Thursday, July 4, 2019

… Sea to Shining Sea

Homelessness: Gavin Christopher, meet Donald John and six U.S. presidencies  

Pandering, Neglect, Misplaced Priorities

omelessness in the United States has deepened, accelerated and languished under government leadership’s neglect going back at least to the 1980s.

Why? Because of
  • Economic shifts
  • Disestablishment of effective government
  • Failed leadership: failure in planning, new ideas, innovation
  • Inaccessible industry or substantive work offering living wages causing a widening inequality gap
  • Rise of AIDS and untreated mental health issues including drug addiction and corresponding rise in capitalists’ (supply-demand) drug trafficking and unaffordable drugs, not unrelated to public officials’ (pandering) unplanned emptying of mental and other care institutions and handing over the public health system to capitalists, thus feeding fraud and rendering care unaffordable or out of reach for the masses
  • Endless U.S.-perpetrated wars whose direct consequences (ignored and lied about) are endless refugees and mentally and physically wounded people (including veterans), both problems band aided and/or generally left to languish without long-term care or solution.

The United States through a cadre of leaders has lost or never cared to take hold of and uphold the responsibility of “providing for the ‘common defense’” and “promoting the ‘general welfare’” (words in the U.S. Constitution); and thus contributing to the overall fabric and quality of society.

he mode, character and method in governance, manifest in U.S. leaders, public officials and their partners, has been infighting and blame, distraction and divisiveness, show and chaos, and pandering to narrower and narrower nonsensical and/or moneyed interests.

Sea to shining sea …
As homeless people line the streets, byways and under passages of California, the governor of this state pathetically panders to and prioritizes “hair.” Were it not to serious in consequences, it would be funny.
Though people have been homeless on the streets of the nation’s capital for 40 years or more, the current U.S. president, in one of his many outbursts, seems to suggest that homeless people have taken to the streets only since his two-year tenure in office and are therefore a personal affront to him.
Seeming ignorant or dismissive of the fact that successive failures, ineptitude and carelessness, in U.S. leadership have contributed to the crisis in homelessness, the president maintains that Washington’s homeless people are an attack on him and an “embarrassment” to the United States—whenever he (the “King”) takes a break from his many immigrant-served-U.S. secret-serviced cloistered towers and golf courses to play host to “dignitaries.
… And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea …” America, America Independence Day 2019

News pegs

Associated Press “Trump’s claim about DC homeless raises eyebrows” by Jill Colvin July 3, 2019,

WJLA (AP) “Trump says he purged homeless from DC streets so foreign dignitaries wouldn't see them” by Jill Colvin Associated Press|, July 3, 2019,

ABC7 “Crown Act: Newsom signs law that protects against hair discrimination” July 3, 2019

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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