Sunday, March 17, 2019

NATO to New Zealand

Please Stop feigning “shock” and face reality.   

As New Zealanders mourn and others blame and shame and feign “shock,” consider this 
The 29-member United States-led military aggressor called North Atlantic Alliance or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has slaughtered and maimed millions and millions of Muslims (and not only Muslims), and continues to do so with impunity, right across the world.
No one blinks or sheds a tear. 

These criminal, social and moral realities are not lost on ordinary people, people who may be mentally impaired, people who are dormant or rising criminals. 

Let’s be clear about the state of the world:
About endless, even celebrated, global Western-led (unprovoked) aggression.
Let us be honest about the established criminal pattern in international affairs (i.e., NATO and sundry U.S. military, CIA, proxies and partnered massacres from the Americas to Yugoslavia to Iraq to Syria to Yemen to Somalia to Sudan to the Gaza Strip, Western-allied Burma against Rohingya, and many others). 

Let us be honest about endless wars of aggression
About prior and present attitudes, actions and conditions
About the callousness of imperialism (world domination) coupled with the carelessness of capitalism (investment in war promotion and propaganda, in making and selling killer weaponry, in economies rooted in making, training and deploying killers).
Let us be honest about surround-sound forces playing out in copycat common-criminal behaviors. 
Let us dry our tears. raise our heads, rise from our knees, un-wring our hands.
Stop feigning “shock” and face reality. 
End the “legalized” pattern, the example before the world, of Establishment violence. 
Address and solve our underlying, age-old domestic and international (people) problems. 
Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved


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