Monday, September 24, 2018

Lazy journalism titillates, avoids hard work of tough on-site coverage

U.S. Press v. Kavanaugh 24/7 Hysterical Salaciousness 

The American press avoids serious and sustained hard news coverage of rape and abandonment endemic to U.S. domestic and foreign policies.

Press institutions, including corporate and “independent” ones, instead of practicing journalism, practice opportunism and gutterism— capitalizing on vulgarity, cheapness, indecency! Lazy journalism is not journalism at all!

ctual people are suffering, masses of people at home and worldwide are undergoing real and sustained suffering while American media presenters, hosts and talkers, their guests and allies are titillating themselves with salacious predilections or presumed predilections of the well off and well connected.
What these media mavens and legitimate press should be doing is substantive news coverage.

eave their news desks and studios and get on to the ground, the site of substantive happening; and from there, transmit non-stop coverage of the plight (metaphorical and actual rape) of the masses who are subjected endlessly to unspeakable harm caused by domestic and foreign policies and priorities of the United States of America, through its public officials, allies, contractors and NGOs and other partners. 

There is hard news in dire need of the hard work of reportage.  

Substance over Salaciousness
ubstantive issues and area of Ongoing Coverage might include
  • People and their lives in the Mountains of Appalachia – Abandoned Americans including those in McDowell County, West Virginia
  • People languishing without permanent shelter on the streets of San Francisco, New York, and  other U.S. cities and towns and rural places
  • Human conditions in U.S. states such as California, Illinois, Eastern and Western New York, Michigan, upstate Maine, Louisiana and others—human relations problems, problems with unclean air and water,
  • United States domestic homelessness and U.S-caused foreign displacement and homelessness, disease and refugees crises amidst endless plunder, corruption and excessive wealth
  • United States neglect and plunder by privatization, disestablishment, and destruction of essential quality of public education
  • United States failure to anticipate and plan for industrial and employer shifts, employment and workplace transformations to avoid U.S. unemployment and underemployment, and poverty
  • United States destruction of Civil Service or Public Service that protects and serves the people of America
  • United States threat to world bodies: United Nations, UN Security Council, International Criminal Court
  • Lives and livelihoods of Yemenis, Congolese, Somalis, Syrians, Ukrainians, Pakistanis, Haitians and other Central Americans, Mexicans, Afghans, Nigerians, Ugandans, Palestinians, Lebanese, Libyans, Iranians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Eritreans, Tunisians, Moroccans, Indians (people of India), Kashmiris, East Asians (North and South), Small Islanders, Venezuelans, and others worsened by U.S. interference, invasion, occupation, destabilization, displacement, regional threat and provocation

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

Prompt for today's commentary: Gutterism, Opportunism, Hysteria at Democracy Now! headlines and extended, repetitive features September 24, 2018

“Report: Senate Aides Knew of Second Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Claim & Tried to Rush His Confirmation,”

“‘Survivors Must Be Heard’: 1,100 Alumnae of Dr. Blasey Ford’s H.S. Demand FBI Investigate Kavanaugh,”

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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