Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Portrait in Wastefulness, Robbery of Public Treasury must be stopped


.S. Congress must Block, Bury Boondoggler’s Billion-Dollar Blockade

Viewed in individual figures or in percentages, an ordinary person does not see this man’s colossally extreme, careless wastefulness as small or minor.  

Now, as head of state, this man is attempting to bring the same criminal wastefulness to a nation already deeply in debt and, in effect, owned by major countries U.S. leadership and mass media never tire of blaming for their own failures—failure to accurately inform the public, failure to govern with due diligence and integrity — a country bleeding wars and printing stage money as every sector, system, structure and institution of U.S. life breaks down and shatters.


ortrait of Scandalous Waste

Reported a few years ago, updated 2018

Though the businessman Donald John Trump “has never filed personal bankruptcy,” his profit-taking business enterprises, from which he directly and lavishly takes profits and otherwise benefits, have declared billions of dollars in Chapter 11 bankruptcy wherein companies can essentially fail and the government will pretend it didn’t happen: wipe out the company’s debt or allow it to reorganize and call itself something other than what it is.

This super man-in-excess has amassed and wasted millions, even billions, and driven “companies into bankruptcy,” and workers out of work
Citing his bankruptcies, the businessman Trump has been rightly criticized for “recklessness” in general, and ineptitude specifically in managing. But he has used federal law or lax law up against unscrupulously well-connected lawyers to metaphorically issue a get out of jail free card.

How many public schools could have been staffed and equipped? How much college tuition could have been paid in 27 years of DJTrump waste?

Tom Murse reports
  • 1991 Trump Taj Mahal: “Trump opened the $1.2 billion Taj Mahal Casino Resort (Atlantic City) in April 1990” and “in the summer of 1991,” this Trump excess “sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.”
  • 1992 Trump Castle Hotel & Casino: “The Castle Hotel & Casino, another Trump Atlantic City property, entered bankruptcy in March 1992” after failing to cover “operational costs.”
Speaking in immediate societal terms, has anyone noticed how communities are destroyed (Niagara Falls to New Jersey), homes boarded up as a result of transient traffic, not to mention families destroyed by debt related to such enterprises. 

On top of that, consider all the jobs lost when callously careless and incompetent profiteers throw people off jobs then blame the jobless for being jobless: untrained or under-trained, uneducated or inadequately educated.
  • 1992 Trump Plaza Casino: The “39-story-612-room” on-the-boardwalk Plaza Casino—another Trump Atlantic City property, along with the above extravagance—“entered bankruptcy in March 1992.” In September 2014, the Trump Plaza cut and ran and callously threw 1,000+ people into joblessness.
  • 1992 Trump Plaza Hotel: Trump’s Plaza Hotel entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in1992 with debt exceeding “$550 million.
  • 2004 Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts: A holding company for businessman Trump’s three casinos called “Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts… entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in November 2004 as part of a deal with bondholders to restructure $1.8 billion of debt.”
  • 2009 Trump Entertainment Resorts: A Trump “casino holding company” called “Trump Entertainment Resorts entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February 2009…”
This is just some of the known excess of this man. U.S. President Donald John Trump’s border wall madness is an illustration of a character of wastefulness and use or abuse (robbery) of the public treasury to fund his maniacal extravagance.  


embers of the U.S. Congress would serve the people of the United States well by blocking and forever burying this boondoggle

Campaign-trail Candidate Trump’s promise on this matter constitutes a rip-off of the United States of America not to be realized. It militates against the interests and well being of voters and the citizenry at large. The border wall proposal, not to mention its long-term harmful effects if implemented, is bad domestic policy and bad foreign relations policy.

Moving forward, what U.S. leaders need to do is mend relations with the Americas—North, South, Central, and islanders.

The problems we face, America’s problems—whether manifest in drug trafficking or human trafficking, street, domestic or white-collar crimes, conflict and/or corruption—are rooted in prior causes and underlying conditions.
U.S. leadership needs to address critical issues and underlying causes. Address them  intelligently and insightfully, sensibly, soberly and respectfully, as equals, in quiet civil dialogue (not in aggression, grandstanding, tweeting) within the United States and with other nations, leaders, and peoples.  


Thought Co “Why Donald Trump's Companies Went Bankrupt: Details about the 6 Donald Trump Corporate Bankruptcies” Tom Murse, updated January 19, 2018
Collage created from online Getty and other images.

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