Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Exceptional America “First and Last” Abandons its Own

People Suffer, Anger for want of most basic of basics, Scramble over crumbs thrown from tables of luxury and waste

For years, since saving account interests rose to and plummeted from 11 percent and homeless people languished in the shadows of the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington DC, America’s neglect has been evident to anyone who would see. I was there and watched America’s self- immolation, its cannibalizing, its selfish crash and burn—from bridges to bank scandals, to blatant breach of public trust  — as public officials raked in their share and turned their faces.  

When central or federal government officials serve only themselves and their “partners,” “relatives,” “friends,” and “allies,” the public, the country, suffers interminably.

The corrupt have instituted a system of selective “grant” handouts from partisans and profit- making charities. Not principled support of the welfare of all America.

This system leaves U.S. states and cities, local communities bereft and barren, the masses of people fighting among themselves while up against a wall of corrupt and/or incompetent municipal officials some perhaps earnestly trying to serve mass need but many, in the Washington model, serving only themselves by robbing the public treasury and pandering to selective interests. In this system, the masses are left to fight for scraps, inadequacies, the basic of basics in air, water, shelter, health and safety, training and education.  

Forget the USA “democracy” mantra (that too is a shroud of nothingness)

Michigan and Louisiana’s masses need water. California, New York, Appalachia’s masses need shelter. America’s masses need decent jobs with living wages. Decent jobs and living wages don’t need handouts, charity, “grants,” “soft” money or public office politicians’ pandering.

Water, Water Everywhere — Private, yes; Public, No


n Louisiana, the New Orleans mayoralty and Sewage and Water Board are calling names and threatening to shut off water amidst citizen complaints of no bills, no meter readings, and spiked bills. One disabled woman, according to Aaron Murch writing this week at WSWS, reported a “$1,400” bill, another a “$700” bill, others reported receiving no bills in a year but they continued to pay what they no doubt guessed to be the correct amount.

This is chaos and incompetence. And the servant of the people, reportedly, considers the people “bad actors.”


lint, Michigan 2014 – present: Federal State of Emergency because of lead contaminated water

2018: The State of Michigan grants Nestle bottling company a permit “to significantly increase the volume of fresh water” it currently pumps from Michigan waterways, at 100,000 times the amount used by residents, a change that doubles the amount Nestle can pump, and at “no additional cost.”


estlé Preference 

 April 2, 2018, Despite public objections, “the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality,” according to Popular Science and Science Alert, “approved a plan allowing the snack company Nestlé to pump 250 gallons of water a minute from White Pine Springs, 
which the company will then bottle, brand like Nestlé Pure Life Purified Water or Ice Mountain 100% Natural Spring Water, and sell (at least in New York) for about $2.50 a pop.
In 2014 the powers that be placed Flint, Michigan, residents under threat by changing their water source “from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the cheaper Flint River.” And as they suffer, Nestle profits soar. Flint residents will have to wait at least six years for lead laden pipes to be replaced; and  Nestle will sell them bottles of water rising no doubt to more than three dollars a bottle (to drink, cook and bathe), no longer subsidized or aided (no free bottled water) by a government whose actions caused both the water emergency and the corporate giveaways.

A Flint resident speaking to Science Alert makes the point poignantly:
We the citizens of Flint are unable to get water, but you can give Nestle water for free and force us to buy that back at a premium.
The government has promised replacement of Flint’s lead-contaminated water pipes “no sooner than 2020.” But don’t bank on it.

etroit falling apart 

Detroit declared bankruptcy in 2013 but a decade and a half before that, “less than one-half of one percent of the city’s water main pipelines had been replaced and breaks and water flooding city streets had become as normal as broken streetlights.”


Blame! Blame and bilk the public and the public treasury. 

Undermine the public trust. 

If the citizens or the masses cannot afford or are sickened by the basic necessity of water, well, it’s their own fault. And when sickened by contaminated water without the means to either prevent ill health or afford health services, well, tough luck. Who cares!

This is America at its most Exceptionally “Christian” Corrupt making fit the few and failing to quench the thirst or give living water to the masses.  


World Socialist Web Site “New Orleans mayor refers to residents as ‘bad actors’ amid looming water cut-offs’ August 8, 2018 Aaron Murch

Science Alert “Flint Residents Struggle For Affordable, Clean Water, While Nestle Pumps Gallons of It Nearby: Nestle pays only $200 a year” April 10, 2018, Carly Cassella

Popular Science “Michigan is practically giving away clean water—but not to Flint” April 13, 2018 Eleanor Cummins

Flint Water Crisis

Crain’s Detroit Business “Aging infrastructure lurks beneath Detroit's revitalization” August 5, 2018 Chad Livengood

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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