Friday, September 28, 2018

Past-their-Prime Mouthy Actors, Politicians’ Conduct Unbecoming could be Felonious

Imprisonment would Spell Curtains for the Browns, De Neros, Depps, Schumers, Waters

Robert Bridge’s September 25, 2018, op-ed (excerpt, minor edit)

ntrenched heir to office, Gov. Edmund Gerald “Jerry” Brown Jr., son of former California governor Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown Sr., about the U.S. President:
“‘…[S]omething’s got to happen to this guy, because if we don’t get rid of him, he’s going to undermine America and even the world.’”
ntrenched in both Houses of the Congress of the United States (H1981-1999; S1998- term ending 2023) U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (NY) to the U.S. President:
 “‘Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you.’”
ntrenched in the United States House of Representatives (January 3, 1991-present) U. S. Representative Maxine Waters (Southern California) to a mob against members of the U.S. President’s administration: 
“‘ … [I]f you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.’”
The U.S. President counters:  “‘be careful.’”

merican actors past their prime
Johnny Depp asks concertgoers:“‘When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?’”
 Robert De Nero erupts:“that he’d like to ‘punch (U.S. President) [Trump] in the face.’”

Bridge concludes

These “dauntless politicians and celebrities fail to understand … that they are creating conditions (in which) inciting violence against the US leader is considered to be somehow normal. 
“The fact is, it is not normal. 
Moreover, comments of this nature “could be” judged felonious, and “punishable by multiple years” behind bars. Being a celebrity or government official does not place one “above the law.”


Robert Bridge, op-ed “Liberal threats against Donald Trump border on insanity & outright treason” September 25, 2018

American writer and journalist Robert Bridge is a former editor-in-chief of The Moscow News; and is author of the book Midnight in the American Empire.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

SCHUMER, Charles Ellis (Chuck
WATERS, Maxine,

Brown Dynasty - California
(Source Wikipedia)
  • FATHER Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown Sr.:  32nd Governor of California (1959-1967)
  • SON Edmund Gerald Brown Jr.: 34th and the 39th Governor of California (1975–1983, 2011–present)
  • DAUGHTER Kathleen Lynn Brown 29th California State Treasurer (1990), gubernatorial candidate (1994)
Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown Sr.,
Edmund Gerald Brown Jr.,

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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