Friday, November 22, 2019

High Crimes and Misdemeanors Club

The Entrenched devoid of Moral Standing

Americans lacking principle, distracted constantly from reflective thought, enthralled with one or another personality, political party or prejudice may well deny this. Nevertheless an important truth holds:
The USA’s (entrenched politicians’) “legalized” pay-to-play elections, overt and covert PAC / Super PAC political campaign financing, nepotistic and interminable office terms, think-tank / private / public revolving-door, lobbying system of governance have built and sustained a mound of rot. And this decades-long portrait in governance offers a textbook demonstration of bribery and related crimes. Some just take criminality further than others.

he current billionaire buyer of executive office enthusiastically joined Federal Washington’s criminal (status quo) club.

In his usual over-the-top showman’s temperament, instead of hiding (“lipsticking”) his membership, he essentially (figuratively) bought a highway billboard and boldly plastered (or ordered his immigrant employees to plaster) on it his Club Criminal Card.

This display effectively called the hand of Washington’s old-line criminal club members, exposing their lack of moral standing to call foul.

All are “members in ‘good’ standing” of the high “legalized” crimes and misdemeanors club. And one of their favorite crimes is extortion and/or bribery.


he new boys (and girls) on the block may be publicly strutting, calling to the rafters their high crimes; but the legalization and unchecked practice of graft and far-reaching high crimes and misdemeanors did not begin with the newest officials and partners in public office.

Capitol Hill, White House
Legislative, Executive, Judiciary officials
Create, Sustain Crime Club 
Endemic and Evident in Executive, Legislative, Judicial offices’ policy, legislation, resolutions, executive orders, foreign relations, staffing, appointments, court rulings
BRIBE / Bribery:
“Money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust”; “something that serves to induce or influence”
Think the whole of Federal Washington and individual states and municipalities
EXTORT / Extortion:
“To obtain something by pressure or intimidation”
Think United States inordinate power and exercise of bullying, abuse of power against nearly 200 member states of the United Nations
PAYOLA / pay to play (paying-piper calls tune / taker plays tune):
“Undercover or indirect payment” for a “favor”
Think the whole of Federal Washington and individual states and municipalities
Think code speak and winks and nods among public officials and partners
“Something for something”; “something given or received for something else.”
Think the whole of Federal Washington and individual states and municipalities.

orruption by any name is still corruption. Crime by any name, committed by any person or group is still crime. And while U.S. officials and friends might claim to be pressuring other states and nations to end their crimes and their corruption — what you can believe is this. 

Americans have written the books, given the lectures; and brazenly, repeatedly and with impunity demonstrated that which, by any objective standard, can only be termed unethical, unconscionable, criminal corruption.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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