Monday, April 15, 2019

Other Republican Candidates for POTUS 2020

2020 Presidential Candidates (Presidency 2020) - Republican Potential candidates listed by Politics1: “President Trump will be seeking re-election in 2020. “If a person is running, or thinking of running—regardless of party, ballot status, or chances of winning—Politics1 will list him or her. Incumbent party first followed by the main opposition party, then the third party candidates, and finally the independent and write-in hopefuls.” U.S. Political and Election news from around the nation by Ron Gunzburger, publisher of the award-winning site Politics1 Presidency 2020 - 85 kB - Apr 10, 2019

roposed mandatory (at least some) qualifications for anyone, having met a-c above, to even consider being a candidate for the U.S. presidency:
  • (a)   evidence of good character and no criminal record or conflicts/seeming conflicts of interest
  • (b)  demonstrated soundness of mind and mental stability (a candidate should be required to submit to independent psychological analysis and testing)
  • (c)   demonstrated skills, professionalism, presence of mind for interpersonal communication, civility and cross-differences deliberation;
  • (d)  sound credentials (beyond partisanship) in social, economic, political and/or statecraft matters
  • (e)   learned in the U.S. constitution, federal structure of governance, and balance of powers;
  • (f)   demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in executive (and/or legislative) public service office;
  • (g)  demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in international affairs including diplomacy, geopolitics, geo-economics, fair competition and international trade.

Marcia Abrams (North Carolina)
Donna Jean Alston (District of Columbia)
Alex Anderson (California)
Joseph Anderson (California)
Jonathan Andrus (North Carolina)
Robert Ardini (New York)
Walter Bannister (California)
Marrianna Beck (Connecticut)
Michael Bickelmeyer (Ohio)
Fred "Truth R19" Boddie (Georgia)
Christopher Brainard (Texas)
Joanne Breivogel (Illinois)
Erik Brown (Kentucky)
Chris Clayton (Illinois)
Joe E. Collins III (California)
Keely Craig (California)
Keith Davenport (North Carolina)
Danny Davis (Virginia)
Christopher DeLaTorre (Oregon)
Mike Diggs (Arkansas)
Melvin Eberly (South Carolina)
William Egan (North Dakota)
Kelan John Farrell-Smith (Califorsnia)
James Firmani (Wisconsin)
Nathaniel Glasgow (North Carolina)
Dustin Good (Ohio)
David Griffith (Texas)
Gregory Mark Guillaume (California)
Brad Hartliep (Texas)
Terrance James Harvey (Wyoming)
Danny Hawkins (Nevada)
David Herz (Connecticut)
Donald Hewett (Washington)
Tyrone Jamison (Pennsylvania)
Mario Jaramillo (Texas)
 Jacob Johnston (Iowa)
Arnold Jones (Utah)
Tim Kalemkarian (California)
Kody Kneip (Texas)
Erin Lee (Texas)
Patrick Little (California)
Donald Lowe (Texas)
Joan Malone (District of Columbia)
Alonzo "Tablet" Martin (Missouri)
Scott Meek (California)
Elgen Menefee (District of Columbia)
Darius Mitchell (Massachusetts)
Michael Moates (Texas)
Darryl Murphy (California)
Andre Nantkes (California)
Brent Natzle (New York)
Michael Palmer (Texas)
James Peppe (Texas)
Cole Pravda (Texas)
Paul Preste (Floirida)
Cecil Richardson (California)
Zadok Rubin (New Jersey)
Jim Rundberg (Colorado)
John Schiess (Wisconsin)
Robert E. Smith (Missouri)
Spence Snyder (Florida)
Jeff Stabins (Florida)
Travis Lee Stevenson (Missouri)
Sebastian Stewart (Kentucky)
Alexandria Tate (New York)
Keith Thomae (Indiana)
James Valentine (Florida)
Sem Van Der Vegte (California)
Tim Villari (Ohio)
Angela Walls-Windhauser (Florida)
Jeffrey Wharton (Minnesota)

Politics1 Presidency 2020 - 85 kB - Apr 10, 2019

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