Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Is This What Ideologues Mean by “Socialism”?

Or is it USA-brand common or garden Decadence, Grand Larceny, Corruption, SABOTAGE?

A rich-man character in an early black and white mystery says (to the effect): “I guess you can call me a ‘Socialist’ …; I believe in the distribution of wealth to me.”
n their zeal to rip off the people of the United States (and of other places) — and call it “humanitarianism” or “charity” or “saving the world for (or with) democracy” or “protecting ‘Americans’ interests” or some such nonsense — U.S. government officials and their partners are in fact thwarting, obliterating, foreclosing even the possibility of fair competition, Free Market, Free Enterprise, yes, FREEDOM itself — all the while blaming the selective “other fellow” for tyranny and/or authoritarianism.

Just as U.S. leaders recite the meaningless propagandist word “democracy” (indeed, our “democracy”), they routinely mouth the mantra “free enterprise” (or variations on the theme) — but in the United States of America today both of these are nonexistent.


here is tyranny in the market place and tyranny in the public space, in politics. There is concentration of wealth, belligerent monopoly, government/corporate-public/private/partnered bribery-sweetened cabalism, cannibalism — and  cannibalizing oligarchy. No free and democratic enterprises accessible to rich and poor, little farmer and bigger farmer.

Government takes and kicks back to its pay “masters.”


arm Subsidies
1995 – 2010 annually on average $52 billion [1/2 of farmers receiving subsidies annual revenue $100,000+]

Six percent+ “went toward (subsidized) four ‘junk food’ components: corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, corn starch, and soy oils.
2012 proposed $180 billion in budget cuts slashed “$133 billion” from “food stamp program, affecting 8 million consumers, not farmers”

By 2017: large-farm dominance (4 percent of U.S. farms), displacing unable-to-compete small farms, million+-dollar revenue farms, sales producing “two-thirds of the nation’s agricultural output”


il Subsidies
Actual level of oil industry subsidies estimated by 2012: $10 - $40 billion
Federal Treasury estimated loss over the life of oil subsidy program 1995-2011: $50 billion
 2011 U.S. Government Oil Industry Subsidies
 (Source: Taxpayers for Common Sense report “Subsidy Gusher”)
Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit
 $31 billion
Intangible Drilling Costs
 $8.9 billion
Oil and Gas Royalty Relief
 $6.9 billion
Percentage Depletion Allowance
 $4.327 billion
Refinery Equipment Deductions
 $2.3 billion
Geological and Geophysical Costs Tax Credit
 $698 million
Natural Gas Distribution Lines
 $500 million
Ultradeepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and other Petroleum Resources R&D
 $230 million
Passive Loss Exemption
 $105 million
Unconventional Fossil Technology Program
 $100 million
Other subsidies
 $161 million

Also indirect oil industry benefits:
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Defense spending that involves military action in oil-rich countries in the Persian Gulf
Construction of the U.S. federal highway system encouraging reliance on gas-driven vehicles


thanol Subsidies
1979 – 2010 (under corn to fuel conversion) corn industry: $20 billion
Corn subsidy [controversies: (1) drives up cost of food, (2) as “60 percent of the world’s population is malnourished corn is converted to fuel], a tax credit of $0.46 a gallon, ended in January 2012


xport Subsidies
 U.S. Department of Agriculture promotes:
Export Credit Guarantee Program financing U.S. farm exports (USDA guarantees the buyers’ credit when they can’t get credit approval locally)
Dairy Export Incentive Program, paying cash subsidies to dairy exporters, helping them meet foreign dairy producers’ “subsidized prices”
[WTO (World Trade Organization) bans export subsidies but allows these two U.S. federal government export subsidy programs]
In a report by Darryl Coote of UPI, U.S. President Donald Trump was speaking at the site of a petrochemicals plant under construction in Monaco, Pa., in which he “threatened to pull out of the World Trade Organization (WTO), saying ‘we’ll leave if we have to.’”  The U.S. president repeated his his oft-repeated claim that “WTO member states, especially China,” have “taken advantage” of the United States. UPI “Trump threatens to pull out of WTO”


ousing Subsidies
$15 billion annual housing subsidies (a. interest rate subsidies, b. down-payment assistance) “to promote home ownership and support the construction industry”) during which came the case of Government leaders’ Fannie Mae/Fannie Mac debacle:

Federal Housing Authority mortgage loan guarantee program created government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a “secondary market to buy mortgages from banks” ; Fannie and Freddie (ridiculous names) recklessly over lend, causing the bad-loan (90 percent home-loan arrears) deck of cards to fall, leaving the U.S. Treasury to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at a price tag totaling at least “$100 billion.” And no one lost his position or was prosecuted or convicted of a crime, or sent to prison for an extended period of self-reflection.


ubsidies Other
Economy improvements, jump-starting with post-recession subsidies aimed at encouraging people to “buy more fuel-efficient vehicles and lessen U.S. reliance on foreign oil” (e.g., 2009 “Cash for Clunkers program,” subsidizing auto dealers at a cost of “up to $4,500 … after discounting a new vehicle to a consumer who had traded in an old car”)

Obamacare (budgeted for 2015-2024) … $1.039 trillion [10.6 million Americans eligible for subsidies, by February 2018, most had not gotten them].… for middle-class working families (i.e., people who hold “jobs as food service workers, administrative personnel, and health aides”; also on jobs that provide no health insurance); intended expenditure “on expanded Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program for the poor”: “$792 billion”


US Government Subsidies: Farm, Oil, Export, Etc.,

UPI “Trump threatens to pull out of WTO”

TRT World News “Trump’s top five withdrawals from international agreements” June 29, 2018
“US President Donald Trump has made several controversial decisions, including ones that forced the US out of international institutions. … The United States President Donald Trump withdrew his country from five significant international agreements since he took the oath of office in January 2017.
  • Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
“In June last year, Trump didn’t lose any time after he took office to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement, a commitment by countries across the world to curb climate change and global warming. Trump justified the exit by citing ‘draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes’ on the US.”
  • Withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership
“Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the pact early last year under his ‘America First’ policy, reversing decades-old trade policies, hoping to bring jobs back to the US.”
Withdrawal from UNESCO
“The US said last October that they were pulling out of the United Nations’ culture and education body, UNESCO.”
  • Leaving Iran nuclear deal
“Donald Trump withdrew the US from the landmark nuclear accord with Iran in May, restoring harsh sanctions in the most consequential foreign policy action of his presidency.”
  • Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council
“…the US Ambassador to the United Nations, then- Nikki Haley, announced America’s withdrawal from the Human Rights Council, saying “‘no other countries’ ‘had the courage to join our fight to reform’ the ‘hypocritical and self-serving’ body.”♦  “The decision came a month after the Human Rights Council launched a probe into (then-) recent killings in Gaza and accused Israel of excessive use of force.”

The Herald (Zimbabwe) “US withdrawal from Treaty creates major complications for world affairs” Features, Opinion & Analysis, August 14, 2019
  • “On February 1, 2019, the United States of America launched a procedure to withdraw from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles. The six-month period set forth in the Treaty’s withdrawal clause has expired. When one of the parties withdraws from the Treaty, it ceases to have effect automatically. Therefore, as of August 2, 2019 the INF Treaty no longer exists. Our US colleagues sent it to the archives, making it a thing of the past.…
  • “[T]the unilateral withdrawal by the United States from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles under a far-fetched pretext and the dismantlement of one of the last fundamental arms control treaties creates major complications for world affairs and brings about serious risks for everyone” [From a statement by the Russian Federation].

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