Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Roe, Charities spawn nonprofit billions lawyering or laundering all the way to their banks

The Destitute remain destitute and deceived

Roe v. Wade” and its protagonists and antagonists for 50 years, more or less, have been staging, as with most U.S. ideologues and partisans—

A show of endless distraction aimed at drawing attention away from factional self-indulgence and irrationality and, because of neglect, the critical inferiority (sub-standard) and decrepit state of the U.S. body politic, its leadership and vital institutions.
Some people seem to have a problem with Planned Parenthood. So stop flooding it and other profit-taking nonprofit corporations (including Catholic Charities) with government money that, by design, never solves underlying problems or eliminates destitution.

lanned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc or PPFA) is a
Multi-billion-dollar corporation (annual revenue US$1.3 billion)
Multi-millions of which come from the U.S. taxpayers ($530 million such as in Medicaid reimbursements).
The PPFA reportedly owns property including real estate whose combined price is estimated at “$54 million”
Its largest facility, completed in Houston, Texas, in May 2010, is a 78,000-square-foot (7,200-square-metre) structure priced at “$26 million.”
How much education, how much shelter, and how much poverty elimination could all these millions and billions buy? How many able, ethical, practicing physicians (men and women) could be trained and dispatched to communities in desperate need of medical/health services providers?

Get rid of PPFA. Let them pay their own freight. And spend that money on well-monitored public education and success-driven and monitored poverty elimination.

Some people believe, or say they believe, in the separation of church and state (religion and state) in the United States. I know I do. So delink Catholic Charities from the government dole.

atholic Charities is also a multi-billion dollar profit-taking non-profit corporation (annual revenues $4.7 billion
$2.9 billion of which comes from the U.S. government
Gala take in 2017: “$2.4 million”
Other: “$140 million” in diocesan donations, in-kind contributions, investments, program fees, and community donations.
If these people had even been in the business of ending poverty, poverty would have ended long ago.

Get rid of Catholic Charities. Let the pious—not U.S. taxpayers (and we all pay taxes, even the newest immigrants madmen like to demonize)—pay their own freight. Any perverted institution that has for centuries oppressed native peoples and protected its predator employees should not be paid for, embolden, enabled by citizens of any country to persist in its perversion.  

oe or not to Roe or is this the compelling issue?
 I believe in human beings’ “right to privacy” and “due process.” I also believe in fundamental human rights as set out in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights among them 
  • the right to shelter
  • the right to meaningful work and a living wage
  • the right to education at least through grade twelve. 
All the battling back and forth and hysterics surrounding “Roe v Wade” (410 U.S. 113, 1973) and “Planned Parenthood v. Casey” (505 U.S. 833, 1992) about “viability,” and when a fetus or tissue becomes a “human being,” and who is or is not culpable in exactly what, is a decades’ long battle of distraction.  

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in “Roe v. Wade” (410 U.S. 113, 1973) that “the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a fundamental ‘right to privacy’ that protects a pregnant woman’s liberty (not an “absolute right” but “balanced against government’s interests in protecting women’s health and protecting prenatal life”) to choose whether or not to have an abortion.”

Revisiting and modifying its legal rulings in 1992 (“Planned Parenthood v. Casey”), the Court “reaffirmed Roe’s holding that a woman’s right to abort a nonviable fetus is constitutionally protected, but abandoned Roe’s trimester framework in favor of a standard based on fetal viability, and overruled Roe’s requirement that government regulations on abortion be subjected to the strict scrutiny standard.”

All these years and all that lawyering and multi-billion-dollar taking have hatched two U.S. nations
on one side of the chasm a hysterical “pro-life” (except for U.S. foreign interference and killing of foreign men, women and children) faction;
on the other side a hysterical “pro-choice”  (except for U.S. breach of global nations’ sovereignty, killing and denying choice to foreign men, women and children) faction.
Ignored, Suppressed, Overlooked

y the time a person reaches the point of needing an abortion—and long before panderers and politicians, preachers and propagandists and predators start pontificating about abortion — years of work and thousands of steps have been missed; trampled over, not even considered. Some of them…
PARENTING: The imperative of mature parenting and the inalienable right of parents to protect their young.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: The imperative of the young to adhere to the authority of good parenting, deferring to the parental duty to protect the young. Contrary to the arrogant murmurings of the immature (plus mass media, commercial advertisement, pandering $ psychologists, and ever-lurking predators), children (and the otherwise young) are not miniature adults and they do not know what is best for them nor are they capable of handling adult experiences; and therefore they must not be unleashed by irresponsible adults (or predators and potential predators) who would exploit, neglect or otherwise allow the young to pass into adulthood undisciplined by good parenting, and unlearned, untaught, inexperienced in disciplining and respecting themselves.
Schooling and Societal care, caution and proper REINFORCEMENT: Society at large (including ethical government leadership and community organizations and institutions) and mandatory school curricula should cover, in every grade of the individual’s formative years, the teaching of and exposure to the principles and practice of good relations, respectful interaction between and among people, regardless sex, gender, and/or any other characteristic. People in authority such as teachers, priests, principals, healthcare providers, coaches, scout leaders, managers, heads of the IMF, uncles, aunts, brothers, and others should be kept under watchful (ethical adult) eyes to prevent predators among them from exploiting (assaulting, sexually threatening or titillating) the young and developing.
ood parenting, good schooling, good society together needs neither corporate charity nor corporate parent planners.
A world without waste, fraud and abuse, without deliberate distraction and deception, without self-serving self-righteous paternalistic billionaire predators — needs no handouts.

Roe v Wade
Planned Parenthood
Catholic Charities
Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 17, 2019

Out of context Facts easily Fudged, Conveniently forgotten

Showman’s Rhetoric craftily Conceals where and from whom he came

.S. President Donald Trump’s remarks “on Modernizing Our Immigration System for a Stronger America” May 16, 2019

“My plan,” the president said, “expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims. 
“We cherish the open door that we want to create for our country, but a big proportion of those immigrants must come in through merit and skill. (emphasis added)
Let’s take a look at the master showman’s ancestral-immigrant merit and skill. 


he Scots 

The mother of the 45th president of the United States of America arrived in 1930 as a “dirt poor” economic immigrant, having lived in “‘indescribably filthy’” conditions “characterized by ‘human wretchedness’” in her homeland.
She had been raised in a Scottish Gaelic-speaking household. In the U.S., English was her second language, Gaelic her primary language.
She lacked (and apparently never obtained) secondary or college-level education (completing only up to grade 8 in Scotland).
She had no profession or special skills training and worked as a New York City maid or nanny.
The language she spoke in the years she traveled to and from her Scottish homeland was Gaelic.
Though 1940 census entries reportedly lied about her immigrant status, she did not become a naturalized U.S. citizen until twelve years after she had declared to U.S. immigration authorities on entry that she intended to become a U.S. citizen.

he Germans
Natives of Kallstadt, Germany (orig. part of Kingdom of Bavaria), Friedrich (Frederick) Trump (barber, hotel manager, owner of real estate (1869–1918), wife Elisabeth Trump née Christ (businesswoman) (1880–1966) are grandparents of multi-millionaire, Donald John Trump, the current U.S. president.
Donald Trump’s German grandfather of the 1800s came in search of gold during the “Klondike Gold Rush.” Granddad returned to Germany to take a German bride, who later longed for her homeland. But on return they found German authorities had other ideas. Presumably they wanted no part of a male German believed to have “left Germany in order to avoid” military service.
Descendant Donald John Trump also never saw war; though, as president (when he is not immigrant bashing), he eagerly engages endlessly in foreign hostilities, wars from afar, and sends other sons and daughters (many of them immigrants) into wars with many nations.
News reports have found that “President Donald Trump (in his military service eligibility years) received military draft deferments five times — once for bad feet and four times for college” ; and that very likely …
“… A Queens podiatrist who rented office space” from Donald John Trump’s father (Fred Trump) “might have given” the military–service avoidance “diagnosis as a courtesy to his father.” (emphasis added in paragraphs)

elfishness trumps a showman’s refusal to go to warto risk, to sacrifice—on moral grounds, on grounds of universal human caring and concern, on fundamental principle.

elf-centeredness trumps Truth.   


White House “Remarks by President Trump on Modernizing Our Immigration System for a Stronger America” Immigration Issued on: May 16, 2019


Trump Family
Mary Anne MacLeod Trump
Frederick Christ Trump,
Elisabeth Christ Trump
Friedrich Trump

Business Insider “Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War” by Mariana Alfaro December 26, 2018

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...