Sunday, August 4, 2019

"Broken hearts" Don’t fix Brokenness


  • “Hearts” as mantra repeatedly “broken”
  • Thoughts ring with trendy emptiness
  • Prayers, hugs reek of sacrilege and sham — 
And here we go again for the umpteenth time!

Because Americans and their public officials are busy bickering among themselves, grandstanding and gerrymandering, buying and selling public office and lethal arms to oppressors, and dropping bombs on other people’s countries and families and futures — All the while covering their eyes and ears, shutting down their minds, silencing themselves to severe underlying problems that are tearing their own country apart.
In their refusal to actively, vigilantly and responsibly: resolve resolvable conflicts; mend mendable conditions; and amend amendable priorities and policies, course, ethics and ethos, and the quality of human relations (“broken hearts,” hugs, “thoughts and prayers” change nothing) —Americans are engaged not only in the deconstruction of their country, but in its total annihilation.


iolins, Flowers, Platitudes  from El Paso to Dayton to Washington on Vacation  
Saturday August 3, 2019, in El Paso, Texas, a 21-year-old shooter leaves 20 dead and 26 wounded.
  • Police Sgt. Robert Gomez “This is unprecedented in El Paso”
  • U.S. Tweeter President Donald Trump: “Terrible shootings in ElPaso [spelling error], Texas… God be with you all!”
  • Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick: “Texans are heartbroken over the news of the horrific shooting in El Paso. Please join Jan and I [ungrammatical] in praying for the city of El Paso, the victims, their families and their friends who have suffered an unspeakable loss today.”
  • Member of the U.S. Senate Ted Cruz: “My heart is with everyone in El Paso struck by this unspeakable evil.”
  • Texas governor Greg Abbott: “We must do one thing today, one thing tomorrow and each and every day after this…. Now is the time for Texans to come together to support each other, to help these families in need and make sure that El Paso takes the step forward that it needs to take.”
The only one that makes some sense
  • Member of the U.S. Congress Veronica Escobar (grain of truth): “We have failed. We have failed this state and we have failed our country…. (This) is unfortunately an all too common pain across America…. We have the solutions. They are right in front of us. What we need is the will to act as a country.”
Dayton, Ohio, in less than 24 hours
Sunday Morning Downtown  — a 24-year-old shooter “wearing body armor” and carrying multiple “magazines for the .223-caliber rifle” kills and injures (by early reports) a total of 25 people [reports later updated to 10 dead (including shooter), 27 others injured]

With less pretense 
  • Mayor of Dayton Nannette Whaley: “a terribly sad day for our city.”
  • Police Lieutenant Colonel Matt Carper: “a very tragic incident”


orld Leader in Violence and Media-celebrated Violence  
  • The United States leads the world in “mass shootings” as it leads the world in invasions, regime changes, bombings of foreign countries.
  • Unlike U.S. killings abroad, domestic mass shooters usually die on the site of their shootings, either police or self inflicted wounds.
  • Since 2011, the “rate at which public mass shootings occur” in the United States “has tripled”
Some of the factors reportedly contributing to domestic mass shootings
  • Copycat phenomenon (listed 6)
  • Widespread chronic gap between people’s expectations for themselves and their actual achievement and ‘individualistic’ culture” (listed 4) (put differently extreme individualism coupled with a promulgated delusion of exceptionalism in the culture)
  • Desire for fame and notoriety; also, mass shooters learn from one another through ‘media contagion’ — … ‘mass media coverage of them and the proliferation of social media sites that tend to glorify the shooters and downplay the victims’” (listed 5) (also noteworthy is that U.S. leaders glorify in mass media their belligerence, threats, and killings against and in foreign countries)
  • Higher accessibility to and ownership of guns than any other country in the world — second highest is Yemen (the latter country under constant threat and violent aggression by Saudi Arabia and the United States). The United States is threatened by no foreign country. United States “per-capita gun ownership: “120.5 firearms per 100 people.”


ass slaughter is no longer “shocking” in the United States. The world is well aware of the U.S. reputation for violence.

But Americans, believing the ridiculous rhetoric of their leaders, have the “shocking” capacity to perform or feign “shock” every time they hear of or are in proximity to killings in the homeland.
Moreover, when U.S. personnel and operatives perpetrate mass killings abroad, Americans 
  • Shrug
  • Celebrate
  • Bury their faces firmly in the sand and/or
  • Go shopping (as Bush Jr. advised during his tenure) for more land-polluting, environmentally-destroying stuff.


ccessibility of weapons of mass destruction as causation in mass killings, perhaps; however, there is something in this “man’s” psyche (neither created nor caused by imaginary gods or devils) that predisposes toward death. And the same predisposition that kills others is causation in “his” undoing.


Texas Tribune “Horror in El Paso: 20 dead, 26 wounded in mass shooting at Walmart: Police say the suspect is a white male in his 20s from the Dallas area who was arrested without incident. Police are investigating whether it was a hate crime” by Julián Aguilar and Bobby Blanchard August 3, 2019

Press TV “Several injured killed in mass shooting in El Paso, Texas” August 3, 2019

Dayton Daily News

The Guardian “Two mass shootings in US leave at least 29 dead as Trump faces criticism: 20 killed in El Paso, Texas, and nine killed in Dayton, Ohio; US reels from killings as Trump faces a barrage of criticism” August 4, 2019

CBS “9 killed in Dayton, Ohio, in second U.S. mass shooting in 24 hours” August 4, 2019

Deutsche Welle (DW) News “Ohio hit by mass shooting hours after El Paso attack”

Mass Shootings in the United States

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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