Friday, November 30, 2018

Missing Espy-Hyde-Smith Side-by-side

I have always been interested in missing news. 

So, setting aside sex, race, creed, color, party, etc., let’s take a snapshot of the two November 2018 finalists for the U.S. Senate seat from Mississippi (Column L-R alphabetically by last name): Espy and Hyde-Smith.
American politician and attorney Alphonso Michael Espy, former U.S. Representative for Mississippi’s 2nd congressional district (1987-1993)

1988: Recipient of the National Rifle Association’s Silver Rifle award “for supporting its positions on gun laws”

Public Service
Espy has held positions as attorney with Central Mississippi Legal Services (1978-1980) and Assistant Secretary of State to Mississippi Legal Services; Assistant Secretary of the State to the Public Lands Division (1980-1984); Assistant State Attorney General (1984-1985); elected to the U.S. Congress from Mississippi (1986) U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1993-1994)

Criminal Charges (Corruption, Graft)
  • 1994: White House discovers a foundation run by Tyson Foods Inc. had given a $1,200 scholarship to Espy's then-girlfriend…. Espy and his lawyer later admit deceiving the White House in claiming ignorance of the grant.
  • October 1994: Espy announces his resignation as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Let off by loophole: “gratuities statute requires a link between a gift and an official act”
  • 1996: Sun-Diamond Growers is fined $1.5 million for giving Espy $6,000 in gifts (reversed on appeal, upheld (1999) at U.S. Supreme Court; Independent Counsel then dismisses gratuities case against Sun-Diamond
  • August 27, 1997: Espy is indicted on 30 criminal charges of receiving improper gifts such as sports tickets, lodging, and airfare (1998 acquitted at trial)
  • 1997: Espy's Chief of Staff, Ronald Blackley, is convicted in late 1997 (separate case, same investigation) on three counts of making false statements, receives a 27-month prison sentence.
  • December 1997: Tyson Foods Inc. pleads guilty to felony charges of giving gifts to Espy.

Source Wikipedia:

American politician Cindy Hyde-Smith, United States Senator from Mississippi

 2018 recipient of National Rifle Association’s endorsement for U.S. Senate

Public Service
Hyde-Smith’s political career extends from 2000 and included work in state legislative and executive branches, including the State Senate and Department of Agriculture. She has been a member of the Democratic and Republican parties. Before her November 2018 election to the U.S. Senate, she had been serving by appointment (March 21, 2018) of the Mississippi governor after the resignation of Senator Thad Cochran.


Hyde-Smith is harshly criticized and quoted repeatedly in various media for saying during a campaign appearance with cattle rancher Colin Hutchinson in Tupelo, Mississippi, 
"If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be in the front row."
Hyde-Smith is reportedly married to a cattle farmer and they are members of the Macedonia Baptist Church. She is also a member of the American Cancer Society, the Junior Auxiliary, Hospice, the Mississippi Cattleman's Association, the Mississippi Wildlife Federation, the National Rifle Association, Mississippi National Guard Legislative Caucus, and the Copiah Lincoln Community College Foundation Board.
Hyde-Smith’s was quoted as saying about her “hanging” comment that it was “‘an exaggerated expression of regard’” and resulting outcry was ‘ridiculous.’”

Source Wikipedia:

ississippians apparently preferred controversial over criminal!
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