In a nation where violent aggression is permanent foreign and domestic policy
and where homelessness is promoted and clean water is denied — talk of “N” words crowns
the pinnacle of a nation whose people have gone insane.
irst this
I would proffer that “the ‘N’ Word” is a nonissue and “Black” as of a
person is nonexistent.
“Black” is
Nonexistent in the sense that there are no “black” people, even in the remotest of Africa; just as there are no “white” people, even in the remotest of the Nordics; but rather adjectives hatched in the minds of historically fickle and flawed imaginations and manipulators harboring personal agendas; and
The historically degraded term, perhaps for “Negro,” is hurled frequently, publicly and carelessly, no doubt applauded in gangster rap, by people whose skin surface is tinted without and tinted with the use of a tanning salon.
I would argue that “the ‘N’ word” as a pejorative reduction of “Negro” likely
originating with the colonialists was taken up in “The New World” by the
uneducated, the backward, and the truly ignorant.
And in contemporary times “the ‘N’ word” is a usage of the provincial
and ghettoized, the uneducated, undereducated and the deliberately ignorant—its
usage often intended, by whoever uses it, to provoke.
owever, we can choose not to provoke and we can choose not to be
We can choose to pity the user and we can choose not to be the user.We can choose not to demean and not to be demeaned.We can choose to overcome backwardness and aggression
If and when offended, we can courageously correct the expression in its
tracks, in the moment —not after the fact, as shallow revenge entertainment for
We can choose to attend to substantive issues from which talk of non-issue “N” words is a calculated distraction.
hen this
Frankly, I don’t care. But I care.
Given the state of affairs in the United States and the state of U.S. relations
with the world—areas of deep and compelling concern, real issues of life and
death —I don’t care who uses, abuses or overuses “N” words and I don’t care why
they use them.
care that Americans are at each
others’ throats while their fellow Americans are languishing on streets and
sidewalks, under bridges and in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol for want of fundamentals
of food and shelter and the wherewithal to sustain permanent shelter. And the fickle in
public office are arguing about “rights” to non shelter, which is what tents
and homeless camps are.
care that government officials
will not ensure clean water and air and won’t protect and preserve the natural
care that the sustaining policy of
the United States, legislated, ordered and executed by two entrenched
tyrannical political parties, is violent aggression— all the time, anywhere, everywhere,
for any reason or pretext, or no reason — kill children, cultures, the future of
nations, kill all who disagree, who are different, who do not comply with narrow,
short-term, selfish, expedient aims or designs.
care that the United States has terminally broken systems and institutions among them the elections system, a
pretense in “democracy,” that Americans endorse by electing and reelecting careless Executives
plus 535 corrupt to the core Congress men and women who every single day betray
the public trust and waste the public treasury on making and sustaining foreign
wars, bickering among themselves and blaming each other, and lining their own pockets.
In a sane world, people understand that an “N” word or talk of an “N” word pales by comparison to real issues of our time.
must we waste the mind and human effort on a nothing?
I apologize for taking this time even to address it.
News pegs
PressTV “Trump calls former White House aide a ‘dog’… [Omarosa
Manigault] Newman, who was sacked last December, has accused [U.S. President
Donald] Trump of making derogatory statements and using N-words about
African-Americans, Filipinos and other minorities, saying the US president has
a ‘pattern’ of insulting people of color and questioning their intelligence.”
August 15, 2018
Newsweek “Fire Chief Removed After Calling Maxine Waters N-Word in
Racist Facebook Post” Benjamin Fearnow August
16, 2018
New York Magazine “DI Politics Chat: The ‘N-word Tape’ Tape” Ezekiel Kweku,
Jonathan Chait, Ed Kilgore, and Eric Levitz August 16, 2018
Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights
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