Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reality Beyond One

Fame-throwing Louts and Racialists are Distracters, Enablers, Denialists of U.S. Decline

Low Bar leads to Lower and Lower bar

The current president—unlike his smooth-talking predecessor who presided over, ordered and or left Americans homeless, veterans sick, foreign nationals dead, thousands of migrants deserted and deported — is an out loud boorish man, a rude and inappropriate leader (arguably a mentally ill man), an un-“presidential”  (a corporate media label) president—except when it comes to killing people in foreign countries.

owever, it is also true that the U.S. House and Senate have become a rest home (in wait of a funeral home) for a large number of very powerful, lazy, self-important, corrupt, entrenched men and women who should have been removed (voted out of) or should have tendered their resignations years ago. Some are below. 

Name any of the states of the (no longer) “United” States of America in disorder, decline, desertion and gross neglect. Include among them Schumer’s New York, Feinstein’s California, and, yes, Cummings’ Maryland.

For a long time, entrenched public officials have pandered to narrower and narrower interests, serving no other interests except 
(a) trends, and endlessly
(b) their own interests.
And they have stayed and stayed and stayed in office—fed by (and feeding on) both public and private sectors.

Entrenched members of the U.S. House and Senate, indeed entrenched members of the U.S. Supreme Court, are as dangerous as Trump — all of them in the misguided presumption (spoken or not) that they are above:
  • Above others
  • Above and more important than fundamental principles of decency and care;
  • Above and more important than law laid down by wise founders in the Constitution of the United States; and
  • Above and more important than international laws, declarations and conventions laid down by the wisdom of hundreds of countries to ensure the peace of the world.
But what is really important is always greater than “one”:
beyond “self”
beyond “you” and “me”
beyond “me and mine”
Americans tend to fall in love (as of teddy bears) with “their” politicians. They become a “fan base” of mindless sheep (zombies) of this or that “do-no-wrong” personality.

What they should be doing is finding common ground as a citizenry and working together to improve this land we love. This isn’t “socialism” (another flame-throwing charge), ladies and gentlemen. This is “we the people” “Americanism.”


mericans must fall out of love with personality, ideology and longevity—killers of independent thought, fresh thinking and ideas, new perspectives, and progress

Old-timers’ time to go
U.S. House and Senate
Don Young (H) Republican 44 years
Patrick Leahy (S) Democrat 44 years
Chuck Grassley (H, S) Republican 44 years
Ed Markey (H, S) Democrat 42 years
Richard Shelby (H, S) Democrat 40 years
Jim Sensenbrenner (H) Republican 40 years
Ron Wyden (H, S) Democrat 38 years
Pat Roberts (H, S) Republican 38 years
Chuck Schumer (H, S) Democrat 38 years
Hal Rogers (H) Republican 38 years
Chris Smith (H) Republican 38 years
Steny Hoyer (H) Democrat 38 years
Dick Durbin (H, S) Democrat 36 years 
Marcy Kaptur (H) Democrat 36 years
Nancy Pelosi (H) Democrat 32 years
Elijah Cummings (H) Democrat 23 years

Old-timers’ time to go
U.S. Supreme Court
Clarence Thomas 27 years
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 25 years
Stephen Breyer 24 years


nderneath it all, the U.S. body politic, the public (“we the people”) have shirked our responsibility, failed in our stewardship as keeper of the land we love, the laws and standards (national and international), and basic morality concerning global affairs and America’s “common defense” and “general welfare” (as the U.S. Constitution stipulates).

 don’t know from “racism” (apropos the Trump-Cummings episode) but I do know this.
“Racism” is a too-easy call-to-react-flame-thrower-on-flame epithet and tactic that serves to distract the populace and government officials from their self-annihilating, cannibalizing contribution to the decline and fall of and failure to serve and improve The Republic.
We must stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by this or that — by persons, parties or personalities; by rudeness or crudeness, by social media or smart/dumb phones, by insults or thin skin, playing either “victim” or “king.”
Reach deeply for true discernment. 
Do not be diverted from true North: the true nature of things and our true path and responsibilities.

nstead of reacting, act together, locally and globally, for the common defense (not endless wars of aggression!) and the general welfare.  

Sources / news peg
PressTV “Trump attacks black congressman in new racist tirade” July 28, 2019
“Supreme Court of the United States”
Members of the United States Congress by Longevity of Service
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress “CUMMINGS, Elijah Eugene”

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. This is what we get for allowing our votes to be "counted" (ROFL!!) IN SECRET. That's what the computers do. Whoever pays the computer programmers picks the "winners", certainly since HAVA.


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