2006–07; Libya 2010s/ 2011 Libya; Yemen 2015-present.

artners in Hostility: Democrats, Republicans, Whatever’s-expedient Bernie 
  • ·       Destroy Their Homelands then
  • ·       Block their Entry into USA

Eric Zorn cites a June 27 New York Times report showing that “In 2013, every single Democrat in the Senate voted for the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration overhaul bill that would have provided about $40 billion for border enforcement—including deploying thousands more agents and building 700 miles of fencing …”

In 2006, “26 Senate Democrats voted to build 700 miles of walls and fences on the southwestern border.”

hundred and ninety three (193) “House Democrats have signed onto a proposal that (a) ‘enhances technology used to monitor the border, and (b) provides yearly grants of $110 million for collaboration between local law enforcement and Border Patrol agents.’”

It is impossible, believably, to speak of migration or immigration without speaking of U.S. foreign wars. Migration is effect ● War in whatever guise is cause.


Eric Zorn’s op-ed Chicago Tribune June 29, 2018 “It’s time to build a wall around the ‘open borders’ lie”


My additional commentary and minor editing

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB

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