Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thoughts, Prayers, Walling and Blaming overshadow Dire Domestic Relations, Bad Governance

U.S. Politicians bent on Walling out Thought  

hought Walled out 

Where do we put up a wall? How do we shield the world’s nations and peoples? Who will and how do we, citizens of the world's nations, block all those U.S. bombs, missiles, drones and landmines that are killing, maiming, rendering homeless and stateless, subjecting to predators the peoples of Iraq and Yemen and Somalia and Sudan and Nigeria and Syria and Pakistan and Palestine and … and …, endlessly, everyday and everywhere?

here and how do we stop the bloodletting with impunity that is being committed by U.S. air, sea and ground forces and computer drone operators, by expedient U.S. allies and proxies, under orders and by acquiescence of U.S. politicians of all political parties and their paymasters and partners? Who will pay for U.S. cyber and sanctions crimes and crimes of war abroad?

Where is the outrage for oceans of blood gushing from weaponry and hands of U.S. arms manufacturers and sellers and funders and equally from U.S. political campaigners funded by these marketers in endless suffering and death? 

No immigrant—in the United States or Western Europe including England— anywhere ever committed such atrocities!

“Thoughts,” “Prayers” Passing the Buck

  • U.S. President Donald Trump on campaign trail in impoverished West Virginia reportedly said
    “The laws are so bad,” … The immigration laws are … such a disgrace…. [T]he illegal alien coming in from, very sadly, from Mexico…. And you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman.”  
  • U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst tossed off a statement saying
    “We are deeply saddened that this bright, young woman’s life was cut short. Our heart goes out to the family and friends of Mollie Tibbetts. No family should ever have to endure such a tragedy, especially one that could have been prevented. … We cannot allow these tragedies to continue.”

.S. Senator Charles Ernest Grassley has been ensconced in both houses of the U.S. Congress for more than four decades! He was first elected in 1974 to the U.S. House of Representatives, remaining there until 1981; then shifted to the U.S. Senate where he has remained since 1981 and is scheduled to remain entrenched in the Senate through 2023.  

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst has fewer years in the Upper Chamber. She was elected in 2014 and is scheduled to hold the Senate seat until 2021. 

With almost 50 years between them sitting in Congress and the president’s 50 years in business, that economics degree from the prestigious Wharton School of Business, and all those millions—you would think the American people have a right to expect (but for the ingrained incompetence, corruption and callousness in government) more than thoughts and prayers and buck passing.

alled out Thought
pattern of USA missing persons
Chicago Tribune June 15, 2013: “University of Chicago student missing:The parents of a University of Chicago student who disappeared … asking that anyone with information come forward immediately.”
Chicago Tribune January 17, 2018: “Earlier abduction attempt reported on day Chinese scholar went missing at (University of Illinois): The young University of Illinois graduate student was walking to a bus stop one morning last June when a clean-cut man wearing aviator sunglasses pulled up in a black sedan and flashed a badge.”
heat Sheet: States in which “Missing Persons Cases Are Piling Up”
“… [O]n average, 90,000 people are missing in the United States at any given time. While many of them end up being found, alive or dead, many others remain missing to this day.
The current posting by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows 87 open cases of U.S. “Kidnappings & Missing Persons.” [Some are entered in the collage heading my blog posting.]

lease do not dishonor the aggrieved, the displaced, and the dead—do not play for fools or insult the intelligence of the American people—with glib talk, a show of endless propagandistic drivel and counterfeit patriotism attempting to camouflage lazy, callous, incompetent and corrupt governance!

he time has come for Americans to hear over, see through the walls of noise — waste for want of air, bread and water without violence—thrown up by U.S. politicians and other public figures to hide their failings.


Des Moines Register “Trump says Mollie Tibbetts’ death ‘should’ve never happened,’ calls immigration laws ‘a disgrace’” August 21, 2018
WJCL “Iowa student killed by undocumented immigrant, official says” Dylan Hyman August 21, 2018

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

Donald Trump

Chicago Tribune Jason Meisner and Dawn Rhodes January 17, 2018

Chicago Tribune

Cheat Sheet Karen Bennett, June 11, 2018

FBI Missing Persons

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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