Thursday, April 25, 2019

Update: POTUS 4 DISQUALIFIED their time having come and gone

Judged on track record, quality of international and domestic relations, professional ethics, personal character, entrenchment, alertness, critical thinking ability, ideas over personality 

lphabetically (from entrenched parties of war and tyranny) Biden, Gravel, Sanders, Trump

Bow out gracefully

BIDEN, Joseph Robinette, Jr. (Joe): New Castle County Councilman Wilmington, Delaware (1970-1972), U.S. Senator U.S. Senator (1972-2008), U.S. Vice President (2008-2017)  (Legislative experience but Washington political entrenchment a negative aspect, credentials outdated, insufficient or no public office executive experience - DISQUALIFIED   
      SANDERS, Bernard “Bernie”: Burlington, Vermont Mayor (1981–1989), U.S. Representative (1991-2007), U.S. Senator (2007-present) (credentials outdated, part of entrenched corrupt Federal Washington establishment - DISQUALIFIED)
2.     GRAVEL, Maurice Robert “Mike”: former U.S. Senator (1969–1981) (credentials outdated, no public office executive experience - DISQUALIFIED)
TRUMP, Donald John: U.S. president (2017 present) (insufficient, unacceptable  and/or no public office experience (prior to or in 2 years’ in the presidency), no public office legislative or other pertinent experience, unsatisfactory professional and personal ethics, character) – UNQUALIFIED,

mericans by and large seem politically intellectually disinterested, lazy or ignorant, deliberately ignorant; so much so that they latch on to superficialities instead of substantive criteria in making voting preferences — superficialities of
Gender or sex, race, creed, color, mere age, appearance, costume, style, personality; postured partisanship, propaganda, ideology, professed pro this/anti that, blame this/blame that.
This attitude and these criteria are anti-democratic, critically unacceptable for the citizenry — a responsible, studiously concerned citizenry that should be ever vigilant and continuously engaged in upholding, creating, recreating, repairing U.S. democratic access, processes and institutions.
 AU.S. president must, with new eyes and presence of mind, often against “conventional wisdom” and “elite establishment,” face serious, complex challenges, problems, unresolved conflicts of a multicultural, multilateral, multilayered country and world. The current criteria for the U.S. presidency are completely insufficient (even insulting) as qualifications in a person expected to handle the grave responsibilities required of a U.S. (or any) head of state.

    After the Current insufficient “qualifications” for the U.S. presidency —
(a)   Natural-born citizen of the United States
(b)  35 years old (at least)
(c)   Resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
Consider these

Proposed mandatory qualifications for anyone to even consider being a candidate or serving as U.S. president:
(a)   Evidence of good character and no criminal record or conflicts/seeming conflicts of interest
(b)  Demonstrated soundness of mind and mental stability (a candidate should be required to submit to independent psychological analysis and testing)
(c)   Demonstrated skills, professionalism, presence of mind for interpersonal communication, civility and cross-differences deliberation
(d)  Sound credentials (beyond partisanship) in social, economic, political and/or statecraft matters
(e)   Learned in the U.S. constitution, federal structure of governance, and balance of powers
(f)   Demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in executive (and/or legislative) public service office
(g)  Demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in international affairs including diplomacy, geopolitics, geo-economics, fair competition and international trade.
(h) Demonstrated respect for nations and peoples’ cultures, self-determination and sovereignty
(i) Demonstrated preference for working nonviolently with nations and peoples

Wikipedia and Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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