Saturday, November 16, 2019

True Nature Naked in Public (Twitter) Square

Crimes and Pardons in News
orruption and crimes against humanity have been widespread in all branches of U.S. governmental leadership — extending, at least in contemporary times, from 
Reagan era through

Obama era
All setting the pattern (the model, imprint) for Now!
ead the history from
Iran-Contra through 2001 - 2019 -
Obliteration of peoples, cultures and institutions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and other places including the Americas North South and Central; and the
Continuing economic sanctions warfare and threats against Venezuela, China, Korea, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, the United Nations
4th’s listing, targeting, and capricious drone-bombing and illegal (warrantless) global surveillance; and
  • First-Lady predecessor-to-Pompeo at the U.S. Department of State who, like Pompeo, put on a show for her supporters, broadcasting her vulgar contempt for a long-time foreign head of state; and 
  • Her hysterical (contempt for life) jubilation at that leader’s murder by foreign-implicated elements.

here have been uncountable U.S. extrajudicial killings and forced regime changes in the post-World War II era.
The 44th, aping his predecessors, acted as if he was from another planet, his oratory coating him in Reagan–style Teflon.
he 45th U.S. President is shamelessly putting on an outrageous show, wallowing publicly in his predecessors’ insidious, posh-talking, sugarcoated (swamp?) of contempt for all life and principled decency.
The 45th parades, on the public square, his government’s violations of the U.S. constitution and international laws; his global crimes against humanity and particular crimes of exploitation, treasury theft, and defamation against (foreigners and) Americans and immigrants in the United States.
The Billionaire, who can buy more lawyers than can the pope for his predators, has thrown off his predecessors’ cloak and camouflage. Carelessly, he struts and utters “anti’s” (anti-human, anti-immigrant, anti-Islam, anti-American, anti-“whatever”) and un-statesmanlike eruptions that are so far over the top that he is ensuring the world’s front-row seats — at the crash and burn of the United States of America.
With his billions or multi-millions (it’s all the same) and lacking allegiance to any person, place or thing other than himself, the detached 45th offers a bird’s-eye view of the true nature and consequences of entrenched malignancy:  inept, thoughtless, immoral, unethical, criminal leadership; indeed a long train of “entitled” abuse, arrogant impunity — an “other” world in which the inexcusable is excused, the unacceptable accepted; flagrancy is unchecked by active, impartial institutional and principled restraint, censure, prosecution and/or penalty.
ertinent News reported from outside
September 25, 2019 RT: “Trump impeachment proceedings based on ‘nothing’ phone call, but fallout will hurt America long-term…The transcript of President Donald Trump’s phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart shows no pressure or threats to withhold aid. So why are Democrats and media still reading it that way, and invoking it as impeachment grounds?
“For over two years, the Democrats pinned their hopes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was investigating the claims of ‘Russian collusion’ and obstruction of justice in relation to it – only to come up empty-handed back in May.”
November 13, 2019 RT: “‘Defending our democracy’ or Schiff show? Impeachment hearing reveals world where establishment feelings trump facts… So far, the efforts to impeach President Donald Trump have revealed far more about the corruption in US foreign policy and the Washington bureaucracy than any White House wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the establishment persisted.
“To hear Adam Schiff (D-California), chair of the House Intelligence Committee and the Democrats’ point-man for the impeachment process, this is about no less than ‘defending our democracy’ and stopping Trump’s ‘abuse of power.’ His staff even made an ominous-looking web page laying out the ‘evidence.’
The United States led by a plutocracy of get-rich while entrenched among influence peddlers and buyers and sellers of public office made a deliberate decision a long time ago to stop even pretending to be either “democratic” or a democracy, or even a representative or constitutional democracy. It is all posturing, lies, and show. (My comment)
November 15, 2019 RT: “Ex-Ukraine envoy’s feelings that Trump ‘threatened’ her & his ‘real-time attacks’ on Twitter are IMPEACHABLE, Democrats say: … Ex-ambassador Marie Yovanovitch feeling ‘threatened’ by President Donald Trump and his tweet criticizing her ‘in real-time’ during her testimony amount to new grounds for impeachment, Democrats and their media proxies claimed.”
November 16, 2019 Washington Post: “Trump administration ousts top homelessness official as White House prepares broad crackdown” Matthew Doherty quoted: “‘They have now told me to pack my things up and go.’” Reporting by Jeff Stein
November 16, 2019 Press TV: “Trump grants pardons to Army officers in war crimes cases: US President Donald Trump on Friday pardoned two Army officers accused of war crimes in Afghanistan and restored the rank of a Navy SEAL platoon commander who was demoted for actions in Iraq, a move critics have said would undermine military justice and send a message that battlefield atrocities will be tolerated.
“The White House said in a statement Trump granted full pardons to First Lieutenant Clint Lorance and Major Mathew Golsteyn, and ordered that the rank Edward Gallagher held before he was convicted in a military trial this year be restored.”
November 16, 2019 Press TV: “US officers will not face charges in shooting of Bijan Ghaisar: US federal prosecutors have decided to close the case of the fatal shooting of unarmed motorist Bijan Ghaisar by two Park Police officers with no charges being filed.” A statement issued by US Attorney’s office said “‘Based on the information available at this time, the Department cannot prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the two USPP officers committed willful violations of the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute when they shot Mr. Ghaisar.’”
The family of the victim reportedly said in their statement that “the department escaped accountability.”
November 16, 2019 Press TV: “Trump says impeachment process has been ‘very hard on my family’: US President Donald Trump has complained that the impeachment inquiry into his actions on Ukraine that now threaten his presidency had been ‘very hard on my family.’”
The president is reported to have said on Thursday during a campaign rally in Louisiana that he has “one problem …: it has been very hard on my family”; (and that) “impeachment, to me, is a dirty word.”
November 16, 2019 (one of many such cases in recent days) Press TV: “Three people wounded by shooting at US high school football game: … Players and spectators ran for cover when a gunman opened fire around 8:30 p.m. Friday (GMT 15:30) during the third quarter of a Pleasantville Greyhounds football game against the Camden Panthers in Pleasantville, New Jersey” (Pleasantville Police Chief Sean Riggins). The shooting incident at the high school football game “has left three people wounded, two of them is serious condition”: A 27-year old victim was hospitalized and will require surgery; a 10-year-old was hospitalized in critical condition; a 15-year-old, grazed by a bullet, was treated at hospital and released.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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