Friday, November 29, 2019

Better than tyranny marketed as “democracy”

True Choices, Studied Choices, Demanding and Ensuring Right to Choose

The citizenry duty of politics, that which is “of the citizen” (not of the partisan) should be engaged — NOT a game or sport.

  • STOP foreclosing outcomes, fulfilling prescribed prophesies.
  • STOP denying access
  • STOP calling sport (winners and losers) and laying bets
emocracy that isn’t

Ordinary Americans (the average Joe and Jane) — parroting what should be seen (and seen through) as round-the–clock manipulative mantra of politicians, commercial marketing, and mass media — brag about “their” (“our”) democracy.

Perhaps some Americans, especially the young and impressionable ones, really believe they live in a democracy— even believe the ludicrous notion that U.S. leaders and their partners are “exporting”  “democracy” along with “humanitarianism” to the “heathens” (terrorists, dictators, communists, socialists, whatever name leaders and partners choose to assign).

All of this is false. Every key word used to manipulate the masses (democracy, humanitarianism, heathen, and variations on that theme) is false.  

In no respect is the United States a functioning democracy. And this state of affairs is not alone caused by the manipulators. It is also caused by the sheep, Americans willing to be manipulated.

he United States of America is not a functioning democracy by any name — Republic, Constitutional Democracy, Representative Democracy — because those ordinary Americans (the lazy Jane’s and Joe’s, the distracted masses) fixated on personalities and pageantry, sport and superficiality have sacrificed, surrendered, given up or failed to develop and/or hone the discipline of critical judgment, decision-making and required rigor, the power of independent choice, and the inalienable right to choose.

A war party, a party of the status quo comprising two wings, Republican and Democrat, is tyranny—oppressive power exerted over the mind of the masses. In the American context, it is the tyranny of entrenched politicians, gerrymanders, plutocrats, their families and partners of convenience.

Having said that, perhaps what distinguishes U.S. tyranny is that we can break free.

ere is some of the variety that “Politics1” has compiled leading into the 2020 presidential primaries and general elections.
2020 Presidential Candidates and Possible Candidates (Do further research)

hird Parties with 2020 Ballot access in at least 10 states
At Politics1 with hotlink

Brian Carroll (California)
Presidential Nominee
Amar Patel (Illinois)
Vice Presidential Nominee

Don Blankenship (West Virginia)
Scott Bradley (Utah)
Darrell Castle (Tennessee)
Scott Copeland (Texas)
Rachel Davis (California)
Don Grundmann (California)
Colt Hample (Tennessee)
Charles Kraut (Virginia)
Darcy Richardson (Florida)
Sheila "Samm" Tittle (Virginia)

Presidential Nominee
Gloria LaRiva (California)
Vice Presidential Nominee
Leonard Peltier (Florida)

Ivan-Jan "Jivan Ivan" Desuasido (California)
Howie Hawkins (New York)
Youngstown School Board Member Dario Hunter (Ohio)
Dennis Lambert (Ohio)
Susan Buchser Lochocki (New York)
Robert Milnes (New Jersey)
Sedinam Moyowasifza-Curry (California) 
David Rolde (Massachusetts)
Ian Schlakman (Maryland)
Former Governor Jesse Ventura (Minnesota)

State Rep. Max Abramson (New Hampshire)
Congressman Justin Amash (I-Michigan)
Ken Armstrong (Louisiana)
Blake Ashby (Missouri)
Dan Behrman (Texas)
Former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee (Wyoming)
Kyler DePriest (Wyoming)
Keenan Wallace Dunham (South Carolina)
Souraya Faas (Florida)
Erik Gerhardt (Pennsylvania)
Evret Greer (Maine)
Brad Hartliep (Texas)
Jacob Hornberger (Virginia)
Heather Horst (Nebraska)
William Hurst (Alabama)
Cecil Ince (Missouri)
Adam Kokesh (Indiana)
Ben Leder (Texas)
Ben Layton (Utah)
Donald Eugene Lowe (Texas)
John McAfee (Tennessee)
James Ogle (California)
Darryl Perry (Texas)
Austin Peterson (Missouri)
John Phillips Jr. (Illinois)
Derrick Michael Reid (California)
Sam Robb (Pennsylvania)
Kim Ruff (Arizona)
 Sam Seder (New York)
Larry Sharpe (New York)
Arvin Vohra (Maryland)
Krista Whipple (Colorado)
Gus Williams (California)
Demetra Wysinger (Texas)

wo Parties in one
At Politics1 with hotlink
Former Vice President Joe Biden (Delaware)
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (New York)
US Senator Michael Bennet (Colorado)
US Senator Cory Booker (New Jersey)
Governor Steve Bullock (Montana)
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (Indiana)
Former US Housing Secretary Julian Castro (Texas)
Former Congressman John Delaney (Maryland)
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii)
US Senator Kamala Harris (California)
US Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota)
Former Governor Deval Patrick (Massachusetts)
US Senator Bernard Sanders (Vermont)
Former Congressman Joe Sestak (Pennsylvania)
Hedge Fund Manager Tom Steyer (California)
US Senator Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts)
Spiritual Lecturer Marianne Williamson (California)
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang (New York)
Michael Aguiar (Rhode Island)
Darcie Allen (South Carolina)
Jim Athans (California)
Sanderson Beck (California)
John Blyth (Illinois)
Kwame "Mayor" Boateng (California)
Jeff Boss (New Jersey)
Harry Braun (Georgia)|
George Clinton Brown (Nevada)
Ron Bush (California)
Johnnie Campbell (Iowa)
Willie Carter (Texas)
Mack Clifton (Maryland)
Cherie DeVille (California)
Michael Ellinger (California)
Ryan Farber (California)
Aaron Fraser (New Jersey)
Ben Gleiberman (California)
Rosalind Greene (Virginia)
Mark Stewart Greenstein (Connecticut)
Gidget Groendyk (Michigan)
Former St Louis School Board Member Bill Haas (Missouri)
Carol Hafner (South Dakota)
Vector Hasting (California)
De'Sean Hawthorne (Texas)
Tyrell Heaton (Minnesota)
Henry Hewes (New York)
Ami Horowitz (Montana)
Alan Howe (Pennsylvania)
John Fitzgerald Johnson (Ohio)
Robert Jordan (California)
Former State Senator Mike Katz (Delaware)
Bernard Korn (Florida)
Warren Lee (California)
Akiva Leffert (New York)
John Martini (South Carolina)
 Joe McHugh Jr. (Michigan)
Charleta McInnis (Michigan)
James Meroney (Texas)
Brian Moore (Florida)
Ken Nwadike Jr. (California)
John O'Keefe (Pensylvania)
Cecilia Okugo (Texas)
Stephen Patterson (Michigan)
Ashley Powell (Michigan)
Lee Newton Rhodes (Georgia)
Pamela Rocker (Ohio)
Shawn Rundblade (Wisconsin)
Cline Russell (Texas)
Doug Sabbag (Florida)
Ole Savior (Minnesota)
Fred Schultz (California)
 Ray Seney (New York)
Gregory Shadle (California)
Sharmin Smith (Florida)
Andy Ternay (Texas)
Luis Correa "Caliph of God" Thezion (California)
David Thistle (Texas)
Chance "Sheriff" Trahan (Alaska)
Ryan Van Bevern (Kansas)
John Washington III (Texas)
Raynette Kennedy Weiss (District of Columbia)
Robby Wells (Georgia)
Fred Wiand (Maine)
Kurtis Wilson (California)
Alice Yancey-Teague (Georgia)

At Politics with hotlink
Incumbent Donald J. Trump (Florida)
Former Congressman Joe Walsh (Illinois)
Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld (New York)
Businessmen Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Guerra (Republican Party primaries, Headquarters San Diego, California []
Robert Ardini (New York)
Walter Bannister (California)
Michael Bickelmeyer (Ohio)
Christopher Brainard (Texas)
John-Leslie Brown (California)
Joe E. Collins III (California)
Keith Davenport (North Carolina)
Rocky de la Fuente (Florida)
Mike Diggs (Arkansas)
Jeff Downard (Arizona)
Mike Fahl (Utah)
Tio Hardiman (Illinois)
Justin Harper (Utah)
David Herz (Connecticut)
Tom Hoefling (Iowa)
Augustus Invictus (Florida)
Zoltan Istvan (California)
Mario Jaramillo (Texas)
Arnold Jones (Utah)
Tim Kawczynski (Michigan)
Trevor Koob (New York)
Patrick Little (California)
Stephen Lyons Sr. (Maryland)
Jimmy McMillan (New York)
Scott Meek (California)
James Meroney (Texas)
Wanda Odom (North Carolina)
Cecilia Okugo (Texas)
Keith Ottinger (North Carolina)
Michael Palmer (Texas)
Adam Paul (Wisconsin)
James Peppe (Texas)
Michael Puskar (Maryland)
Jim Rundberg (Colorado)
Cyrus Sajna (Texas)
John Schiess (Wisconsin)
Keith Thomae (Indiana)
Sem Van Der Vegte (California)
Jeffrey Wharton (Minnesota)
Elfreda White (Georgia)

on Gunzburger is Founder and Publisher of, first published online in 1997 “as a non-partisan public service to promote fully informed decision-making by the American electorate.” Gunzburger is an attorney, journalist, businessman, civil servant, “owner of the sole-proprietorship that is Politics1.”

Selection and compilation

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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