Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Nicest Thing You’ve Ever Done for Us

Thank You Very Very Very Much, Nikki!

In her unearned U.S. appointed position at the United Nations, Nikki Haley presumed to lecture other nations and purported to represent the United States of America in a position for which she was/is totally—and embarrassingly— unqualified.

he daughter of Sikhs of India, Haley holds one earned academic degree: a baccalaureate in accounting.  With a few years experience in rural South Carolina elective politics— for which she was also unqualified— Nimrata “Nikki” Haley (née Randhawa) assumed the White House/Senate-approved appointive position of US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Today’s news: “US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley resigns”

On behalf of all the people … I would merely like to mention, if I may
That our unanimous attitude / Is one of lasting gratitude
For what our friend has done for us today
 I would simply like to say:
Thank you very much - Thank you very much
That’s the nicest thing that anyone’s ever done for me
I may sound double Dutch / But my delight is such
I feel as if a losing war’s been won for me
And if I had a flag, I’d hang me flag out / To let us all the final victory touch
But since I left me flag at home
I simply have to say:
Thank you very, very, very much
Thank you very, very, very much…
Thank you very, very, very much
Thank you very, very, very much…

Now if we could just retire other U.S. brutes and “brutettes” (my made up word, not Merriam-Webster’s) in Washington, New York, and U.S. consulates around the world.

Nepotism always taints the whole:
It is one of the fundamental reasons for the corrosive state of US domestic governance and US relations with other countries.
The blatant incompetence, unprincipled behavior, and unprofessionalism of individuals positioned in high government posts do great harm to the United States, the United Nations, and all countries.
he rest of you, please stand down.
Bow out. Leave the stage.
Your time has long been up and done. 

y fellow American voters, please stop falling in love with personalities and ideologies.
Take the time to studiously scrutinize candidates’ credentials (and stewardship in office) — their prior education, experience, service and quality of service—pertinent to elective or appointive office. 

ake the courage to clean house, clean sweep entrenched officials. 
Cast your votes, meaningfully, to retire members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate who have held and hogged seats (enriched themselves) for more than 6 years (three terms) or 12 years (two terms), respectively.
Bear in mind that their longevity has ingrained bad governance, disconnect between government “of by and for the people” and the people and their needs and concerns; and impenetrable corruption.
Do your homework as good citizens.
Use social media meaningfully to conduct searches for and in support of new, fresh, qualified candidates for elective positions in federal, state and local offices.

ikki Haley is but one minor example of a huge problem of brokenness in the United States of America
wherein individuals assume and retain positions for which they are unqualified and/or otherwise unfit.
Their concentrated grip on public office is an entrenchment problem worsened by corruption that is aided, abetted and personified by individuals, their allies and friends revolving in and out of governmental, nonprofit, NGO, think-tank, and private corporate sectors.
Incestuousness inevitably rotting the whole.


Press TV news “US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley resigns” “Haley, a former South Carolina governor and rising Republican star, was one of the first members of President Trump’s cabinet, confirmed four days after his inauguration. … [A]fter accepting the UN role, Haley had forcefully defended Trump’s controversial polices on Iran, Russia, Syria, Palestine and Venezuela.” October 9, 2018 02:31p.m.


“Thank You very Much” from “Scrooge” (1970) (Transcribed by Insun Adriaansen & Mel Priddle – February 2003)
“Thank You Very Much” (with reprise) from “Scrooge” (1970) (Leslie Bricusse) Tom Jenkins (Transcribed by Holly Tooker - December 2003) https://lyricsplayground.com/alpha/songs/t/thankyouverymuch.html

“‘Nikki’ Haley and the poisoner in the kitchen” July 10, 2017 Pravda.Ru http://www.pravdareport.com/hotspots/conflicts/10-07-2017/138125-nikki_haley-0/Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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