Sunday, January 6, 2019

Urgent Call to Americans: Question early, often, always!

U.S. Allies with State Sponsors of Terrorism, Makes Enemies of NON state sponsors of terrorism

Critical Commentary urging “essential public conversation” — Eric Zuesse December 19, 2018— Questions surrounding State Sponsors of and complicity in Terrorism amounting to a U.S. v. U.S. scenario

tate Sponsors of Terrorism

Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Pakistan—each one “identified as funders of fundamentalist-Sunni groups who perpetrate terrorism upon the US and other countries”—acknowledged in private by the U.S. Government.

U.S.-allied Saudi Kingdom sponsor of terrorism

Fundamentalist-Sunni terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda—primarily funded by actual State Sponsors of Terrorism (mainly Saudi Arabia)—have attacked the United States.

2014 secret court case in the United States
  • “Financial bagman who had personally collected tens of millions of dollars for Al Qaeda during the years prior to Saudi Arabia’s 9/11 attacks said under oath…: ‘without the money of the — of the Saudi, you will have nothing’ of Al Qaeda.
“The U.S. Government continues, to this day, to protect the royal Saud family, who own and control Saudi Arabia and its Government and who were the chief funders of the 9/11 attacks.”
  • At the September  6, 2016, international Islamic conference in Grozny, “jihadist sects were condemned by all Governments except Saudi Arabia’s; and … the only Government continuing to support the most extremist sect, Wahhabism, was Saudi Crown Prince Salman, the American regime’s closest ally.” (Asia News reporting “Conference in Grozny: Wahhabism exclusion from the Sunni community provokes Riyadh’s wrath”)
Sponsors of Terrorism but U.S. Government publicly labels as such

On the United States Government’s “official list of ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ are  four governments:
  • Syria (as of 1979)
  • Iran (as of 1984),
  • Sudan (as of 1993), and
  • North Korea (as of 2017)
  • None of them is a fundamentalist-Sunni-led nation, and
  • None of them has ever attacked or even threatened to attack the United States of America.
Raising Critical Questions
  • On whose side is the Government of the United States of America?
  • Is it on the side of countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; or is it on the side of countries such as Iran and Syria — countries that the Saudis want to take over?
  • Why does the U.S. persist in the deception, labeling countries such as Syria and Iran—countries that are “chief enemies of actual state sponsors of terrorism—‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’?”
ccupying Specter Israel and U.S. bipartisan Regime
More Questions
  •  “… [I]s the U.S. Government supposed to be representing and protecting the people in Israel, or … representing and protecting the people in the United States of America?
  • “What’s actually behind the U.S. Government’s systematic lying, against Shiites, and for Sunnis (especially Wahhabist ones) and Israel?
  • “…[W]hy is this U.S. Government lying bipartisan — not Republican or Democratic but both — at the very top of the U.S. regime: the people who actually control both of America’s political Parties?
  • “[D]o the American people … not control the American Government?
  • “If not, then what should be done to the American Government?
“[W]hy are such questions not being publicly debated and discussed, especially in the American press and among the American people?
  • “Is the U.S. lockdown that complete?”
.S. policies and prejudices, its blind siding with this or that “ism” or ideology suggests that the United States of America is in a war against itself—on a road to its annihilation.

Strategic Culture Foundation “Which Nations Are State Sponsors of Terrorism?”(Commentary submitted to all US news media for publication to get essential public conversation in America started) Eric Zuesse  December 19, 2018,

Eric Zuesse is an investigative historian, author, reporter and commentator; co-creator of news and opinion website “Russia Insider,” begun in “September 2014 by a group of expats living in Russia who felt that coverage of Russia is biased and inaccurate”; its published mission: “media criticism and reform.”
Russia Insider
Eric Zuesse

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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