Sunday, September 16, 2018

Texas School Board, Cheap Headlines Censor Substance

School Curriculum cutting  Overrated Opportunist does not concern me

asting Hillary Rodham Clinton and Helen Adams Keller in the same sentence is the same silly mistake news sources made some years ago in comparing “First Lady of the World” Anna Eleanor Roosevelt with the same odious opportunist.

I am concerned about public school systems promoting subjective religiosity, militarism, and sectarianism mixed with geopolitics—content not only inappropriate in public school curricula but content that school teachers are unqualified and ill prepared to teach.


 am also concerned that a public school would make the misguided decision to ban from school curriculum the life of a singularly outstanding American who overcame tremendous obstacles and, on her own merit, made outstanding achievements and great contributions to the United States and to the world; and who is, in any era, especially today, a great example — a good example—to anyone, and most especially, to developing young minds.  


elen Keller was a world-famous speaker and prolific author, a political activist and lecturer.

Remembered for her advocacy for people with disabilities, her campaigning for Woman Suffrage, labor rights, socialism, anti militarism, and many other issues and causes, Helen Adams Keller was Alabama born, a West Tuscumbia native, where today stands a museum sponsoring an annual “Helen Keller Day.”

Her birthday is commemorated in the State of Pennsylvania as “Helen Keller Day.” In 1980, on the 100th anniversary of her birth, the 39th U.S. President, James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, authorized “Helen Keller Day” at the federal level by presidential proclamation.
In 1971, she was inducted into the Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame.
In 1999, Gallup listed her among its “Most Widely Admired People of the 20th century.”
In 2015, Helen Keller “was one of twelve inaugural inductees into the Alabama Writers Hall of Fame.”

ithout peer, Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) is an American treasure who should never be censored. She should definitely be included in school curricula designed for developing minds.


RT “Texas Education Board votes to cut Hillary Clinton’s name from student curriculum” September 16, 2018

Dallas Morning News “History curriculum in Texas remembers the Alamo but could soon forget Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller” September 14, 2018

Helen Keller

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved


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