Sunday, August 19, 2018

U.S. Government, Media side with Wealthy Criminal Element

Super rich wraps in flag he deserted, U.S. officials give him “political” cover for his crimes

here is much to know about “solid” citizen William "Bill" Felix Browder.

In recent news is Phil Butler’s “Hard Truth on Browder and Other Putin Enemies” article at New Eastern Outlook. The article also shows media and government complicity in lawlessness.

“The New Yorker” magazine, Butler writes, “wants privateer investor Bill Browder to be seen wearing a red cape and blue tights” but “What you can’t read in the New Yorker story about Browder is the way the whole Magnitsky story (see chronology below) was cooked up by the western order.

“This Foreign Policy story tells of a hacked email in between a U.S. State Department intelligence spook Robert Otto and CIA officers, mainstream media, NGOs, and international funds. The collection of hacked emails showed the Russia expert had serious doubts as to the veracity of the Magnitsky narrative.”

But “Like every other allegation against [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and Russia, the Browder [expletive deleted] just stinks more and more. Browder’s lobbying efforts in Washington led to the Magnitsky Act — the first anti-Russian sanctions bill since the end of the Cold War.”

Brief chronology of 

Financier Bill Browder is CEO and co-founder (1996 - ) of Hermitage Capital Management investments that was at one time “the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.” HCM’s early aim: to cash in on post-USSR conditions by investing $25 million seed capital “during the period of the mass privatization after the fall of the Soviet Union.”

Note that following the fall of the Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (1922-1991) great suffering ensued. Privatization caused even more suffering. 
Reports showed a rapid increase in poverty, corruption, unemployment, homelessness, rates of disease, demographic loses, income inequality, and the rise of a class of oligarchy
Economic shock waves accompanying “wholesale privatization” contributed to “sharp increases in mortality.”

Enter, Mr. Browder 

: Browder gives up his USA citizenship to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.
2005: Russia bans him as a threat to Russia’s national security.
2008 November: one of (Browder’s) Hermitage’s auditors, Sergei Magnitsky, is arrested on charges of “the very tax evasion he (Magnitsky) is investigating.
2009 November 16: Magnitsky dies in prison; after which Browder lobbies Congress to pass “a law to punish ‘Russian human rights’ violators” and what followed in 2012 was
a “Magnitsky Act”— described in a Nation magazine article as “recklessly and needlessly jeopardiz[ing] U.S.-Russian cooperation in vital areas from Afghanistan and the Middle East to international terrorism and nuclear proliferation”— is signed by U.S. President Barack Obama.
2013: Browder— jointly in a posthumous prosecution of Sergei Magnitsky—is tried in absentia in Russia for tax fraud (evasion of $16.8 million in taxes). Browder is “convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison” but Interpol rejects Russian requests to arrest Browder.
 July: Browder the patriot shows up again before U.S. legislators, this time testifying before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee 

“on Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election through use of persons in Washington, D.C.”
2017 October 21 Browder still linked to criminal tax evasion convictions: the Russian government attempts to place Browder on Interpol’s arrest list (Interpol rejects request)
2018 May 30: Spain’s law enforcement authorities arrest Browder “on a new Russian Interpol warrant” and transfer him to “an undisclosed Spanish police station” (Interpol calls it a “political case” and, after two hours Browder walks free.

 rich man walks free. A known and repeat offender, a man who had built his riches on the suffering of others—a man who has caused unpardonable harm to governments and people—is aided and abetted, even under cover of government legislation by Western officials to escape penalty and continue committing crimes.  

Hard truths, indeed!


New Eastern Outlook “Some Hard Truth on Browder and Other Putin Enemies” Phil Butler August 17, 2018

Soviet Union

Browder profile in brief

Born into a Chicago, Illinois, Jewish family, William Felix Browder attended the University of Colorado, Boulder, the University of Chicago (graduate economics), and Stanford Business School before entering the financial sector.

While working in the Eastern European practice of the Boston Consulting Group in London, and managing the Russian proprietary investments desk at Salomon Brothers, Browder gave up his U.S. citizenship (1998) and became a British citizen, partly to avoid paying U.S. taxes on foreign investments. Prior to his rejection to U.S. citizenship, Browder cofounded Hermitage Capital Management (1996) as a means of cashing in on post-Soviet Russia: “investing initial seed capital of $25 million in Russia during the period of the mass privatization after the fall of the Soviet Union. Bill Browder’s Hermitage Capital Management investment fund was at one time “the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.”

Bill Browder

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