Friday, October 5, 2018

Washington Mob, Madness Numbed to History

Left-Right-Center’s Self-centered Harm to the Young
Americans have lost their minds. On all sides and sectors, self-identified and other identified, they seem to feel themselves justified to persist in a state of deliberately-fueled insanity.

Disagreement by reasoned argument is out. In is  disagreement by sinister dealing; fomenting and acting out crazed hysteria and violence!

Unfortunately, the young, the psychologically and the otherwise stressed under the influence exorbitant wealth and waste, under the influence of the well-off and well-connected—like “soldiers” dying or losing their minds signing up to and serving Washington’s foreign and cyber-removed wars for a thousand-dollar bonus or an overpriced college degree — are easily, often unknowingly, used and abused in the service of dark deeds and ends.

Left to their own devices, in contemporary times, mind-numbing technological gadgetry, the young have no common sense or intellectual discipline or clear sense of American historical events and consequences. The young have to be taught, and taught well; not used, abused, and otherwise manipulated to serve private, partisan and/or commercial agendas.

hen something goes contrary to your liking; when you disagree with an idea or action, the answer is to figure out better solutions and offer alternatives. The answer is not to commit violence either on streets, in homes or offices, or in foreign lands.

Violence, any violence anywhere under any conditions or pretexts always has untold ramifications that extend across time and space.

The young must be carefully taught and taught with care.

he young better taught are taught to think. Not what to think.
To think reflectively.
To discern.
To make sound judgments based on rational thought and moral or ethical sensibility.
The young better taught are taught to critically assess information and informer; to side step coercion and avoid succumbing to manipulative tactics of private agendas and ends.

The young better taught are taught self knowledge, self confidence.
Better taught the ability to search for and see alternatives in life (there always are alternatives!)
Alternatives to fast food and/or war service;
Alternatives to street violence and vandalism,
Alternatives to mob violence and war violence.
Better taught the nature of harm and alternatives to committing harm to self and others.

The severity of Washington  politicians, partners and adversaries’ domestic and international performance has critical consequences for America’s young and the young people, the women, children, and men of the world — in places like Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Nigeria, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, Korea, and others. 

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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