Sunday, April 21, 2019

Update POTUS Candidates - Alpha Select

Nine with Pertinent Experience: Five with public office Executive and Legislative Experience

lphabetical listing without regard for political party
First Reading Judgment Mainly on Experience

1.     Booker, Cory Anthony: Newark, New Jersey, Mayor (2006–2013); U.S. Senator (2013–present) (public office executive and legislative experience)
6. Inslee, Jay Robert: Washington (state) governor (2013–present), U.S. Representative (1999–2012) (public office executive and legislative experience)
2.     Castro, Julián:  San Antonio, Texas, Mayor (2009–2014), U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary (2014–2017) (public office executive experience)
7. Kasich, John Richard Jr.: Ohio Governor (2011-2019), U.S. Representative [1983-2001/ Chairman of House Budget Committee (1995-2001)], member of Ohio Senate (1979-1983) (public office executive and legislative experience)
3.     Corker, Robert Phillips Jr.: Finance and Administration Commissioner of Tennessee (1995 –1996), Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mayor (2001 – 2005), U.S. Senator and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman (2015 –2019) (public office executive and legislative experience)
8. Klobuchar, Amy Jean: U.S. Senator (2007–present) (public office legislative experience, no public office executive experience)
4.     Hickenlooper, John Wright Jr.: Colorado governor (2011–2019), Denver, Colorado, Mayor (2003–2011) (public office executive experience)
9. Weld, William “Bill” Floyd: Massachusetts Governor (19911997), United States Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division (1986–1988), United States Attorney District of Massachusetts (1981–1986) (public office executive and legislative experience)
5.     Hogan, Lawrence Joseph Jr.: Maryland Governor (2015- present), Maryland Secretary of Appointments (2003 – 2007) (public office executive experience)

 AU.S. president must face serious, complex challenges, problems, unresolved conflicts of a multicultural country and world. And the current criteria in contemporary times are completely insufficient (even insulting) as qualifications to be expected to handle the grave responsibilities required of a U.S. (or any) head of state.

    After the Current insufficient “qualifications” for the U.S. presidency —
(a)   Natural-born citizen of the United States
(b)  35 years old (at least)
(c)   Resident of the United States for at least 14 years.

Consider these

Proposed mandatory qualifications for anyone to even consider being a candidate or serving as U.S. president:
(a)   Evidence of good character and no criminal record or conflicts/seeming conflicts of interest
(b)  Demonstrated soundness of mind and mental stability (a candidate should be required to submit to independent psychological analysis and testing)
(c)   Demonstrated skills, professionalism, presence of mind for interpersonal communication, civility and cross-differences deliberation
(d)  Sound credentials (beyond partisanship) in social, economic, political and/or statecraft matters
(e)   Learned in the U.S. constitution, federal structure of governance, and balance of powers
(f)   Demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in executive (and/or legislative) public service office
(g)  Demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience in international affairs including diplomacy, geopolitics, geo-economics, fair competition and international trade.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

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