Friday, May 17, 2019

Out of context Facts easily Fudged, Conveniently forgotten

Showman’s Rhetoric craftily Conceals where and from whom he came

.S. President Donald Trump’s remarks “on Modernizing Our Immigration System for a Stronger America” May 16, 2019

“My plan,” the president said, “expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims. 
“We cherish the open door that we want to create for our country, but a big proportion of those immigrants must come in through merit and skill. (emphasis added)
Let’s take a look at the master showman’s ancestral-immigrant merit and skill. 


he Scots 

The mother of the 45th president of the United States of America arrived in 1930 as a “dirt poor” economic immigrant, having lived in “‘indescribably filthy’” conditions “characterized by ‘human wretchedness’” in her homeland.
She had been raised in a Scottish Gaelic-speaking household. In the U.S., English was her second language, Gaelic her primary language.
She lacked (and apparently never obtained) secondary or college-level education (completing only up to grade 8 in Scotland).
She had no profession or special skills training and worked as a New York City maid or nanny.
The language she spoke in the years she traveled to and from her Scottish homeland was Gaelic.
Though 1940 census entries reportedly lied about her immigrant status, she did not become a naturalized U.S. citizen until twelve years after she had declared to U.S. immigration authorities on entry that she intended to become a U.S. citizen.

he Germans
Natives of Kallstadt, Germany (orig. part of Kingdom of Bavaria), Friedrich (Frederick) Trump (barber, hotel manager, owner of real estate (1869–1918), wife Elisabeth Trump née Christ (businesswoman) (1880–1966) are grandparents of multi-millionaire, Donald John Trump, the current U.S. president.
Donald Trump’s German grandfather of the 1800s came in search of gold during the “Klondike Gold Rush.” Granddad returned to Germany to take a German bride, who later longed for her homeland. But on return they found German authorities had other ideas. Presumably they wanted no part of a male German believed to have “left Germany in order to avoid” military service.
Descendant Donald John Trump also never saw war; though, as president (when he is not immigrant bashing), he eagerly engages endlessly in foreign hostilities, wars from afar, and sends other sons and daughters (many of them immigrants) into wars with many nations.
News reports have found that “President Donald Trump (in his military service eligibility years) received military draft deferments five times — once for bad feet and four times for college” ; and that very likely …
“… A Queens podiatrist who rented office space” from Donald John Trump’s father (Fred Trump) “might have given” the military–service avoidance “diagnosis as a courtesy to his father.” (emphasis added in paragraphs)

elfishness trumps a showman’s refusal to go to warto risk, to sacrifice—on moral grounds, on grounds of universal human caring and concern, on fundamental principle.

elf-centeredness trumps Truth.   


White House “Remarks by President Trump on Modernizing Our Immigration System for a Stronger America” Immigration Issued on: May 16, 2019


Trump Family
Mary Anne MacLeod Trump
Frederick Christ Trump,
Elisabeth Christ Trump
Friedrich Trump

Business Insider “Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War” by Mariana Alfaro December 26, 2018

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