Saturday, June 1, 2019

Imperialism’s Self-Centeredness Costs Uncountable Human Lives

Callous Colonial Divide yields ENDLESS Conflict and Casualties.

Post-Balfour to Great March of Return

here an Arab majority and Jewish minority lived harmony, the British dividing Palestinian land, handing it to the Jews, and ever since (through the present day) suppressing the original  inhabitants of the land, have enabled more than 70 years of settler and foreign aggression—1948 – present

  • November 1947 – July 1949: 
ewish-Arab civil conflict becomes war

  • 1950s-1960s: Israel Defense Forces conduct Military operations against Arabs from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan

  • October 1956: Israel Britain and France attack Egypt with the intention of occupying the Sinai Peninsula and taking over the Egyptian waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red seas

  • June 1967: Again Israel fights its Arab neighbors: Egypt, Jordan, and Syria; and expands its takeover of land: from Jordan, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), from Syria the Golan Heights, from Egypt, Sinai and Gaza.

  • 1967–1970: Egyptians attempt to recapture the Sinai from the Israelis in a war fought by forces of the Egyptian Republic, the USSR, Jordan, Syria, the Palestine Liberation Organization against Israeli military, ending with land claimed by the Israelis retained.

  • October 6-26, 1973: again Egypt and Syria, a coalition of Arab states attempt to recapture “part of the territories” taken by Israel.

  • 1971–1982: Palestine Liberation Organization moves to South Lebanon, Israel Defense Forces invade Lebanon to remove PLO forces, the conflict escalates into war and concludes with the “expulsion of the PLO from Lebanon” and the creation of “an Israeli ‘Security Zone’ in southern Lebanon.”

  • 1985–2000: Israel Defense Forces and its Lebanese Christian proxy militias in that southern Lebanon “security zone” conduct war against “Lebanese Muslim guerrilla.”

  • (40 years after the taking of their land) 1987–1993; 2000–2005: First and Second large-scale Palestinian uprising against Israel (West Bank and the Gaza Strip)

  • 2006: Israeli military attacks Lebanon-based (Shi’a (Islam) Hezbollah paramilitary forces.

  • December 2008 – January 2009: Israeli military conducts “Operation Cast Lead” war on Gaza leaving Total killed: 1,417 (Palestinian Center for Human Rights figures); Total wounded: 5,303; Civilian (unarmed) deaths: 926 (PCHR); police and firefighter deaths: 255 and 236, respectively; Gaza residents displaced: 50,800+; Gaza homes destroyed 4,000+; damage to Gaza in dollars: est. $2 billion

  • November 2012: Israeli Military conducts “Operation Pillar of Defense” war on Gaza Strip leaving 105 Palestinians dead and 971 wounded (Palestinian claim) [The United Nations Human Rights Council reported in March 2013 total Palestinian deaths: 174 of whom 107 were civilians]  
  • July–August 2014: Israeli military conducts “Operation Protective Edge” war on the Gaza Strip leaving 2,125-2,310 Gazans dead and 10,626- 10,895 wounded (including 3,374 children, 1,000+ of them left permanently disabled); 7,000+ homes for 10,000 families razed, an additional 89,000 homes damaged of which roughly 10,000 were severely affected by the bombing; rebuilding costs estimated at $4–6 billion over a 20-year period (UN report)

  • March 30-December 31, 2018 – present “deadliest days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza” Palestinians’ “Great March of Return”: Reported Palestinian-sustained live ammunition casualties: 6,106; shrapnel injuries: 1,576; rubber-coated bullet injuries: 438; tear-gas canister injuries: 1,084.

ull human count and costs seem not yet. In late February 2019, a United Nations Human Rights Council’s independent commission found that of 489 cases of Palestinian deaths or injuries analyzed, only two were possibly justified as responses to danger by Israeli security forces; deeming the rest illegal.” 

The report concluded “with a recommendation calling on Israel to examine whether war crimes or crimes against humanity had been committed, and if so, to bring those responsible to trial.”


PressTV “Iran’s solution for the Palestinian question” Iran Today May 28, 2019

Human costs not yet fully calculated: 1945-1995: 92,000 lives taken (74,000 military, 18,000 civilian from)

Al Jazeera “Palestinians’ Great March of Return: The human cost: As Palestinians marked 70 years of Nakba, Israel responded by firing live ammunition - killing dozens of demonstrators.” Alia Chughtai  May 16, 2018
Palestinian protests began on March 30 for the commemoration of Land Day, when in 1976 six Palestinian citizens of Israel were killed by Israeli forces after protesting the confiscation of their land.
Demonstrations continued until May 15, which marked 70 years since the Nakba - the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by Zionist militias to make way for the state of Israel.
Vox “This chart shows every person killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict since 2000” by Max    July 14, 2014

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