Saturday, November 3, 2018

Decide Who, What We Are by “Values” Practiced not preached

A Long Look at American-perpetrated Massacre 1777 - 2018

Massacre USA Domestic


ea to Shining Sea

Note: massacre listed here means 10 or more deaths; the list is not exhaustive; and the Unabomber is under 10 deaths but listed because of its unusual nature.

Latter 20th, Early 21st Centuries Very Briefly

  • 1978 and 1995 Serial Unabomber: 3 dead;  23 injured
  • April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing: 168 dead (est.); 680 injured
  • October 1, 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting: 58 dead; 851 injured
  • October 27, 2018 Synagogue mass shooting (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania): 11 dead; 7 injured
Long history of Domestic Massacre

  • 1777 Paoli massacre (near Paoli, Pennsylvania, British Soldiers v Patriots): 61 dead
  • 1778 Baylor Massacre: 15 dead; 54 captured or wounded by British
  • 1780 Waxhaw massacre (Lancaster, South Carolina, British v American Revolutionary soldiers) 118 dead; 150 injured; 53 captured
  • 1838 Haun’s Mill massacre (Fairview Township, Missouri, mob/militia attacked Mormons): 19 dead
  • 1846-1873 California Indian genocide: more than 370 massacres 9,492 to 16,094 California Indians dead
  • 1850 Bloody Island massacre: 60–100 dead (Part of California Indian genocide) 
  • 1855 Bloody Monday (Louisville, Kentucky, religious mob violence, arson): 22 dead; scores injured.
  • 1857 Spirit Lake Massacre (West Okoboji, Iowa, Inkpaduta raids on white settlers): 35–40 dead
  • 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre (Mountain Meadows, Utah Territory Mormon Utah Territorial Militia v Emigrant wagon train): 100–140 dead
  • 1862 Nueces massacre (Kinney County, Texas, Confederate soldiers v German Texans):  34 dead
  • 1863 Lawrence massacre (Douglas County, Kansas Pro-Confederate Guerrillas v civilians) 185–200 dead; quarter of town burned
  • 1863 Shelton Laurel massacre (Madison County, North Carolina, Confederate captors v Unarmed Unionists): 13 dead
  • 1864 Centralia massacre (Centralia, Missouri Confederate captors v Unarmed U.S. soldiers): 24 dead, in ensuing Battle of Centralia123 dead
  • 1864 Fort Pillow massacre (Henning, Tennessee, Confederate soldiers v Federal, mostly Negro) troops): 277-297 dead (while trying to surrender)
  •  1864 Saltville massacre (Saltville, Virginia, Confederate soldiers and guerrillas v wounded/captured Federal black troops): 45–50 dead
  • 1868 Opelousas Massacre (Opelousas, Louisiana, Democratic Party opposing Negroes joining party): 200-300 Negroes dead; 30-50 Democrats dead
  • 1871 Chinese massacre (California, Chinatown): 18 dead (hanging); unknown injured
  • 1872 Goingsnake massacre (courtroom shootout in Tahlequah, Indian Territory, present-day Oklahoma): 11 dead; 6 injured
  • 1873 Colfax massacre (Colfax, Louisiana, at courthouse and imprisoned Negroes): 83–153 dead    
  • 1874 Coushatta massacre (Coushatta, Louisiana, political intimidation): 11–26 dead
  • 1881 Pinhook massacre (Southeastern Utah Indians, ranchers, cowboys battle): 13 dead
  • 1885 Rock Springs massacre (Rock Springs, Wyoming, Anglo and Chinese miners’ dispute): 28 dead; 15 injured
  • 1886 Haymarket affair (Chicago, Illinois dynamite bomb, bullets crossfire): 11 dead; 130+ injured
  • 1887 Thibodaux massacre (Thibodaux, Louisiana, sugarcane workers): 300 dead; 5+ injured
  • 1887 Chinese Massacre Cove (Wallowa County, Oregon horse thieves ambush Chinese gold miners): 10–34 dead
  • 1897 Lattimer massacre (near Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Sheriff’s posse v coal miners) 19 dead
  • 1914 Ludlow Massacre (Colorado): 19 dead  (killers Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel & Iron Company camp guards’ attack on tent colony of 1,200 (many immigrant or minority) striking coal miners and their families
  • 1920 election season Ocoee massacre (Florida): 56 dead (Black population of Ocoee, town near Orlando, nearly obliterated
  • 1920 Matewan massacre (Matewan  West Virginia): 11 dead
  • 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain (Logan County, West Virginia WWI gas bombs used by private army and U.S. Troops against union organizers): 10-33 dead
  • 1921Greenwood massacre (City of Tulsa, Oklahoma): 39–300 dead; 800 injured
  • 1922 Herrin massacre (Herrin, Illinois strikebreakers and union guards at coal mine): 23 dead
  • 1924 Hanapepe massacre (Hawaii): 20 dead; 101 arrested
  • 1937 Ponce massacre (Ponce, Puerto Rico police v protesters): 19 dead
  • 1983 Wah Mee massacre (Seattle, Washington): 13 dead; 1 injured

Massacre USA abroad




Mỹ Lai Massacre 1968 (U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam) slaughter unarmed civilian South Vietnamese women, men, children:
  • 347-504 dead;
  • women gang-raped, their bodies mutilated
 Afghanistan (U.S. war) 2001–present

  • War-related violence documented: 31,000+ civilian deaths
  • 29,900 civilians injured
  • Deaths in conflict 111,000+ Afghans (including civilians, soldiers, militants)
  • War Deaths Indirect causes (including deaths in Pakistan) added 360,000 (Cost of War project estimates)

Iraq (U.S. War)
March 20, 2003 –December 18, 2011

  • Underestimated Iraqi deaths (first three or four years of conflict): 151,000 to 600,000
  • Invasion and occupation of Iraq
  • Overthrow of Ba’ath Party government, execution of President Saddam Hussein
  • Emergence of significant insurgency, rise of al-Qaeda in Iraq, severe sectarian violence
  •  Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017) U.S. forces return (2014)
  • Overall Estimated deaths
  • Lancet survey (March 2003 – July 2006): 654,965
  • Iraq Family Health Survey (March 2003 – July 2006): 151,000
  • PLOS Medicine Study (March 2003 – June 2011): 405,000

Documented deaths from violence 2003 -
  • Iraq Body Count (2003 – December 14, 2011): 103,160–113,728 civilian deaths recorded; 12,438 new deaths added from the Iraq War Logs
  • Associated Press (March 2003 – April 2009): 110,600

Execution of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein December 30, 2006 - US washes blood off its hands
 “The Americans wanted to delay the execution by 15 days because they weren’t keen on having him executed right away,” a senior Iraqi official tells the press. “But during the day [before the execution] the prime minister’s office provided all the documents they asked for and the Americans changed their minds when they saw the prime minister was very insistent. Then it was just a case of finalizing the details.”
U.S. military officials tell journalists in Baghdad: “after ‘physical control’ of Saddam was given to the Iraqi government, ‘the multinational force had absolutely no direct involvement with [the execution] whatsoever.’”

Libya (U.S. war)
Libya 2011 and before - U.S. - dominated NATO war

  • April 30, 2011: U.S.-dominated NATO air strike kills Libyan President Gaddafi’s sixth son and three of his grandsons in Tripoli.
  • October 20, 2011 U.S.-dominated NATO bombers attack Libya destroying at least 14 vehicles; killing at least 53 people
  • Libyan President Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi is killed; autopsy not released 
  • U.S.-dominated NATO releases statement denying prior knowledge of Gaddafi’s travelling in the convoy struck by NATO
  • The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laughingly says “We came. We saw. He died.”

Palestine- U.S. allied, armed, aided aggressor against Palestinians, Gaza Strip

  • 2007 –: joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip
  • Military operations conducted against the area
  • Operation Cast Lead 2008: 1,417 Palestinians, 13 Israelis dead
  • Operation Pillar of Defense 2012: 120-160 Palestinians, 2 Israelis dead
  • Operation Protective Edge 2014: 2,125 - 2,310 Gazans dead; 10,895 injured among them 3,374 children, 1,000+ left permanently disabled
  • “Great March of Return” (2018 Gaza border protests March 30 2018 - )
  • Casualties and losses (estimated): 168 dead; 17,259 or 15,000 injured (Gaza Ministry of Health added estimates since July 5, 2018: 1 dead; 11 injured

Note: massacre listed here means 10 or more deaths; the list is not exhaustive; and the Unabomber is under 10 deaths but listed because of its unusual nature.


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